January 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 1 00:52:12 CET 2008
Ending: Thu Jan 31 23:54:07 CET 2008
Messages: 2329
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
- [issue1730372] Mesa with NPTL makes Python extensions crash with std::cerr
Gazi Alankus
- [issue1735] tarfile.TarFile.extractall not setting directory permissions correctly
Eric Andresen
- [issue1735] tarfile.TarFile.extractall not setting directory permissions correctly
Eric Andresen
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1677] Ctrl-C will exit out of Python interpreter in Windows
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1572210] help(x) for keywords too
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue798876] windows sys.path contains nonexistant directory
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1442] pythonstartup addition of minor error checking
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Joseph Armbruster
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1202] zlib.crc32() and adler32() return value
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1189216] zipfile module and 2G boundary
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1746] ZIP files with archive comments longer than 4k not recognized as valid by zipfile module
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1391] Adds the .compact() method to bsddb db.DB objects
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1397] py3k-pep3137: failing unit test test_bsddb
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1391] Adds the .compact() method to bsddb db.DB objects
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1745035] DoS smtpd vulnerability
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1966] infinite loop in httplib
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1976] pybsddb leak in using cursors
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1976] pybsddb leak in using cursors
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1976] pybsddb leak in using cursors
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1976] pybsddb leak in using cursors
Jesús Cea Avión
- [issue1342] Crash on Windows if Python runs from a directory with umlauts
Giovanni Bajo
- [issue1982] Feature: extend strftime to accept milliseconds
Andreas Balogh
- [issue1767511] SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler
Ben Bass
- [issue1767511] SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler
Ben Bass
- [issue846388] Check for signals during regular expression matches
Facundo Batista
- [issue920573] http libraries throw errors internally
Facundo Batista
- [issue1562] Decimal can't be subclassed useful
Facundo Batista
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1755179] Deadlocks with fork() and multithreading
Facundo Batista
- [issue1757] Decimal hash depends on current context
Facundo Batista
- [issue1757] Decimal hash depends on current context
Facundo Batista
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Facundo Batista
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1774] Reference to New style classes documentation is incorrect
Facundo Batista
- [issue846388] Check for signals during regular expression matches
Facundo Batista
- [issue1379209] socket.recv(OOB) raises exception on closed socket
Facundo Batista
- [issue1774] Reference to New style classes documentation is incorrect
Facundo Batista
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Facundo Batista
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Facundo Batista
- [issue1788] Outdated link in the tutorial
Facundo Batista
- [issue1791] The Library Reference still refers to the old bug tracker.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Facundo Batista
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Facundo Batista
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
Facundo Batista
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
Facundo Batista
- [issue487738] weaklist
Facundo Batista
- [issue616247] More documentation for the imp module
Facundo Batista
- [issue602245] os.popen() negative error code IOError
Facundo Batista
- [issue602245] os.popen() negative error code IOError
Facundo Batista
- [issue602245] os.popen() negative error code IOError
Facundo Batista
- [issue1822] email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart.is_multipart() returns false before items have been added.
Facundo Batista
- [issue632323] Tkinter: BitmapImage vanishes if not stored in non-local var
Facundo Batista
- [issue1692335] Fix exception pickling: Move initial args assignment to BaseException.__new__
Facundo Batista
- [issue705836] struct.pack of floats in non-native endian order
Facundo Batista
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Facundo Batista
- [issue1675533] setup.py LDFLAGS regexp is wrong
Facundo Batista
- [issue1675533] setup.py LDFLAGS regexp is wrong
Facundo Batista
- [issue1693149] patch to make 'trace.py --ignore-module' accept module name list.
Facundo Batista
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Facundo Batista
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Facundo Batista
- [issue1907] Httplib.py not supporting timeout - Propose Fix attached
Facundo Batista
- [issue1872] change the bool struct format code from 't' to '?'
Facundo Batista
- [issue1742669] "%d" format handling for long values
Facundo Batista
- [issue1924] %i string format breaks for large floats (incomplete int conversion)
Facundo Batista
- [issue784443] test_repr failure on m68k-linux
Facundo Batista
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Facundo Batista
- [issue1204] readline configuration for shared libs w/o curses dependencies
Mike Beachy
- [issue1545463] New-style classes fail to cleanup attributes
Alexander Belopolsky
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Alberto Bertogli
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Alberto Bertogli
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Alberto Bertogli
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
Michael Van Biesbrouck
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
Michael Van Biesbrouck
- [issue1482] IMAP4 SSL isn't working
David Binger
- [issue1482] IMAP4 SSL isn't working
David Binger
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Jamie Bliss
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Jamie Bliss
- [issue1734] documentation on metaclasses is incomplete and misleading
Georg Brandl
- [issue1734] documentation on metaclasses is incomplete and misleading
Georg Brandl
- [issue1712] Small errors in new-style classes doc
Georg Brandl
- [issue1572210] help(x) for keywords too
Georg Brandl
- [issue1730] Documentation corrections for os module
Georg Brandl
- [issue1518617] PEP101/102 out of date
Georg Brandl
- [issue1719] Cosmetic patch for doc/code mismatch (msilib.UuidCreate)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1591] popen2.Popen3 class (Unix) documentation misleading / confusing
Georg Brandl
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Georg Brandl
- [issue1696393] Remove redundant code in ntpath.walk()
Georg Brandl
- [issue1245224] Time module is missing inverse of gmtime()
Georg Brandl
- [issue1742] os.path.relpath fails when path == start
Georg Brandl
- [issue1732367] Document the constants in the socket module
Georg Brandl
- [issue1591] popen2.Popen3 class (Unix) documentation misleading / confusing
Georg Brandl
- [issue979658] Improve HTML documentation of a directory
Georg Brandl
- [issue714469] Easy tutorial printing should be possible
Georg Brandl
- [issue1681] parameter name for optparse parse_args incorrect
Georg Brandl
- [issue1680] what is decimal.Context.get_manager()?
Georg Brandl
- [issue1218] Restrict Google search to docs when in the docs subtree?
Georg Brandl
- [issue1755097] document default values for sort parameters
Georg Brandl
- [issue1501] 0 ** 0 documentation
Georg Brandl
- [issue1702] Word "alias" used in confusing way to compare open() and file()
Georg Brandl
- [issue759525] inspect.getmembers broken (?)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1615275] tempfile.TemporaryFile differences between linux and windows
Georg Brandl
- [issue1727024] subprocess: unreliability of returncode not clear from docs
Georg Brandl
- [issue1686390] csv sniff example
Georg Brandl
- [issue1559684] shutil.copyfile incomplete on NTFS
Georg Brandl
- [issue1582] Documentation patch for reversed() and __reversed__()
Georg Brandl
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Georg Brandl
- [issue1499] failure behaviour of compile() is missing
Georg Brandl
- [issue1325] zipimport.zipimporter.archive undocumented and untested
Georg Brandl
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Georg Brandl
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Georg Brandl
- [issue683658] PyErr_Warn may cause import deadlock
Georg Brandl
- [issue1772833] -q (quiet) option for python interpreter
Georg Brandl
- [issue1668] -E command line parameter intent
Georg Brandl
- [issue1748] contextlib.contextmanager does not use functools.wraps
Georg Brandl
- [issue1753] TextIOWrapper.write writes utf BOM for every string
Georg Brandl
- [issue1755] Misspelling in future.c in 2.5.1 source (handl should be handle)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1748] contextlib.contextmanager does not use functools.wraps
Georg Brandl
- [issue1753] TextIOWrapper.write writes utf BOM for every string
Georg Brandl
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Georg Brandl
- [issue1668] -E command line parameter intent
Georg Brandl
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Georg Brandl
- [issue919614] Python configured with --disable-unicode fails tests, more
Georg Brandl
- [issue467924] Improve the ZipFile Interface
Georg Brandl
- [issue1756] -m broken in trunk
Georg Brandl
- [issue1734] documentation on metaclasses is incomplete and misleading
Georg Brandl
- [issue1722] Undocumented urllib functions
Georg Brandl
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Georg Brandl
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Georg Brandl
- [issue1750] Test: This is title
Georg Brandl
- [issue1750] Test: This is title
Georg Brandl
- [issue1566086] RE (regular expression) matching stuck in loop
Georg Brandl
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Georg Brandl
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Georg Brandl
- [issue1570672] qtsupport.py mistake leads to bad _Qt module
Georg Brandl
- [issue1720595] Allow T_BOOL in PyMemberDef definitions
Georg Brandl
- [issue1678668] fix a bug mixing up 0.0 and-0.0
Georg Brandl
- [issue1809] docs for os.symlink(src, dst) doesn't mention exceptions
Georg Brandl
- [issue1810] Partial AST compile() patch
Georg Brandl
- [issue1685986] Method cache
Georg Brandl
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Georg Brandl
- [issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0
Georg Brandl
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Georg Brandl
- [issue1491] BaseHTTPServer incorrectly implements response code 100
Georg Brandl
- [issue1492] BaseHTTPServer hard-codes Content-Type for error messages
Georg Brandl
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Georg Brandl
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Georg Brandl
- [issue1824] UUIDCreate()->UuidCreate() in msilib docs.
Georg Brandl
- [issue1326] "internal" zipimport.zipimporter feature untested
Georg Brandl
- [issue1854] Broken link in msilib docs
Georg Brandl
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
Georg Brandl
- [issue1222] locale.format bug if thousand separator is space (french separator as example)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1870] bug tracker exception, when searching for "creator"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1870] bug tracker exception, when searching for "creator"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1870] bug tracker exception, when searching for "creator"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1870] bug tracker exception, when searching for "creator"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1873] threading.Thread.join() description could be more explicit
Georg Brandl
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Georg Brandl
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Georg Brandl
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Georg Brandl
- [issue1298962] MSI installer does not pass values as SecureProperty from UI
Georg Brandl
- [issue1146] TextWrap vs words 1-character shorter than the width
Georg Brandl
- [issue1663329] subprocess/popen close_fds perform poor if SC_OPEN_MAX is hi
Georg Brandl
- [issue1124] Webchecker not parsing css "@import url"
Georg Brandl
- [issue683658] PyErr_Warn may cause import deadlock
Georg Brandl
- [issue1687] plistlib.py restricts <integer> to Python int when writing
Georg Brandl
- [issue1700467] stack size of python_d.exe on VC6
Georg Brandl
- [issue1719423] Python package support not properly documented
Georg Brandl
- [issue1411695] XML.sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes <, >, &,
Georg Brandl
- [issue1867] patch for pydoc to work in py3k
Georg Brandl
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
Georg Brandl
- [issue1659] Tests needing network flag?
