Call for Participation LL4
Jeremy Hylton
jhylton at
Wed Nov 24 05:24:36 CET 2004
Call for Participation
Lightweight Languages Workshop 2004 (LL4)
Saturday, December 4, 2004
Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
LL4 will be an intense, exciting, one-day forum bringing together the
best programming language implementors and researchers, from both
academia and industry, to exchange ideas and information, to challenge
one another, and to learn from one another.
If you plan to attend, please register via the website as soon as
possible. There is no cost to attend, but we need to know how many
people to expect. Lunch will be provided.
On-site registration will begin at 9am. Talks will run from 10am to
5pm. See the website for schedule details.
Debugging without Programming
Henry Lieberman, MIT Media Lab
Earl Wagner, Northwestern University
Dynamic Languages on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) - IronPython
Jim Hugunin, Microsoft
Using Scheme to Develop Control Systems for a Large Telescope
Richard A. Cleis
Small programs with Zest and Marmalade
Benjamin Schroeder and John Pierce
Eliza, a small strongly typed functional logic programming language
Matthias Huerlemann
Continuations continued: The REST of the computation
Anton van Straaten, AppSolutions Corp.
Gooze, a stream processing language
Jonathan Bachrach, MIT CSAIL
Frink - A Language for Understanding the Physical World
Alan Eliasen
Sponsored by Microsoft Research
Hosted by the Software Design Group at MIT CSAIL
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