View Talks - Buy 'Zen of Python' Tshirt - Free with PyCON by 17th

Steve Holden
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:37:26 -0500

Dear Python User:

View the Talks online and Reserve your Zen of Python Shirt now or get one
free if you register for PyCON 2004 by the 17th.

Don't miss the most important Python event of the year.  PyCON 2004 is only
2 weeks away.  If you haven't registered for PyCON, please do so immediately
before the regular registration expires March 17th.

We are extending the Free T-Shirt offer to all regular registrants (valued
at $20).  See the shirts online at

We are also taking orders for extra shirts, including shipping to those that
cannot attend.  Please email to reserve your shirts.
All requests must be received by March 19.  Price will be $20 + $5 shipping
and handling.  We will ship them sometime around mid-April.
Payment instructions from the Python Software Foundation will follow.

The Talks schedule is now published and can be viewed at

For more about PyCON...

Steve Holden
Chairman, PyCON DC 2004