[ANN] PyComicsViewer 0.9.8

ionutz borco at go.ro
Mon Feb 14 11:54:29 CET 2005

PyComicsViewer-0.9.8 has been released.

What is PyComicsViewer?

Is a comics viewer written in python, PyGTK and PIL. I made it as I
didn't fully like any of the existing viewers and I wanted something
that works the same (nice) way on both Linux and Windows.

Because of the way it was implemented, you can also use it like a kind
of image browser/viewer, but this is not its primary destination.
Browsing images from uncompressed directories is provided because
resulted naturally from the implementation and because I've seen some
people that distribute their scaned comics uncompressed.

Changes in 0.9.8 (2005/02/14)
* started to work on panning with the mouse
* hopefully solved navigation bug with the keyboard
  when the viewer didn't jump to the next image
* support navigation with keypad keys and with the SPACE key
* added bookmark support
* added support for showing and hiding the browser
* remember browser size after restart


PyComicsViewer is released under the GPL.

Where can I get it?

Home page:

Latest version:


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