[issue1743] IDLE fails to launch

Rich report at bugs.python.org
Mon Jan 14 17:28:16 CET 2008

Rich added the comment:

Aha! There is no difference in Permissions, but the working recent-
files file isn't "hidden" but the one generated originally by IDLE was.
If I make the one I made "hidden" then IDLE stops working again. 
The .idlerc folder has been hidden all along though - that doesn't 
affect it.
If anyone's changing the way IDLE writes these files, would it be worth 
me saying that aesthetically, I'm not a fan of it putting them in a 
hidden folder in my top level User folder. What about putting them down 
inside Users/AppData like other applications do? Just a thought.

Tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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