Georg Brandl
- [issue1689] Backport PEP 3141 to 2.6
Georg Brandl
- [issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only
Georg Brandl
- [issue683910] zipfile should have a tarfile-like API
Georg Brandl
- [issue487738] weaklist
Georg Brandl
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Georg Brandl
- [issue1659] Tests needing network flag?
Georg Brandl
- [issue1351692] Switch to make pprint.pprint display ints and longs in hex
Georg Brandl
- [issue1473257] Add a gi_code attr to generators
Georg Brandl
- [issue1449471] Splitting CJK codecs from pythoncore dll
Georg Brandl
- [issue1178141] urllib.py overwrite HTTPError code with 200
Georg Brandl
- [issue1117751] urllib.urlopen should put the http-error-code in .info()
Georg Brandl
- [issue856047] urllib.py does not use "no_proxy";
Georg Brandl
- [issue1731720] urllib.urlretrieve/URLopener.retrieve - 'buff' argument
Georg Brandl
- [issue1664522] Fix for urllib.ftpwrapper.retrfile() and none existing files
Georg Brandl
- [issue735515] urllib / urllib2 should cache 301 redirections
Georg Brandl
- [issue1197207] Add proxies arg to urllib.urlretrieve
Georg Brandl
- [issue614557] LookupError etc. need API to get the key
Georg Brandl
- [issue487566] smart module import
Georg Brandl
- [issue460474] codecs.StreamWriter: reset() on close()
Georg Brandl
- [issue592703] HTTPS does not handle pipelined requests
Georg Brandl
- [issue771334] pydoc.TextDoc raises for some kinds of objects
Georg Brandl
- [issue771479] pyconfig.h duplicates common defines
Georg Brandl
- [issue799369] documentation for sys.platform is unclear
Georg Brandl
- [issue652749] extra __builtin__ stuff not documented
Georg Brandl
- [issue546558] Windows getpass bug
Georg Brandl
- [issue1648] add new function, sys.gettrace
Georg Brandl
- [issue487566] smart module import
Georg Brandl
- [issue1669] shutil.rmtree fails on symlink, after deleting contents
Georg Brandl
- [issue1647] IDLE messes around with sys.exitfunc
Georg Brandl
- [issue1652] subprocess should have an option to restore SIGPIPE to default action
Georg Brandl
- [issue1876] bogus attrgetter test in test_operator
Georg Brandl
- [issue1877] unhelpful error when calling "python <dirname>"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1087735] mmap instance method access bug
Georg Brandl
- [issue1506171] Add "methodcaller" to the operator module
Georg Brandl
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1533491] C/API sec 10 is clipped
Georg Brandl
- [issue1544306] checking size of int... configure: error: cannot compute siz
Georg Brandl
- [issue1597000] HTTP headers
Georg Brandl
- [issue1373762] Tweak pprint.PrettyPrinter.format for subclassing
Georg Brandl
- [issue538961] Using the lib index mechanically
Georg Brandl
- [issue760657] Tutorial: executable scripts on Windows
Georg Brandl
- [issue1597000] Use \r\n, not \n for HTTP headers
Georg Brandl
- [issue1219903] tp_richcompare documentation wrong and incomplete
Georg Brandl
- [issue965065] document docs.python.org in PEP-101
Georg Brandl
- [issue1545463] New-style classes fail to cleanup attributes
Georg Brandl
- [issue1454285] test_parsedate_acceptable_to_time_functions+DST == :-(
Georg Brandl
- [issue1877] unhelpful error when calling "python <dirname>"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1880] Generalize math.hypot function
Georg Brandl
- [issue1269] Exception in pstats print_callers()
Georg Brandl
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Georg Brandl
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Georg Brandl
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1555501] Please include pliblist for all plattforms
Georg Brandl
- [issue779825] plistlib and bundlebuilder not in the documentation
Georg Brandl
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Georg Brandl
- [issue779825] plistlib and bundlebuilder not in the documentation
Georg Brandl
- [issue1669] shutil.rmtree fails on symlink, after deleting contents
Georg Brandl
- [issue997912] Enclosing Scope missing from namespace in Tutorial
Georg Brandl
- [issue1706] Force WINVER 0x0500 (Windows 2000)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1720595] Allow T_BOOL in PyMemberDef definitions
Georg Brandl
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1678380] 0.0 and -0.0 identified, with surprising results
Georg Brandl
- [issue1883] Adapt pydoc to new doc system
Georg Brandl
- [issue1621660] this module (Zen of Python) docs list broken URL
Georg Brandl
- [issue1726198] Line iteration readability
Georg Brandl
- [issue1631394] sre module has misleading docs
Georg Brandl
- [issue1570672] qtsupport.py mistake leads to bad _Qt module
Georg Brandl
- [issue1012468] Rational.py various bugfixes
Georg Brandl
- [issue1530959] distutils doesn't notice --with-pydebug
Georg Brandl
- [issue1678345] A fix for the bug #1528074 [warning: quite slow]
Georg Brandl
- [issue1882] py_compile does not follow PEP 0263
Georg Brandl
- [issue1750076] Python 2.5+ skips while statements in debuggers
Georg Brandl
- [issue1081879] Pydoc can't find browser (bug+solution!)
Georg Brandl
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Georg Brandl
- [issue1720595] Allow T_BOOL in PyMemberDef definitions
Georg Brandl
- [issue479195] Put Demo/rpc/rpc.py into standard lib
Georg Brandl
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Georg Brandl
- [issue1889] string literal documentation differs from implementation
Georg Brandl
- [issue1034053] unittest.py patch: add skipped test functionality
Georg Brandl
- [issue1908] make html fails - patchlevel is missing
Georg Brandl
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Georg Brandl
- [issue1906] Distinguish between cfunction, cvar and cmacro
Georg Brandl
- [issue1913] test_pep263 fails
Georg Brandl
- [issue1789] assumption about unsigned long byte size in struct module usage
Georg Brandl
- [issue1928] test_urllib fails
Georg Brandl
- [issue1939] code object docstring obsolete
Georg Brandl
- [issue1934] os.path.isabs documentation error
Georg Brandl
- [issue1931] NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Georg Brandl
- [issue1929] httplib _read_chunked TypeError ||| i = line.find(";")
Georg Brandl
- [issue1631394] sre module has misleading docs
Georg Brandl
- [issue1934] os.path.isabs documentation error
Georg Brandl
- [issue1928] test_urllib fails
Georg Brandl
- [issue1940] curses.filter can not be used as described in its documentation
Georg Brandl
- [issue1473257] Add a gi_code attr to generators
Georg Brandl
- [issue1867] patch for pydoc to work in py3k
Georg Brandl
- [issue1961] possible error with json format for sphinx
Georg Brandl
- [issue1981] operator "is"
Georg Brandl
- [issue1985] Bug/Patch: Problem with xml/__init__.py when using freeze.py
Toni Brkic
- [issue1257] atexit errors should result in nonzero exit code
Titus Brown
- [issue1940] curses.filter can not be used as described in its documentation
Robin Bryce
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Patrick Bureau
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Patrick Bureau
- [issue1210] imaplib does not run under Python 3
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [issue1598083] Top-level exception handler writes to stdout unsafely
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Brett Cannon
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Brett Cannon
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Brett Cannon
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Brett Cannon
- [issue1326] "internal" zipimport.zipimporter feature untested
Brett Cannon
- [issue1917] init_types() in Parser/asdl_c.py conflicts with init_types() in Modules/_typesmodule.c
Brett Cannon
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Brett Cannon
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Brett Cannon
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Brett Cannon
- [issue1961] possible error with json format for sphinx
Brett Cannon
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Brett Cannon
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Brett Cannon
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Brett Cannon
- [issue1982] Feature: extend strftime to accept milliseconds
Brett Cannon
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
George Castillo
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
George Castillo
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
George Castillo
- [issue1720992] automatic imports
Juan Manuel Borges Caño
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Romulo A. Ceccon
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Romulo A. Ceccon
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Ray Chason
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Ray Chason
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Ray Chason
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Ray Chason
- [issue1011893] Problems importing packages in ZIP file
Dennis Chuah
- [issue1930] sys.maxint not found in Python 3.0a2
Robert Clark
- [issue1931] NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Robert Clark
- [issue1930] sys.maxint not found in Python 3.0a2
Robert Clark
- [issue1931] NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Robert Clark
- [issue1877] unhelpful error when calling "python <dirname>"
Nick Coghlan
- [issue1877] unhelpful error when calling "python <dirname>"
Nick Coghlan
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Juan José Conti
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Juan José Conti
- [issue1389051] imaplib causes excessive fragmentation for large documents
Richard Cooper
- [issue1205] urllib fail to read URL contents, urllib2 crash Python
Francesco Cosoleto
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Andrew Dalke
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Andrew Dalke
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Andrew Dalke
- [issue1889] string literal documentation differs from implementation
Andrew Dalke
- [issue1733134] sqlite3.dll cannot be relocated
Tim Delaney
- [issue1734] no effect if metaclass modifies dict
L. Peter Deutsch
- [issue1734] documentation on metaclasses is incomplete and misleading
L. Peter Deutsch
- [issue1734] documentation on metaclasses is incomplete and misleading
L. Peter Deutsch
- [issue1518] Fast globals/builtins access (patch)
L. Peter Deutsch
- [issue1518] Fast globals/builtins access (patch)
L. Peter Deutsch
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1784] Error with OptionParser.parse_args()
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1784] Error with OptionParser.parse_args()
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1781] ConfigParser: add_section('DEFAULT') causes duplicate sections.
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1781] ConfigParser: add_section('DEFAULT') causes duplicate sections.
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1725737] Distutils default exclude doesn't match top level .svn
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1294] Management of KeyboardInterrupt in cmd.py
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1294] Management of KeyboardInterrupt in cmd.py
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1294] Management of KeyboardInterrupt in cmd.py
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1781] ConfigParser: add_section('DEFAULT') causes duplicate sections.
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1693149] trace.py --ignore-module should accept module name list.
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1693149] patch to make 'trace.py --ignore-module' accept module name list.
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1183712] package_data chops off first char of default package
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1669] shutil.rmtree fails on symlink, after deleting contents
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1669] shutil.rmtree fails on symlink, after deleting contents
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1706039] Added clearerr() to clear EOF state
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue479195] Put Demo/rpc/rpc.py into standard lib
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue479195] Put Demo/rpc/rpc.py into standard lib
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue491331] request sys.required_version
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue609824] traceback.print_stack extension
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue462716] sys.settrace inheritance
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue618633] sys.execpthook not used in threads
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue784443] test_repr failure on m68k-linux
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue817920] select behavior undefined for empty lists
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue835338] [2.3.2] test_socket failure on IRIX 6.5
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue784443] test_repr failure on m68k-linux
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue784231] getopt_long_only()
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue814996] OSF/1 test_dbm segfaults
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue780024] Makefile.pre.in ignores CPPFLAGS from environment
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue606733] Docstring formatter.
