ANN: poliastro 0.8 released 🚀

Juan Luis Cano juanlu001 at
Sun Nov 19 13:08:58 EST 2017

Hi all,

It fills us with astronomical joy to announce the release of *poliastro
0.8.0*! 🚀

poliastro is a pure Python library that allows you to simulate and analyze
interplanetary orbits in a Jupyter notebook in an interactive and easy way,
used by people from all around the world.

This release brought a feature that has been in the making for several
years: an easy 3D plotting interface! Thanks to the new sampling methods
and the integration of Plotly and the Jupyter notebook, you can now plot
orbits in three dimensions and interactively rotate the view. Make sure to
check out the new notebook example here:

On the other hand, we are proud to announce that we have been accepted as
an affiliated Astropy package, and that this work will be presented during
the first Open Source Cubesat Workshop at the European Space Operations
Centre in Darmstadt, Germany. As usual, you can read the full release notes

If you want to know more, don't miss my talk on EuroPython 2016:

We encourage you to join our chat on Matrix:

Per Python ad astra!

Juan Luis Cano

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