ANNOUNCE: ReSTedit v0.50
bbum at
bbum at
Thu Dec 30 14:48:17 CET 2004
ReSTedit v0.50 is now available for download.
ReSTedit is a GUI tool for editing and interactivly exploring texts in
the ReStructuredText format (or ReST) as introduced by the Docutils
project. Despite being quite simple, ReSTedit is very useful for
quickly checking if Docutils renders some text as you would expect it.
You only paste it into a ReSTedit window to see if it's ok or not,
without writing any test code around it.
It adds three features of note:
- the underlying document is monitored via a kqueue. Any change to the
on-disk file will cause ReSTedit to re-render the document.
- it now uses RBSplitView such that the document can be switched
between text only, rendered content only, or split display via a
Toolbar control.
- the app is packaged via py2app such that the binary distribution is
completely self-contained and significantly smaller than previous
More information can be found here:
General information on ReStructured Text and the underlying docutils
rendering engine can be found here:
A self-contained binary of can be found on my .mac
downloads page. It does not require any additional components to be
installed as pyobjc and docutils are both embedded in the .app wrapper.
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