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue600362] relocate cgi.parse_qs() into urlparse
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue756914] SSL support for poplib
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue799104] CPPFLAGS should not be aded to ldshard command
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue799088] distutils ignored LDFLAGS in Makefile
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue800926] Python version numbers in headers/footers PDF documentation
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue800929] Module-specific PDFs
Raghuram Devarakonda
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Scott Dial
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Scott Dial
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Scott Dial
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1729] Allow float('infinity') as well as float('inf')
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1729] Allow float('infinity') as well as float('inf')
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1757] Decimal hash depends on current context
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1757] Decimal hash depends on current context
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1514428] NaN comparison in Decimal broken
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1516613] Decimal should allow leading or trailing spaces.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1694] floating point number round failures under Linux
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1869] Builtin round function is sometimes inaccurate for floats
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue923643] long <-> byte-string conversion
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1023290] proposed struct module format code addition
Mark Dickinson
- [issue705836] struct.pack of floats in non-native endian order
Mark Dickinson
- [issue705836] struct.pack of floats in non-native endian order
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue705836] struct.pack of floats in non-native endian order
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1879] sqrt(-1) doesn't raise ValueError on OS X
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1880] Generalize math.hypot function
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1153226] string interpolation breaks with %d and large float
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1678380] 0.0 and -0.0 identified, with surprising results
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1678380] 0.0 and -0.0 identified, with surprising results
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1678668] fix a bug mixing up 0.0 and-0.0
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1920] while else loop seems to behave incorrectly
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1875] "if 0: return" not raising SyntaxError
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1920] while else loop seems to behave incorrectly
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1920] while else loop seems to behave incorrectly
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1933] os.path.isabs documentation error
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue923643] long <-> byte-string conversion
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1905] PythonLauncher not working correctly on OS X 10.5/Leopad
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1979] Make Decimal comparisons with NaN less arbitrary
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1979] Make Decimal comparisons with NaN less arbitrary
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1979] Make Decimal comparisons with NaN less arbitrary
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1678380] 0.0 and -0.0 identified, with surprising results
Mark Dickinson
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
- [issue1092502] Memory leak in socket.py on Mac OS X
Martey Dodoo
- [issue1092502] Memory leak in socket.py on Mac OS X
Martey Dodoo
- [issue1812] doctest _load_testfile function -- newline handling seems incorrect
Peter Donis
- [issue1812] doctest _load_testfile function -- newline handling seems incorrect
Peter Donis
- [issue1812] doctest _load_testfile function -- newline handling seems incorrect
Peter Donis
- [issue1718] Tarfile fails to fully extract tar.bz2/tar.gz package
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1718] Tarfile fails to fully extract tar.bz2/tar.gz package
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1718] Tarfile fails to fully extract tar.bz2/tar.gz package
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Ismail Donmez
- [issue1627] Problem with httplib and Content-Length: -1
Steven Downum
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Phillip J. Eby
- [issue1760] PEP 341 is not reflected in the documentation
Yinon Ehrlich
- [issue1815] Distutils add ability to skip build [Feature Request]
Daniel Eloff
- [issue1923] meaningful whitespace can be lost in rfc822_escape
Stephen Emslie
- [issue1923] meaningful whitespace can be lost in rfc822_escape
Stephen Emslie
- [issue1868] threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
Peter Fein
- [issue1868] threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
Peter Fein
- [issue770280] PyMarshal_ReadLastObjectFromFile
Paul Felix
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
Bill Fenner
- [issue1747858] chown broken on 64bit
Andrew Ferguson
- [issue1838] Ctypes C-level infinite recursion
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [issue1875] "if 0: return" not raising SyntaxError
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [issue1326] "internal" zipimport.zipimporter feature untested
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [issue1817] module-cgi: handling GET and POST together
Alexandre Fiori
- [issue1817] module-cgi: handling GET and POST together
Alexandre Fiori
- [issue1817] module-cgi: handling GET and POST together
Alexandre Fiori
- [issue1918] weak references are removed before __del__ is called.
Jeff Foran
- [issue1411695] XML.sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes <, >, &,
Ryan Freckleton
- [issue1411695] XML.sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes <, >, &,
Ryan Freckleton
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [issue487738] weaklist
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [issue1925] TypeError in deepcopy
Egon Frerich
- [issue1597850] Cross compiling patches for MINGW
Christopher Friedt
- [issue1137] pyexpat patch for changing buffer_size
Achim Gaedke
- [issue1778] SyntaxError.offset sometimes wrong
Achim Gaedke
- [issue1778] SyntaxError.offset sometimes wrong
Achim Gaedke
- [issue1542677] IDLE shell doesn't accept non ascii char input
Santiago Gala
- [issue1867] patch for pydoc to work in py3k
Santiago Gala
- [issue1867] patch for pydoc to work in py3k
Santiago Gala
- [issue1146] TextWrap vs words 1-character shorter than the width
Quentin Gallet-Gilles
- [issue1714] ConfigParser.py do not allow leading (and trailing) space in values.
Quentin Gallet-Gilles
- [issue1809] docs for os.symlink(src, dst) doesn't mention exceptions
David Gardner
- [issue1809] docs for os.symlink(src, dst) doesn't mention exceptions
David Gardner
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1221] email.Utils.parseaddr("a(WRONG)@b")
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1221] email.Utils.parseaddr("a(WRONG)@b")
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Stuart D Gathman
- [issue1723] Respuesta automática de Yahoo!
Gabriel Genellina
- [issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs
Gabriel Genellina
- [issue1927] raw_input behavior incorrect if readline not enabled
Gabriel Genellina
- [issue1860] traceback.print_last fails
Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou)
- [issue1860] traceback.print_last fails
Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou)
- [issue1964] Slight adjustment to sphinx print-media stylesheet
Tim Golden
- [issue1924] %i string format breaks for large floats (incomplete int conversion)
David Goodger
- [issue1955] fix using unittest as a superclass
Adam Goucher
- [issue1735] tarfile.TarFile.extractall not setting directory permissions correctly
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1735] tarfile.TarFile.extractall not setting directory permissions correctly
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1735] tarfile.TarFile.extractall not setting directory permissions correctly
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1540385] tarfile __slots__ addition
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1527974] tarfile chokes on ipython archive on Windows
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Mark Hammond
- [issue1754489] Non-portable address length calculation for AF_UNIX sockets
Vlado Handziski
- [issue1830] pygettext.py syntax error
Peter Harris
- [issue1830] pygettext.py py3k errors
Peter Harris
- [issue1840] Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py fixes for Python 3.0
Peter Harris
- [issue1790] xmlrpclib ServerProxy page has out-of-date content
Vilya Harvey
- [issue1791] The Library Reference still refers to the old bug tracker.
Vilya Harvey
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1694] floating point number round failures under Linux
Christian Heimes
- [issue1692] Syntax Error exception dosen't print string; not informative
Christian Heimes
- [issue1719] Cosmetic patch for doc/code mismatch (msilib.UuidCreate)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1721] _tkinter.c:903: AsObj: Assertion `size < size * sizeof(Tcl_UniChar)' failed
Christian Heimes
- [issue1720] VC6 build patch for release-maint25
Christian Heimes
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Christian Heimes
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Christian Heimes
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Christian Heimes
- [issue1726] Remove Python/atof.c from PCBuild/pythoncore.vcproj
Christian Heimes
- [issue1726] Remove Python/atof.c from PCBuild/pythoncore.vcproj
Christian Heimes
- [issue1567] Patch for new API method _PyImport_ImportModuleNoLock(char *name)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1567] Patch for new API method _PyImport_ImportModuleNoLock(char *name)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Christian Heimes
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1567] Patch for new API method _PyImport_ImportModuleNoLock(char *name)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1730] Documentation corrections for os module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Christian Heimes
- [issue1727] VC6 build patch for python3000
Christian Heimes
- [issue1591] popen2.Popen3 class (Unix) documentation misleading / confusing
Christian Heimes
- [issue761863] readline module that checks signals
Christian Heimes
- [issue906405] Build fails on XP w/mingw
Christian Heimes
- [issue681515] smtpd.py move setuid, allow dashes
Christian Heimes
- [issue789290] Minor FP bug in object.c
Christian Heimes
- [issue896330] pyconfig.h is not placed in --includedir
Christian Heimes
- [issue891930] configure argument --libdir is ignored
Christian Heimes
- [issue708007] TelnetPopen3, TelnetBase, Expect split
Christian Heimes
- [issue1235] CGIHTTPRequestHandler.run_cgi() does not run on Windows if sys.executable contains blanks
Christian Heimes
- [issue1279] os.system() oddity under Windows XP SP2
Christian Heimes
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Christian Heimes
- [issue1687] plistlib.py restricts <integer> to Python int when writing
Christian Heimes
- [issue815646] thread unsafe file objects cause crash
Christian Heimes
- [issue775964] fix test_grp failing on RedHat 6.2
Christian Heimes
- [issue683658] PyErr_Warn may cause import deadlock
Christian Heimes
- [issue731991] find correct socklen_t type
Christian Heimes
- [issue770280] PyMarshal_ReadLastObjectFromFile
Christian Heimes
- [issue774751] slow socket binding & netinfo lookups
Christian Heimes
- [issue813453] restrictions in _tkinter built with threaded tk undocumented
Christian Heimes
- [issue860134] socketmodule.c does not pickup all symbols with MS visC++
Christian Heimes
- [issue1481296] long(float('nan'))!=0L
Christian Heimes
- [issue945861] dir(object) does not list __name__
Christian Heimes
- [issue798876] windows sys.path contains nonexistant directory
Christian Heimes
- [issue1081879] Pydoc can't find browser (bug+solution!)
