ANN: pandas v0.20.2 released
Tom Augspurger
tom.augspurger88 at
Mon Jun 5 08:36:31 EDT 2017
I'm pleased to announce the release of pandas 0.20.2.
This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.20.x series and includes some
small regression fixes,
bug fixes, and performance improvements.
See the Whatsnew Page
<> to see
all of the changes. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.
This was a release of 4 weeks with 67 commits by 34 authors.
*What is it*
pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data
structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data
both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building
block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python.
Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming the most powerful and
flexible open source data analysis / manipulation tool available in any
*How to get it*
Source tarballs and windows/mac/linux wheels are available on PyPI (thanks
to Christoph Gohlke for the windows wheels, and to Matthew Brett for
setting up the mac/linux wheels).
Conda packages are already available via the conda-forge channel (conda
install pandas -c conda-forge).
It will be available on the main channel shortly.
Please report any issues on our issue tracker:
Thanks to all the contributors:
- Aaron Barber
- Andrew 亮
- Becky Sweger
- Christian Prinoth
- Christian Stade-Schuldt
- Erik Fredriksen
- Hugues Valois
- Jeff Reback
- Jeff Tratner
- JimStearns206
- John W. O'Brien
- Joris Van den Bossche
- JosephWagner
- Keith Webber
- Mehmet Ali "Mali" Akmanalp
- Pankaj Pandey
- Patrick Luo
- Patrick O'Melveny
- Pietro Battiston
- RobinFiveWords
- Ryan Hendrickson
- SimonBaron
- Tom Augspurger
- WBare
- bpraggastis
- chernrick
- chris-b1
- economy
- gfyoung
- jaredsnyder
- keitakurita
- linebp
- lloydkirk
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