December 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Dec 1 01:17:51 CEST 2004
Ending: Fri Dec 31 14:43:02 CEST 2004
Messages: 89
- The PSF has awarded three grants
"Martin v. Löwis"
- ANN: python-ldap-2.0.6
Michael Ströder
- BayPIGgies: December 9, 7:30pm
- IMDbPY 1.5 released
Davide Alberani
- ANN: PyTables 0.9.1 is out
Francesc Altet
- ANN: Wing IDE 2.0.1 released
Wing IDE Announce
- ANN: Python Computer Graphics Kit v2.0.0alpha1
Matthias Baas
- PyAr - Python Argentina 4th Meeting, Thursday, December 9th
Batista, Facundo
- Chicago Python Users Group Meeting, Thurs Dec 9
Ian Bicking
- Tibia 0.1 DOM-based website editor
Robert Brewer
- Dejavu 1.2.6, a Python ORM
Robert Brewer
- mxCGIPython - unofficial update for Python 2.4
Oleg Broytmann
- ANNOUNCE : py2exe have now a User Interface tool... (GUI for py2exe)
- Ptyon 2.3.5 probably coming in January;
get your bugs/patches reported!
Brett C.
- python-dev Summary for 2004-10-16 through 2004-10-31
Brett C.
- python-dev Summary for 2004-11-01 through 2004-11-15
Brett C.
- Release of PyGreSQL version 3.6
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 10)
Josiah Carlson
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 25)
Josiah Carlson
- ANN: sharep - share price downloader module
Mark Carter
- Announce: Release of gpib82357A version 0.6
Philippe Dalet
- Announce: Release of HP54111D version 0.3
Philippe Dalet
- Announce: birth of pyGPIBscope
Philippe Dalet
- ANN: PSF Licensing FAQ
Stephan Deibel
- Please Donate to the PSF
Stephan Deibel
- PSF donations update
Stephan Deibel
- ANN: Python-2.4 available at
Remi Delon
- ANN: Python Test Environment
Michael Foord
- ANN: Jalopy and Login Tools
- ANNOUNCE: mountpy 0.1 (initial release)
Radovan Garabik
- Python Users Nederland - python-nl mailing list
Johannes Gijsbers
- [ANNOUNCE] Twentieth release of PythonCAD now available
Art Haas
- PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 1 available
Patrick Hartling
- PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 1 available
Patrick Hartling
- [ANN] [Hack] Import binary extensions from zipfiles, windows only
Thomas Heller
- PyCon is coming - we need your help
Steve Holden
- PyCon Registration Opens Today!
Steve Holden
- ANN: Python Multimedia Computing book and software
Doug Holton
- ANN: matplotlib-0.70
John Hunter
- Roundup Issue Tracker release 0.8 beta 1
Richard Jones
- ANN: PyEnchant 0.9.0
Ryan Kelly
- ANN: PyEnchant 0.9.1
Ryan Kelly
- Reminder: PyCon 2005 proposals wanted
A.M. Kuchling
- Reminder: PyCon proposal deadline now two weeks away
A.M. Kuchling
- Reminder: PyCon 2005 CFP
A.M. Kuchling
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2)
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 15)
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 30)
Cameron Laird
- ANN: eGenix mx Experimental Package 0.9.0 (mxNumber, mxTidy, mxURL,
M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: eGenix mxODBC Python Database Interface Version 2.0.7
M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: eGenix mx Base Package 2.0.6 (mxDateTime, mxTextTools, etc.)
M.-A. Lemburg
- Announce: Zope Technical Solutions Training January 24th - 27th
Brian Lloyd
- ANNOUNCE: Python for .NET beta 4 released
Brian Lloyd
- ANN: ElementTree 1.2.2 (december 5, 2004)
Fredrik Lundh
- ANN: PIL 1.1.5 beta 2 (december 18, 2004)
Fredrik Lundh
- ANN: ActivePython 2.4.0 build 243 is available
Trent Mick
- ANN: SimPy 1.5 simulation package
Klaus Muller
- [ANN] Release 0.18 of Task Coach
Frank Niessink
- ANN: Amara XML Toolkit 0.9.0
Uche Ogbuji
- ANN: Amara XML Toolkit 0.9.1
Uche Ogbuji
- Amara XML Toolkit 0.9.1 changes
Uche Ogbuji
- ANN: pyobjc-1.2
Ronald Oussoren
- ANN: IPython 0.6.5 is out
Fernando Perez
- ANN: IPython 0.6.5 is out.
Fernando Perez
- MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment, Beta 0.12
Bob van der Poel
- Chennai, India - Python Meetup
Sridhar R
- Upcoming PyPy sprint
Armin Rigo
- UK Python Conference - 20-23 April 2005 - Call for papers
Andy Robinson
- Snurf 0.2
Mark Rowe
- Snurf 0.2.1 - A Python-based Blogging System
Mark Rowe
- ANN: MoinMoin 1.3.1 (advanced wiki engine) released
Alexander Schremmer
- ANN: PyOpenOffice 0.31 released
- ANN: Kamaelia - A Network Testbed
Michael Sparks
- Updated Cygwin Package: python-2.4-1
Jason Tishler
- cx_Freeze 3.0.1
Anthony Tuininga
- Houston Python Meetup Group today, Dec 7th!
Karl Ulbrich
- ANNOUNCE: Optik 1.5
Greg Ward
- ANN: Urwid 0.8.5 with Tutorial
Ian Ward
- Docutils 0.3.7 released
Felix Wiemann
- ANN: xsdb does XML, SQL is dead as disco :)
aaronwmail-usenet at
- ANN: HarvestMan 1.4 final
abpillai at
- ANNOUNCE: ReSTedit v0.50
bbum at
- PyCrypto Binary for Python 2.4
fuzzyman at
- UK Python Conference, 20-23 April 2005 - Last Call for Talks
pyuk2005 at
- ANN: Stani's Python Editor 0.6.0 now also for Mac
s_t_a_n_i at
- FAQtor 0.7 - The FAQ generaTOR
stuff at
- ANNOUNCE: SMK 0.4 (build tool in Python) available
- ANN: Naja 1.1.3 is now available
webmaster at
- SPE 0.7.0.a Python IDE now with UML Viewer
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 14:43:02 CEST 2004
Archived on: Fri Dec 31 17:00:52 CEST 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).