Christian Heimes
- [issue614555] Rewrite _reduce and _reconstructor in C
Christian Heimes
- [issue1234] semaphore errors on AIX 5.2
Christian Heimes
- [issue774751] slow socket binding & netinfo lookups
Christian Heimes
- [issue779218] 2.3c2 test_pwd fails on Mac OS X 10.2.6
Christian Heimes
- [issue828743] bdist_rpm failure when no setup.py
Christian Heimes
- [issue1028697] Problem linking on windows using mingw32 and C++
Christian Heimes
- [issue730473] Add Py_AtInit() startup hook for extenders
Christian Heimes
- [issue1054943] Python may contain NFC/NFKC bug per Unicode PRI #29
Christian Heimes
- [issue837577] cryptic os.spawnvpe() return code
Christian Heimes
- [issue935117] pkgutil doesn't understand case-senseless filesystems
Christian Heimes
- [issue886488] WinPython 2.3.3 crashes using popen2 to spawn lots of child
Christian Heimes
- [issue763708] Failures in test_macostools for --enable-unicode=ucs4
Christian Heimes
- [issue1005895] curses for win32
Christian Heimes
- [issue1548687] C modules reloaded on certain failed imports
Christian Heimes
- [issue1433886] pointer aliasing causes core dump, with workaround
Christian Heimes
- [issue1732] Doc build fails with a KeyError
Christian Heimes
- [issue953599] asyncore misses socket closes when poll is used
Christian Heimes
- [issue1598083] Top-level exception handler writes to stdout unsafely
Christian Heimes
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Christian Heimes
- [issue1193610] Expat Parser to supply document locator in incremental parse
Christian Heimes
- [issue1733] Maybe PC/VS7.1/pythoncore.vcproj is missing Modules/md5module.c
Christian Heimes
- [issue1735] tarfile.TarFile.extractall not setting directory permissions correctly
Christian Heimes
- [issue1687] plistlib.py restricts <integer> to Python int when writing
Christian Heimes
- [issue1567] Patch for new API method _PyImport_ImportModuleNoLock(char *name)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1713] posixpath.ismount() claims symlink to a mountpoint is a mountpoint.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1727] VC6 build patch for python3000
Christian Heimes
- [issue1527] Problem with static libs on Windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue889544] win32 raw socket support
Christian Heimes
- [issue1736] Three bugs of FCICreate (PC/_msi.c)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1727] VC6 build patch for python3000
Christian Heimes
- [issue846388] Check for signals during regular expression matches
Christian Heimes
- [issue1089358] need siginterrupt() on Linux - impossible to do timeouts
Christian Heimes
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Christian Heimes
- [issue482531] python directory not added to PATH
Christian Heimes
- [issue490264] Portable compiler option specification
Christian Heimes
- [issue734115] Packaging without disturbing an existing installation
Christian Heimes
- [issue699594] refcount problem involving debugger
Christian Heimes
- [issue706392] faster _socket.connect variant desired
Christian Heimes
- [issue1009929] PyErr_Clear() vs. AsynchronousException
Christian Heimes
- [issue990749] os constants missing
Christian Heimes
- [issue812369] module shutdown procedure based on GC
Christian Heimes
- [issue842171] Digital Unix build fails to create ccpython.o
Christian Heimes
- [issue813922] Zero Configuration Networking?
Christian Heimes
- [issue759525] inspect.getmembers broken (?)
Christian Heimes
- [issue618593] Windows binary missing IPv6 support
Christian Heimes
- [issue452144] How to install some stuff to /usr/sbin
Christian Heimes
- [issue616247] More documentation for the imp module
Christian Heimes
- [issue452973] Tcl event loop callback woes
Christian Heimes
- [issue577295] Print line number of string if at EOF
Christian Heimes
- [issue750423] event handling support
Christian Heimes
- [issue691291] codecs.open(filename, 'U', 'UTF-16') corrupts text
Christian Heimes
- [issue648658] xmlrpc can't do proxied HTTP
Christian Heimes
- [issue828450] sdist generates bad MANIFEST on Windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue793069] Add --remove-source option
Christian Heimes
- [issue787113] zipimport on meta_path fails with mutual importers
Christian Heimes
- [issue883969] distutils doesn't see user-directories set via VisStudio 7.1
Christian Heimes
- [issue626452] Support RFC 2111 in email package
Christian Heimes
- [issue694339] Dedenting with Shift+Tab
Christian Heimes
- [issue900949] plat-mac/videoreader.py not working on OS X
Christian Heimes
- [issue617979] need easy way of decoding a literal
Christian Heimes
- [issue602245] os.popen() negative error code IOError
Christian Heimes
- [issue481171] Hang using files named prn.txt, etc
Christian Heimes
- [issue963845] There ought to be a way to uninstall
Christian Heimes
- [issue960325] "require <feature>" configure option
Christian Heimes
- [issue979658] Improve HTML documentation of a directory
Christian Heimes
- [issue1052098] Seting defaultencoding through an environment variable
Christian Heimes
- [issue1018492] Solaris: reentrancy issues
Christian Heimes
- [issue1053369] ftplib: add support for MDTM command
Christian Heimes
- [issue985094] getattr(object,name) accepts only strings
Christian Heimes
- [issue964949] Ctrl-C causes odd behaviour
Christian Heimes
- [issue1092962] Make Generators Pickle-able
Christian Heimes
- [issue1104021] wishlist: os.feed_urandom(input)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1109658] distutils dry-run breaks when attempting to bytecompile
Christian Heimes
- [issue1166378] No os.spawn*p* on Windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1173134] improvement of the script adaptation for the win32 platform
Christian Heimes
- [issue1203650] Allow larger programs to be frozen under Win32
Christian Heimes
- [issue1222585] C++ compilation support for distutils
Christian Heimes
- [issue1145231] No os.statvfs on FreeBSD
Christian Heimes
- [issue487738] weaklist
Christian Heimes
- [issue1276768] dirutils.mkpath (verbose option does not work)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1251748] compiler package: "global a; a=5"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1288056] pygettext - provide comments to help translators
Christian Heimes
- [issue1260171] subprocess: more general (non-buffering) communication
Christian Heimes
- [issue1294959] Problems with /usr/lib64 builds.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1471243] Visual Studio 2005 CRT error handler
Christian Heimes
- [issue1092502] Memory leak in socket.py on Mac OS X 10.3
Christian Heimes
- [issue1351036] PythonD new file: python2.4/plat-ms-dos5/djstat.py
Christian Heimes
- [issue1326113] Letting "build_ext --libraries" take more than one lib
Christian Heimes
- [issue628842] Deprecate PyNumber_Check
Christian Heimes
- [issue919614] Python configured with --disable-unicode fails tests, more
Christian Heimes
- [issue1533105] NetBSD build with --with-pydebug causes SIGSEGV
Christian Heimes
- [issue1524938] PEP MemoryError with a lot of available memory gc not called
Christian Heimes
- [issue1516068] Under OS X, compiling against local readline fails
Christian Heimes
- [issue1518617] Website updating part of PEP101/102 out of date
Christian Heimes
- [issue595601] file (& socket) I/O are not thread safe
Christian Heimes
- [issue1428655] Use PyOS_snprintf for static buffers
Christian Heimes
- [issue1353344] python.desktop
Christian Heimes
- [issue1396825] subprocess: wait for a period of time
Christian Heimes
- [issue1504947] There should be a Python build using Visual Studio 2005
Christian Heimes
- [issue1087418] long int bitwise ops speedup (patch included)
Christian Heimes
- [issue920573] http libraries throw errors internally
Christian Heimes
- [issue1339673] cross compile and mingw support
Christian Heimes
- [issue1615158] POSIX capabilities support
Christian Heimes
- [issue1020188] Use Py_CLEAR where necessary to avoid crashes
Christian Heimes
- [issue436259] [Windows] exec*/spawn* problem with spaces in args
Christian Heimes
- [issue1615275] tempile.TemporaryFile differences between linux and windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1506296] Add some dicts to datetime module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1676820] Add a PeriodicTimer to threading
Christian Heimes
- [issue1180193] broken pyc files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1692592] Stripping debugging symbols from compiled C extensions
Christian Heimes
- [issue1732212] repr of 'nan' floats not parseable
Christian Heimes
- [issue1225584] crash in gcmodule.c on python reinitialization
Christian Heimes
- [issue751260] Thread in threading.py can only be started once
Christian Heimes
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1601] IDLE not working correctly on Windows (Py30a2/IDLE30a1)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1471243] Visual Studio 2005 CRT error handler
Christian Heimes
- [issue1471243] Visual Studio 2005 CRT error handler
Christian Heimes
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1595] Probable extra semicolon in Py_LeaveRecursiveCall macro
Christian Heimes
- [issue1740] use unittest for test_logging
Christian Heimes
- [issue1691070] Speed up PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() and improve error msg
Christian Heimes
- [issue1656675] Drop-Handler for Python files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1699259] replacing char* with const char* in sysmodule.c/.h
Christian Heimes
- [issue1696393] Remove redundant code in ntpath.walk()
Christian Heimes
- [issue588825] unittest.py, better error message
Christian Heimes
- [issue1682403] docutils clarification request for "rest"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1245224] Time module is missing inverse of gmtime()
Christian Heimes
- [issue1625576] add ability to specify name to os.fdopen
Christian Heimes
- [issue1439312] Patch for bug 1438185: os.renames deletes junction points
Christian Heimes
- [issue762963] timemodule.c: Python loses current timezone
Christian Heimes
- [issue1529353] Squeezer - squeeze large output in the interpreter
Christian Heimes
- [issue502236] Asynchronous exceptions between threads
Christian Heimes
- [issue1559549] ImportError needs attributes for module and file name
Christian Heimes
- [issue1527597] New module: miniconf
Christian Heimes
- [issue1772673] Replacing char* with const char*
Christian Heimes
- [issue416670] MatchObjects not deepcopy()able
Christian Heimes
- [issue1745722] please add wsgi to SimpleXMLRPCServer
Christian Heimes
- [issue1772794] Telnetlib dosn't accept u'only ascii'
Christian Heimes
- [issue1757831] Allow opening just an editor window
Christian Heimes
- [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Christian Heimes
- [issue1736792] dict reentrant/threading bug
Christian Heimes
- [issue1732367] Document the constants in the socket module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1731706] tkinter memory leak problem
Christian Heimes
- [issue1100942] datetime.strptime constructor added
Christian Heimes
- [issue1730372] Mesa with NPTL makes Python extensions crash with std::cerr
Christian Heimes
- [issue634412] RFC 2112 in email package
Christian Heimes
- [issue1713877] Expose callback API in readline module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1713877] Expose callback API in readline module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1707753] get status output fix for Win32
Christian Heimes
- [issue1708316] doctest work with Windows PyReadline
Christian Heimes
- [issue1673203] add identity function
Christian Heimes
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1741] .pypirc not found on windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1256] subprocess Popen wait() function hangs when stdout is > 20480
Christian Heimes
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1744] readline module - set/get quote delimiters
Christian Heimes
- [issue1755] Misspelling in future.c in 2.5.1 source (handl should be handle)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Christian Heimes
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1646] Make socket support TIPC.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762972] 'exec' does not accept what 'open' returns
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762972] 'exec' does not accept what 'open' returns
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762972] 'exec' does not accept what 'open' returns
Christian Heimes
- [issue1657] [patch] epoll and kqueue wrappers for the select module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1757] Decimal hash depends on current context
Christian Heimes
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1759] Backport of PEP 3129 "class decorators"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1759] Backport of PEP 3129 "class decorators"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Christian Heimes
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1760] PEP 341 is not reflected in the documentation
Christian Heimes
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Christian Heimes
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Christian Heimes
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Christian Heimes
- [issue1576] [Patch] Working post import hook and lazy modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1576] [Patch] Working post import hook and lazy modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1576] [Patch] Working post import hook and lazy modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1576] [Patch] Working post import hook and lazy modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1683] Thread local storage and PyGILState_* mucked up by os.fork()
Christian Heimes
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Christian Heimes
- [issue1776] __import__ must not accept filenames
Christian Heimes
- [issue1775] filehandle.write() does not return None (Python 3.0a2)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1774] Reference to New style classes documentation is incorrect
Christian Heimes
- [issue1776] __import__ must not accept filenames
Christian Heimes
- [issue1778] SyntaxError.offset sometimes wrong
Christian Heimes
- [issue1277] mailbox.Maildir: factory not used
Christian Heimes
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Christian Heimes
- [issue1720992] automatic imports
Christian Heimes
- [issue1448325] re search infinite loop
Christian Heimes
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Christian Heimes
- [issue1781] ConfigParser: add_section('DEFAULT') causes duplicate sections.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1783] nonexistent data items declared as exports in sysmodule.h
Christian Heimes
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Christian Heimes
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Christian Heimes
- [issue1793] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function
Christian Heimes
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Christian Heimes
- [issue1795] PEP 754 update
Christian Heimes
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Christian Heimes
- [issue1221] email.Utils.parseaddr("a(WRONG)@b")
Christian Heimes
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1809] docs for os.symlink(src, dst) doesn't mention exceptions
Christian Heimes
- [issue1810] Partial AST compile() patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1800] ctypes callback fails when called in Python with array argument
Christian Heimes
- [issue1180] Option to ignore or substitute ~/.pydistutils.cfg
Christian Heimes
- [issue1714] ConfigParser.py do not allow leading (and trailing) space in values.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1714] ConfigParser.py do not allow leading (and trailing) space in values.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1627] Problem with httplib and Content-Length: -1
Christian Heimes
- [issue1353344] python.desktop
Christian Heimes
- [issue1297] pyconfig.h not compatible with MS VC++ Express Edition
Christian Heimes
- [issue1299] distutils.sysconfig is not cross-platform compatible
Christian Heimes
- [issue1239] openpty does not give bidirectional pipe
Christian Heimes
- [issue1669637] Some Compiler Warnings on VC6
Christian Heimes
- [issue1749567] PLATFORM macro in PC/pyconfig.h already defined by Apache
Christian Heimes
- [issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs
Christian Heimes
- [issue1616] compiler warnings (gcc 2.96)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1174614] site enhancements
Christian Heimes
- [issue936813] fast modular exponentiation
Christian Heimes
- [issue1309352] Make fcntl work properly on AMD64
Christian Heimes
- [issue1391872] floating point literals don't work in non-US locale in 2.5
Christian Heimes
- [issue1479611] speed up function calls
Christian Heimes
- [issue1220212] os.kill on windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1467201] size_t warnings on OSX 10.3
Christian Heimes
- [issue1528620] Python 2.5b2 fails to build on Solaris 10 (Sun Compiler)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1522046] RPM build fails for Py2.5b2
Christian Heimes
- [issue1570672] qtsupport.py mistake leads to bad _Qt module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1608805] Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding can be non-canonical
Christian Heimes
- [issue1544339] _ctypes fails to build on Solaris x86 32-bit (Sun compiler)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1653416] print >> f, "Hello" produces no error: normal?
Christian Heimes
- [issue1653416] print >> f, "Hello" produces no error: normal?
Christian Heimes
- [issue1672336] Building python 2.5 for AMD64 (windows) and VS2005
Christian Heimes
- [issue1644818] Allow importing built-in submodules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1702551] distutils sdist does not exclude SVN/CVS files on Windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1720595] Allow T_BOOL in PyMemberDef definitions
Christian Heimes
- [issue1729014] 0.0 and -0.0 end up referring to the same object
Christian Heimes
- [issue1678668] fix a bug mixing up 0.0 and-0.0
Christian Heimes
- [issue1733134] sqlite3.dll cannot be relocated
Christian Heimes
- [issue1254718] GCC detection for runtime_library_dirs when ccache is used
Christian Heimes
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Christian Heimes
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Christian Heimes
- [issue1570672] qtsupport.py mistake leads to bad _Qt module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Christian Heimes
- [issue1812] doctest _load_testfile function -- newline handling seems incorrect
Christian Heimes
- [issue1812] doctest _load_testfile function -- newline handling seems incorrect
Christian Heimes
- [issue936813] fast modular exponentiation
Christian Heimes
- [issue923643] long <-> byte-string conversion
Christian Heimes
- [issue1814] Victor Stinner's GMP patch for longs
Christian Heimes
- [issue1815] Distutils add ability to skip build [Feature Request]
Christian Heimes
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Christian Heimes
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1814] Victor Stinner's GMP patch for longs
Christian Heimes
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Christian Heimes
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Christian Heimes
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1713041] fix for 1712742: corrects pprint's handling of 'depth'
Christian Heimes
- [issue1824] UUIDCreate()->UuidCreate() in msilib docs.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1827] svnversion_init() doesn't support svn urls in sandbox/trunk
Christian Heimes
- [issue1829] Renaming platform path modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1855] Codepage unset in msilib.init_database()
Christian Heimes
- [issue1862] Error on "Save As" in IDLE (Vista 32-bit)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1858] Make .pypirc handle multiple servers
Christian Heimes
- [issue1857] subprocess.Popen.poll/__del__ API breakage
Christian Heimes
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Christian Heimes
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Christian Heimes
- [issue1864] test_locale doesn't use unittest
Christian Heimes
- [issue1865] Bytes alias for 2.6
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue1865] Bytes alias for 2.6
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue1867] patch for pydoc to work in py3k
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue1868] threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue1871] help fix memory usage or leak - edgewall trac 0.11 blocked ...
Christian Heimes
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue1720705] thread + import => crashes?
Christian Heimes
- [issue1720705] thread + import => crashes?
Christian Heimes
- [issue1332] threading.RLock().aquire(0) fails with python-2.5.1.amd64.msi
Christian Heimes
- [issue1868] threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
Christian Heimes
- [issue1746071] class mutex doesn't do anything atomically
Christian Heimes
- [issue1779233] PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc and the main thread
Christian Heimes
- [issue1035] bytes buffer API needs to support read locking and/or PyBUF_LOCKDATA
Christian Heimes
- [issue1432694] Implement preemptive threads in Python
Christian Heimes
- [issue1306] Embedded python reinitialization
Christian Heimes
- [issue1175933] threading.Condition.wait() return value indicates timeout
Christian Heimes
- [issue1175194] import statement likely to crash if module launches threads
Christian Heimes
- [issue1503789] Cannot write source code in UTF16
Christian Heimes
- [issue1657] [patch] epoll and kqueue wrappers for the select module
Christian Heimes
- [issue886488] WinPython 2.3.3 crashes using popen2 to spawn lots of child
Christian Heimes
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1873] threading.Thread.join() description could be more explicit
Christian Heimes
- [issue1204] readline configuration for shared libs w/o curses dependencies
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue705836] struct.pack of floats in non-native endian order
Christian Heimes
- [issue1657] [patch] epoll and kqueue wrappers for the select module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1659] Tests needing network flag?
Christian Heimes
- [issue1657] [patch] epoll and kqueue wrappers for the select module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Christian Heimes
- [issue487566] smart module import
Christian Heimes
- [issue1389051] imaplib causes excessive fragmentation for large documents
Christian Heimes
- [issue1877] unhelpful error when calling "python <dirname>"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue779825] plistlib and bundlebuilder not in the documentation
Christian Heimes
- [issue917120] imaplib: incorrect quoting in commands
Christian Heimes
- [issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822
Christian Heimes
- [issue756093] complex pow() crash on Alpha
Christian Heimes
- [issue763043] unable to specify another compiler
Christian Heimes
- [issue808197] rlcompleter incompatibility
Christian Heimes
- [issue761888] popen2.Popen3 and popen2.Popen4 leaks filedescriptors
Christian Heimes
- [issue814654] 'import Tkinter' causes windows missing-DLL popup
Christian Heimes
- [issue836058] socket.send() on behaves as nonblocking when timeout is set
Christian Heimes
- [issue840065] Incorrect shared library build
Christian Heimes
- [issue858253] EAGAIN when sys.stdin.readline()
Christian Heimes
- [issue872686] Python 2.3.3 test_tempfile test_mode() fails on AIX 5.2
Christian Heimes
- [issue894743] build_ssl can't find ActiveState Perl from unusual locations
Christian Heimes
- [issue849218] ZipInfo shows incorrect file size for large files
Christian Heimes
- [issue847812] 64 bit solaris versus /usr/local/lib
Christian Heimes
- [issue811295] ntohs on Solaris can return negative values
Christian Heimes
- [issue921868] socket_htons does not work under AIX 64-bit
Christian Heimes
- [issue908316] pdb should hash stdout
Christian Heimes
- [issue808164] socket.close() doesn't play well with __del__
Christian Heimes
- [issue896199] Some Carbon modules missing
Christian Heimes
- [issue997912] Enclosing Scope missing from namespace in Tutorial
Christian Heimes
- [issue977461] Cannot specify compiler for 'install' on command line
Christian Heimes
- [issue970783] PyObject_GenericGetAttr is undocumented
Christian Heimes
- [issue951275] ihooks chokes on BioPython package
Christian Heimes
- [issue909308] Embedded Python Interpreter in MFC apps leaks
Christian Heimes
- [issue1072642] dyld: ./python.exe multiple definitions of symbol _BC
Christian Heimes
- [issue1095821] The doc for DictProxy is missing
Christian Heimes
- [issue1003535] Simple File fix for Windows Runtime incompatability
Christian Heimes
- [issue767645] incorrect os.path.supports_unicode_filenames
Christian Heimes
- [issue924008] make fails using -std option
Christian Heimes
- [issue1069092] segfault on printing nested sequences of None/Ellipsis
Christian Heimes
- [issue1069410] import on Windows: please call SetErrorMode first
Christian Heimes
- [issue874900] threading module can deadlock after fork
Christian Heimes
- [issue1099746] copy.deepcopy barfs when copying a class derived from dict
Christian Heimes
- [issue786827] IDLE starts with no menus (Cygwin build of python2.3)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1205736] wrong location for math lib with --prefix
Christian Heimes
- [issue898271] symtable module crashes w/ coding declaration
Christian Heimes
- [issue1304179] 2.3.5 configure / make infinite loop
Christian Heimes
- [issue832159] C++ extensions using SWIG and MinGW
Christian Heimes
- [issue1241545] garbage collection asserts failing
Christian Heimes
- [issue962226] Python 2.3.4 on Linux: test test_grp failed
Christian Heimes
- [issue1224] SimpleHTTPServer doesn't understand // at beginning of path anymore
Christian Heimes
- [issue1363] python 2.4.4 fails on solaris (sun4u sparc SUNW, Sun-Fire-880)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1375] hotshot IndexError when loading stats
Christian Heimes
- [issue1434] SocketServer creates non-blocking files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1429] FD leak in SocketServer
Christian Heimes
- [issue1511] csv input converts \r\n to \n but csv output does not when a field has internal line breaks
Christian Heimes
- [issue1523] xdrlib fails to detect overflow (struct bug?)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1552] fromfd() and socketpair() should return wrapped sockets
Christian Heimes
- [issue1556] Failure when calling __str__ for MIMEBase(message, rfc822) objects
Christian Heimes
- [issue1432] Strange behavior of urlparse.urljoin
Christian Heimes
- [issue1772] popen fails when there are two or more pathnames/parameters with spaces
Christian Heimes
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Christian Heimes
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Christian Heimes
- [issue1615] descriptor protocol bug
Christian Heimes
- [issue1874] email parser does not register a defect for invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on multipart messages
Christian Heimes
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Christian Heimes
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1817] module-cgi: handling GET and POST together
Christian Heimes
- [issue1825] msilib.add_data() takes exactly three parameters
Christian Heimes
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Christian Heimes
- [issue1343] XMLGenerator: nice <empty/> elements
Christian Heimes
- [issue1441] Cycles through ob_type aren't freed
Christian Heimes
- [issue1363] python 2.4.4 fails on solaris (sun4u sparc SUNW, Sun-Fire-880)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue215555] Parser crashes for deeply nested list displays
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1706] Force WINVER 0x0500 (Windows 2000)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1887] distutils doesn't support out-of-source builds
Christian Heimes
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Christian Heimes
- [issue1885] [distutils] - error when processing the "--formats=tar" option
Christian Heimes
- [issue1884] msilib.SetProperty(msilib.PID_CODEPAGE, '1252') raises 0x65d = type mismatch
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Christian Heimes
- [issue1902] Test
Christian Heimes
- [issue1902] Test
Christian Heimes
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Christian Heimes
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Christian Heimes
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Christian Heimes
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Christian Heimes
- [issue1906] Distinguish between cfunction, cvar and cmacro
Christian Heimes
- [issue1908] make html fails - patchlevel is missing
Christian Heimes
- [issue1621660] this module (Zen of Python) docs list broken URL
Christian Heimes
- [issue1909] Backport: Mixing default keyword arguments with *args
Christian Heimes
- [issue1909] Backport: Mixing default keyword arguments with *args
Christian Heimes
- [issue1912] Segmentation fault
Christian Heimes
- [issue1910] _threading_local should use with
Christian Heimes
- [issue1913] test_pep263 fails
Christian Heimes
- [issue1223] httplib does not handle ssl end of file properly
Christian Heimes
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Christian Heimes
- [issue1915] Python 2.5.1 compile failed with configure option "--enable-unicode=no"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1916] Add inspect.isgenerator
Christian Heimes
- [issue1767511] SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler
Christian Heimes
- [issue1915] Python 2.5.1 compile failed with configure option "--enable-unicode=no"
Christian Heimes
- [issue1069410] import on Windows: please call SetErrorMode first
Christian Heimes
- [issue1917] init_types() in Parser/asdl_c.py conflicts with init_types() in Modules/_typesmodule.c
Christian Heimes
- [issue1918] weak references are removed before __del__ is called.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1576] [Patch] Working post import hook and lazy modules
Christian Heimes
- [issue1795] PEP 754 update
Christian Heimes
- [issue1919] Backport of io.py
Christian Heimes
- [issue1927] raw_input behavior incorrect if readline not enabled
Christian Heimes
- [issue1923] meaningful whitespace can be lost in rfc822_escape
Christian Heimes
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Christian Heimes
- [issue1921] Confusing Descrintro example
Christian Heimes
- [issue1931] NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Christian Heimes
- [issue1930] sys.maxint not found in Python 3.0a2
Christian Heimes
- [issue1929] httplib _read_chunked TypeError ||| i = line.find(";")
Christian Heimes
- [issue1932] Cosmetic patch to supress compiler warning
Christian Heimes
- [issue1938] test_zipfile failure
Christian Heimes
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Christian Heimes
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Christian Heimes
- [issue1944] Documentation for PyUnicode_AsString (et al.) missing.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1945] Document back ported C functions
Christian Heimes
- [issue1947] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading'
Christian Heimes
- [issue1948] Cant open python gui using VISTA
Christian Heimes
- [issue1949] test_ntpath.py rewriting
Christian Heimes
- [issue1953] gc.compact_freelists
Christian Heimes
- [issue1952] test_select.py converted to unittest
Christian Heimes
- [issue1957] [patch] syslogmodule: Release GIL when calling syslog(3)
Christian Heimes
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Christian Heimes
- [issue1954] SocketServer.ForkingMixIn creates a zombie
Christian Heimes
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Christian Heimes
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Christian Heimes
- [issue1951] test_wave.py converted to unittest
Christian Heimes
- [issue1579] logging documentation is unclear
Christian Heimes
- [issue1507] complex constructor loses signs of zeros
Christian Heimes
- [issue1963] marshal module is leaking references
Christian Heimes
- [issue1962] ctypes feature request: Automatic type conversion of input arguments to C functions
Christian Heimes
- [issue1953] Compact int and float freelists
Christian Heimes
- [issue1968] Unused number magic methods leaked into Py2.6
Christian Heimes
- [issue1969] split and rsplit in bytearray are inconsistent
Christian Heimes
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Christian Heimes
- [issue1967] Backport dictviews to 2.6
Christian Heimes
- [issue1391] Adds the .compact() method to bsddb db.DB objects
Christian Heimes
- [issue1965] Move trunc() to math module
Christian Heimes
- [issue1966] infinite loop in httplib
Christian Heimes
- [issue1685] linecache .updatecache fails on utf8 encoded files
Christian Heimes
- [issue1964] Slight adjustment to sphinx print-media stylesheet
Christian Heimes
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Christian Heimes
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Christian Heimes
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Christian Heimes
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Christian Heimes
- [issue1972] improve bytes and bytearray tests
Christian Heimes
- [issue1973] bytes.fromhex('') raises SystemError
Christian Heimes
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Christian Heimes
- [issue1972] improve bytes and bytearray tests
Christian Heimes
- [issue1977] Python reinitialization test
Christian Heimes
- [issue1977] Python reinitialization test
Christian Heimes
- [issue1234] semaphore errors on AIX 5.2
Christian Heimes
- [issue1978] Python(2.5.1) will be crashed when i use _ssl module in multi-threads environment in linux.
Christian Heimes
- [issue1980] pdb losing __file__
Christian Heimes
- [issue1979] Make Decimal comparisons with NaN less arbitrary
Christian Heimes
- [issue1977] Python reinitialization test
Christian Heimes
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
Christian Heimes
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
Christian Heimes
- [issue1977] Python reinitialization test
Christian Heimes
- [issue1410739] Add notes to the manual about `is` and methods
Christian Heimes
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
Christian Heimes
- [issue1410739] Add notes to the manual about `is` and methods
Christian Heimes
- [issue1982] Feature: extend strftime to accept milliseconds
Christian Heimes
- [issue1983] Return from fork() is pid_t, not int
Christian Heimes
- [issue1793] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function
Thomas Heller
- [issue1793] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1797] ctypes NULL function pointers should have a False bool value.
Thomas Heller
- [issue1797] ctypes function pointer enhancements
Thomas Heller
- [issue1798] Add ctypes calling convention that allows safe access of errno
Thomas Heller
- [issue1798] Add ctypes calling convention that allows safe access of errno
Thomas Heller
- [issue1821] configure.ac change for FreeBSD
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Thomas Heller
- [issue1796] ctypes should allow a tuple when an Array is expected
Thomas Heller
- [issue1292] libffi needs an update to support mips64, arm and armeabi on linux
Thomas Heller
- [issue1793] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function
Thomas Heller
- [issue1252550] modulefinder misses modules
Thomas Heller
- [issue1872] change the bool struct format code from 't' to '?'
Thomas Heller
- [issue1872] change the bool struct format code from 't' to '?'
Thomas Heller
- [issue1919] Backport of io.py
Thomas Heller
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Thomas Heller
- [issue1971] ctypes exposing the pep 3118 buffer interface
Thomas Heller
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Thomas Heller
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Malte Helmert
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Malte Helmert
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Malte Helmert
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Malte Helmert
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Malte Helmert
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Malte Helmert
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
James Henstridge
- [issue1625] bz2.BZ2File doesn't support multiple streams
Thomas Herve
- [issue1724] Py_SIZE() macro used as an lvalue
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1732] Doc build fails with a KeyError
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1182] Paticular decimal mod operation wrongly output NaN.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1367711] Remove usage of UserDict from os.py
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1811] True division of integers could be more accurate
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1818] Add named tuple reader to CSV module
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1764638] add new bytecodes: JUMP_IF_{FALSE|TRUE}_AND_POP
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1698398] wrong % of params for format string in ZipFile.printdir()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1698915] ZipFile.printdir fix (2.5)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1698917] ZipFile.printdir fix (2.6)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1045] Performance regression in 2.5
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1746088] long.__str__ is quadratic time
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1698917] ZipFile.printdir fix (2.6)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1837] Add Queue.LifoQueue and Queue.PriorityQueue
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1837] Add Queue.LifoQueue and Queue.PriorityQueue
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1837] Add Queue.LifoQueue and Queue.PriorityQueue
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1837] Add Queue.LifoQueue and Queue.PriorityQueue
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1818] Add named tuple reader to CSV module
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1909] Backport: Mixing default keyword arguments with *args
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1121416] zip incorrectly and incompletely documented
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1909] Backport: Mixing default keyword arguments with *args
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1910] _threading_local should use with
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1965] Move trunc() to math module
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1968] Unused number magic methods leaked into Py2.6
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1968] Unused number magic methods leaked into Py2.6
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1979] Make Decimal comparisons with NaN less arbitrary
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue1772] popen fails when there are two or more pathnames/parameters with spaces
Stephan Hoermann
- [issue1772] popen fails when there are two or more pathnames/parameters with spaces
Stephan Hoermann
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Eric Huss
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Eric Huss
- [issue1752] logging.basicConfig misleading behaviour
Max Ischenko
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Kevin Jacobs
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Kevin Jacobs
- [issue592703] HTTPS does not handle pipelined requests
Bill Janssen
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Bill Janssen
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Bill Janssen
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Bill Janssen
- [issue1926] NNTPS support in nntplib
Bill Janssen
- [issue1978] Python(2.5.1) will be crashed when i use _ssl module in multi-threads environment in linux.
Bill Janssen
- [issue1482] IMAP4 SSL isn't working
Bill Janssen
- [issue1210] imaplib does not run under Python 3
Bill Janssen
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Ravon Jean-Michel
- [issue1957] [patch] syslogmodule: Release GIL when calling syslog(3)
Dennis Jensen
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1888] strange 'global'
Lee June
- [issue1813] Codec lookup failing under turkish locale
Árni Már Jónsson
- [issue1177] urllib* 20x responses not OK?
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1177] urllib* 20x responses not OK?
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1692] Syntax Error exception dosen't print string; not informative
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1692] Syntax Error exception dosen't print string; not informative
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1252] IDLE - patch Delegator to support callables
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1862] Error on "Save As" in IDLE (Vista 32-bit)
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1862] Error on "Save As" in IDLE (Vista 32-bit)
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1599] IDLE hangs if os.spwanv command is given
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1599] IDLE hangs if os.spwanv command is given
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue1647] IDLE messes around with sys.exitfunc
Kurt B. Kaiser
- [issue961805] Text.edit_modified() fails
Matthias Kievernagel
- [issue429031] Text widget, bindtags and Tabs
Matthias Kievernagel
- [issue429031] Text widget, bindtags and Tabs
Matthias Kievernagel
- [issue429031] Text widget, bindtags and Tabs
Matthias Kievernagel
- [issue429031] Text widget, bindtags and Tabs
Matthias Kievernagel
- [issue429031] Text widget, bindtags and Tabs
Matthias Kievernagel
- [issue1663329] subprocess/popen close_fds perform poor if SC_OPEN_MAX is hi
Mike Klaas
- [issue1966] infinite loop in httplib
Mike Klaas
- [issue1966] infinite loop in httplib
Mike Klaas
- [issue1929] httplib _read_chunked TypeError ||| i = line.find(";")
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1929] httplib _read_chunked TypeError ||| i = line.find(";")
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1930] sys.maxint not found in Python 3.0a2
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1872] change the bool struct format code from 't' to '?'
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1297193] Search is to long with regex like ^(.+|dontmatch)*$
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1946] re.search hangs on this
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1685] linecache .updatecache fails on utf8 encoded files
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1595] Probable extra semicolon in Py_LeaveRecursiveCall macro
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1750076] Python 2.5+ skips while statements in debuggers
Georgij Kondratjev
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Vladimir Konjkov
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Vladimir Konjkov
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Kathryn M Kowalski
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Kathryn M Kowalski
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Kathryn M Kowalski
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Matt Kraai
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Matt Kraai
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Matt Kraai
- [issue1137] pyexpat patch for changing buffer_size
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1137] pyexpat patch for changing buffer_size
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1137] pyexpat patch for changing buffer_size
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1114] _curses issues on 64-bit big-endian (e.g, AIX)
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1114] _curses issues on 64-bit big-endian (e.g, AIX)
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1773] Reference to Python issue tracker incorrect
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1266] segfault in curses when calling redrawwin() before refresh()
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1729930] 2.5.1 latest svn fails test_curses and test_timeout
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1642054] Python 2.5 gets curses.h warning on HPUX
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1277] mailbox.Maildir: factory not used
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1560327] copy() method of dictionaries is not "deep"
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1790] xmlrpclib ServerProxy page has out-of-date content
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1790] xmlrpclib ServerProxy page has out-of-date content
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1098749] Single-line option to pygettext.py
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1337648] Elemental Security contribution - parsexml.py
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1411695] XML.sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes <, >, &,
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1433694] normalize function in minidom unlinks empty child nodes
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1675533] setup.py LDFLAGS regexp is wrong
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1463043] test_minidom.py fails for Python-2.4.3 on SUSE 9.3
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue687648] classic division in demos/ directory
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1550] help('modules') broken by several 3rd party libraries (svn patch attached)
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1741] .pypirc not found on windows
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1751519] curses - new window methods: addchstr and addchnstr
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1019] Cleanup pass on _curses and _curses_panel
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1286] fileinput, StringIO, and cStringIO do not support the with protocol
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1598083] Top-level exception handler writes to stdout unsafely
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1298813] sysmodule.c: realpath() is unsafe
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1269] Exception in pstats print_callers()
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1274] doctest fails to run file based tests with 8bit paths
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1704474] test_optparse.py mod. for jython
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1160] Medium size regexp crashes python
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1019] Cleanup pass on _curses and _curses_panel
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1296] optparse's OptionGroup not described
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1266] segfault in curses when calling redrawwin() before refresh()
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue774221] 2.3c1: zipfile.py confused by garbage at the very end of zip
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue818065] mailbox._Subfile readline() bug
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue742598] SocketServer timeout, zombies
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1277] mailbox.Maildir: factory not used
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1019808] wrong socket error returned
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1161031] Neverending warnings from asyncore
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1296] optparse's OptionGroup not described
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1296] optparse's OptionGroup not described
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1625] bz2.BZ2File doesn't support multiple streams
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1751519] curses - new window methods: addchstr and addchnstr
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1048820] Only "Overwrite" mode possible with curses.textpad.Textbox
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1048820] Only "Overwrite" mode possible with curses.textpad.Textbox
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue777884] minidom.py -- TypeError: object doesn't support slice assig
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1464788] Python 2.4.3 build issue on Cygwin
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1745108] 2.5.1 curses panel segfault in new_panel on aix 5.3
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1723038] Curses Menu
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1687125] cannot catch KeyboardInterrupt when using curses getkey()
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1119331] curses.initscr - initscr exit w/o env(TERM) set
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1753732] xmlrpclib.Binary doesn't say which base64 spec it implements
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1470548] Bugfix for #1470540 (XMLGenerator cannot output UTF-16)
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1541] Bad OOB data management when using asyncore with select.poll()
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1541] Bad OOB data management when using asyncore with select.poll()
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1389051] imaplib causes excessive fragmentation for large documents
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue1980] pdb losing __file__
Erno Kuusela
- [issue1880] Generalize math.hypot function
David W. Lambert
- [issue1783] nonexistent data items declared as exports in sysmodule.h
Jukka Laurila
- [issue735515] urllib / urllib2 should cache 301 redirections
John J Lee
- [issue1810] Partial AST compile() patch
Thomas Lee
- [issue1810] Partial AST compile() patch
Thomas Lee
- [issue1810] AST compile() patch
Thomas Lee
- [issue1625] bz2.BZ2File doesn't support multiple streams
Thomas Lee
- [issue1772] popen fails when there are two or more pathnames/parameters with spaces
Thomas Lee
- [issue1758] Wrong link in documentation
Robert Lehmann
- [issue1835] Update version number in __init__.py
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue460474] codecs.StreamWriter: reset() on close()
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue460474] codecs.StreamWriter: reset() on close()
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1651] Limit the max size of PyUnicodeObject->defenc?
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1234] semaphore errors on AIX 5.2
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue1835] Update version number in __init__.py
Jacques Lemire
- [issue1675533] setup.py LDFLAGS regexp is wrong
John Lenton
- [issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method
John Lenton
- [issue976880] mmap needs a rfind method
John Lenton
- [issue1781] ConfigParser: add_section('DEFAULT') causes duplicate sections.
Tim Lesher
- [issue1716] String format operator '%i' fails for large floats
Christopher Tur Lesniewski-Laas
- [issue1800] ctypes callback fails when called in Python with array argument
Lenard Lindstrom
- [issue1700] Regular Expression inline flags not handled correctly for some unicode characters
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1698167] xml.etree document element.tag
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1777] ElementTree/cElementTree findtext inconsistency
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Fredrik Lundh
- [issue1631394] sre module has misleading docs
Tom Lynn
- [issue1631394] sre module has misleading docs
Tom Lynn
- [issue1721] _tkinter.c:903: AsObj: Assertion `size < size * sizeof(Tcl_UniChar)' failed
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1724] Py_SIZE() macro used as an lvalue
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1739] Testing CIA.vc
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1739] Testing CIA.vc
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1739] Testing CIA.vc
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1739] Testing CIA.vc
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1739] Testing CIA.vc
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1439312] Patch for bug 1438185: os.renames deletes junction points
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1744] readline module - set/get quote delimiters
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1750] Test: This is title
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1750] Test: This is title
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1750] Test: This is title
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1758] Wrong link in documentation
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1777] ElementTree/cElementTree findtext inconsistency
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1825] msilib.add_data() takes exactly three parameters
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1827] svnversion_init() doesn't support svn urls in sandbox/trunk
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1747858] chown broken on 64bit
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue771479] pyconfig.h duplicates common defines
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1720595] Allow T_BOOL in PyMemberDef definitions
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1862] Error on "Save As" in IDLE (Vista 32-bit)
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1930] sys.maxint not found in Python 3.0a2
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1931] NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1932] Cosmetic patch to supress compiler warning
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1025395] email.Utils.parseaddr fails to parse valid addresses
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1958] IPv6 compiled getaddrinfo returns IPv6 address even if the system does not support IPv6
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue400622] Just a test
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1948] Cant open python gui using VISTA
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1966] infinite loop in httplib
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1977] Python reinitialization test
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1976] pybsddb leak in using cursors
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1976] pybsddb leak in using cursors
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1983] Return from fork() is pid_t, not int
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1983] Return from fork() is pid_t, not int
Martin v. Löwis
- [issue1915] Python 2.5.1 compile failed with configure option "--enable-unicode=no"
Song Ma
- [issue1758] Wrong link in documentation
Martin Marcher
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Dieter Maurer
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Dieter Maurer
- [issue1958] IPv6 compiled getaddrinfo returns IPv6 address even if the system does not support IPv6
Douglas Mayle
- [issue1958] IPv6 compiled getaddrinfo returns IPv6 address even if the system does not support IPv6
Douglas Mayle
- [issue1958] IPv6 compiled getaddrinfo returns IPv6 address even if the system does not support IPv6
Douglas Mayle
- [issue1739648] zipfile.testzip() using progressive file reads
Alan McIntyre
- [issue467924] Improve the ZipFile Interface
Alan McIntyre
- [issue683910] zipfile should have a tarfile-like API
Alan McIntyre
- [issue467924] Improve the ZipFile Interface
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1011893] Problems importing packages in ZIP file
Alan McIntyre
- [issue774221] 2.3c1: zipfile.py confused by garbage at the very end of zip
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1746] ZIP files with archive comments longer than 4k not recognized as valid by zipfile module
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1011893] Problems importing packages in ZIP file
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1746] ZIP files with archive comments longer than 4k not recognized as valid by zipfile module
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1710703] zipfile.ZipFile behavior inconsistent.
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1698917] ZipFile.printdir fix (2.6)
Alan McIntyre
- [issue1777] ElementTree/cElementTree findtext inconsistency
Grant Monroe
- [issue774751] slow socket binding & netinfo lookups
Skip Montanaro
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1659] Tests needing network flag?
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1659] Tests needing network flag?
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1818] Add named tuple reader to CSV module
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1927] raw_input behavior incorrect if readline not enabled
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1927] raw_input behavior incorrect if readline not enabled
Skip Montanaro
- [issue1207589] Right Click Context Menu
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
- [issue1721083] Add File - Reload
- [issue1721083] Add File - Reload
- [issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only
Oliver Nelson
- [issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only
Oliver Nelson
- [issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only
Oliver Nelson
- [issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only
Oliver Nelson
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Hrvoje Nikšić
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Hrvoje Nikšić
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Hrvoje Nikšić
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1617] Rare exception in test_urllib2net
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Neal Norwitz
- [issue1907] Httplib.py not supporting timeout - Propose Fix attached
Guillaume Nourry-Marquis
- [issue1104021] wishlist: os.feed_urandom(input)
Zooko O'Whielacronx
- [issue1759997] poll() on cygwin sometimes fails [PATCH]
Zooko O'Whielacronx
- [issue1683] Thread local storage and PyGILState_* mucked up by os.fork()
Adam Olsen
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Adam Olsen
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Adam Olsen
- [issue1596321] KeyError at exit after 'import threading' in other thread
Adam Olsen
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Adam Olsen
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Adam Olsen
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Adam Olsen
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Adam Olsen
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Adam Olsen
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Adam Olsen
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Adam Olsen
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Adam Olsen
- [issue1481296] long(float('nan'))!=0L
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue779825] plistlib and bundlebuilder not in the documentation
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue1692335] Fix exception pickling: Move initial args assignment to BaseException.__new__
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1693149] patch to make 'trace.py --ignore-module' accept module name list.
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1509] Documentation lacking for the sqlite3 module.
Jaroslav Pachola
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Tom Parker
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Tom Parker
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Tom Parker
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Tom Parker
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Tom Parker
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Tim Peters
- [issue789290] Minor FP bug in object.c
Tim Peters
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Tim Peters
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1829] Renaming platform path modules
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1829] Renaming platform path modules
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1910] _threading_local should use with
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue1941] 2.6 stdlib using with statement
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1740] use unittest for test_logging
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1740] use unittest for test_logging
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1748] contextlib.contextmanager does not use functools.wraps
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1766304] improve xrange.__contains__
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1222] locale.format bug if thousand separator is space (french separator as example)
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue923643] long <-> byte-string conversion
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1479611] speed up function calls
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1401] urllib2 302 POST
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1764286] inspect.getsource does not work with decorated functions
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1023290] proposed struct module format code addition
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1222] locale.format bug if thousand separator is space (french separator as example)
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1222] locale.format bug if thousand separator is space (french separator as example)
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1864] test_locale doesn't use unittest
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1864] test_locale doesn't use unittest
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1864] test_locale doesn't use unittest
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1222] locale.format bug if thousand separator is space (french separator as example)
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1353344] python.desktop
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1353344] python.desktop
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue588825] unittest.py, better error message
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1746071] class mutex doesn't do anything atomically
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1034053] unittest.py patch: add skipped test functionality
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1876] bogus attrgetter test in test_operator
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1615] descriptor protocol bug
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1615] descriptor protocol bug
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1720595] Allow T_BOOL in PyMemberDef definitions
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1715] Make pydoc list submodules
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1646068] Dict lookups fail if sizeof(Py_ssize_t) < sizeof(long)
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1621660] this module (Zen of Python) docs list broken URL
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1651] Limit the max size of PyUnicodeObject->defenc?
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1180193] broken pyc files
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue874900] threading module can deadlock after fork
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue874900] threading module can deadlock after fork
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1939] code object docstring obsolete
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1955] fix using unittest as a superclass
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1952] test_select.py converted to unittest
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1969] split and rsplit in bytearray are inconsistent
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1970] Speedup unicode whitespace and linebreak detection
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1972] improve bytes and bytearray tests
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1973] bytes.fromhex('') raises SystemError
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1973] bytes.fromhex('') raises SystemError
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1972] improve bytes and bytearray tests
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1972] improve bytes and bytearray tests
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1972] improve bytes and bytearray tests
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1943] improved allocation of PyUnicode objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1977] Python reinitialization test
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1222] locale.format bug if thousand separator is space (french separator as example)
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1864] test_locale doesn't use unittest
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1864] test_locale doesn't use unittest
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue1393] function comparing lacks NotImplemented error
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Paul Pogonyshev
- [issue1883] Adapt pydoc to new doc system
Guilherme Polo
- [issue1883] Adapt pydoc to new doc system
Guilherme Polo
- [issue1904] Add key argument to heapq functions
Guilherme Polo
- [issue1904] Add key argument to heapq functions
Guilherme Polo
- [issue1912] Segmentation fault
Matti Punkeri
- [issue1912] Segmentation fault
Matti Punkeri
- [issue1034053] unittest.py patch: add skipped test functionality
Steve Purcell
- [issue1705520] pyunit should allow __unittest in locals to trim stackframes
Steve Purcell
- [issue1975] signals in thread problem
Andriy Pylypenko
- [issue979658] Improve HTML documentation of a directory
Noam Raphael
- [issue1921] Confusing Descrintro example
Antti Rasinen
- [issue1747858] chown broken on 64bit
Sean Reifschneider
- [issue1747858] chown broken on 64bit
Sean Reifschneider
- [issue1747858] chown broken on 64bit
Sean Reifschneider
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1544] IDLE installation problems and no message errors
- [issue1743] IDLE fails to launch
- [issue1862] Error on "Save As" in IDLE (Vista 32-bit)
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Armin Rigo
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Armin Rigo
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Armin Rigo
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Armin Rigo
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Armin Rigo
- [issue1875] "if 0: return" not raising SyntaxError
Armin Rigo
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Armin Rigo
- [issue1754489] Non-portable address length calculation for AF_UNIX sockets
Armin Rigo
- [issue1679] tokenizer permits invalid hex integer
Martin Rinehart
- [issue1707] probable bug in code.py with Python 3.0a2
Andre Roberge
- [issue1707] probable bug in code.py with Python 3.0a2
Andre Roberge
- [issue1775] filehandle.write() does not return None (Python 3.0a2)
Andre Roberge
- [issue1775] filehandle.write() does not return None (Python 3.0a2)
Andre Roberge
- [issue1885] [distutils] - error when processing the "--formats=tar" option
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1885] [distutils] - error when processing the "--formats=tar" option
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1886] Permit to easily use distutils "--formats=tar, gztar, bztar" on all systems
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1221598] ftplib storbinary/storlines callback function
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1221598] ftplib storbinary/storlines callback function
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1034053] unittest.py patch: add skipped test functionality
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1745035] DoS smtpd vulnerability
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1736190] asyncore/asynchat patches
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1736190] asyncore/asynchat patches
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1933] os.path.isabs documentation error
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1934] os.path.isabs documentation error
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1933] os.path.isabs documentation error
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1938] test_zipfile failure
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1934] os.path.isabs documentation error
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1938] test_zipfile failure
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1949] test_ntpath.py rewriting
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1949] test_ntpath.py rewriting
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1949] test_ntpath.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1951] test_wave.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1951] test_wave.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1952] test_select.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1952] test_select.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1951] test_wave.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1952] test_select.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1959] test_contains.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1959] test_contains.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1960] test_gdbm.py converted to unittest
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [issue1984] The raw string r'\' fails
Neil Roques
- [issue1716] String format operator '%i' fails for large floats
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1693] Please check merge from trunk
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1703] getpass broken in Py3k: must flush()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1717] Get rid of more refercenes to __cmp__
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1713] posixpath.ismount() claims symlink to a mountpoint is a mountpoint.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1711] socket functions that should return unsigned int return signed int
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1711] socket functions that should return unsigned int return signed int
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1718] Tarfile fails to fully extract tar.bz2/tar.gz package
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1705] trace module does not annotate global statement
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1702] Word "alias" used in confusing way to compare open() and file()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1700] Regular Expression inline flags not handled correctly for some unicode characters
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1707] probable bug in code.py with Python 3.0a2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1709] logging: log actual function name
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1707] probable bug in code.py with Python 3.0a2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1721] _tkinter.c:903: AsObj: Assertion `size < size * sizeof(Tcl_UniChar)' failed
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1722] Undocumented urllib functions
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1708] improvements for linecache
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1692] Syntax Error exception dosen't print string; not informative
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1698] urlparse and usernames containing @
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1205] urllib fail to read URL contents, urllib2 crash Python
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1723] Respuesta automática de Yahoo!
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1567] Patch for new API method _PyImport_ImportModuleNoLock(char *name)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1205] urllib fail to read URL contents, urllib2 crash Python
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1567] Patch for new API method _PyImport_ImportModuleNoLock(char *name)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1700] Regular Expression inline flags not handled correctly for some unicode characters
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1729] Allow float('infinity') as well as float('inf')
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Guido van Rossum
- [issue683658] PyErr_Warn may cause import deadlock
Guido van Rossum
- [issue683658] PyErr_Warn may cause import deadlock
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1234] semaphore errors on AIX 5.2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
Guido van Rossum
- [issue614555] Rewrite _reduce and _reconstructor in C
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1089358] need siginterrupt() on Linux - impossible to do timeouts
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1243] option.dest not set when callback called with optparse
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1656] Make math.{floor,ceil}(float) return ints per PEP 3141
Guido van Rossum
- [issue846388] Check for signals during regular expression matches
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1722225] Build on QNX 6
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1725] -1e-1000 converted incorrectly
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1698] urlparse and usernames containing @
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1692] Syntax Error exception dosen't print string; not informative
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1663329] subprocess/popen close_fds perform poor if SC_OPEN_MAX is hi
Guido van Rossum
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1637] urlparse.urlparse misparses URLs with query but no path
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1637] urlparse.urlparse misparses URLs with query but no path
Guido van Rossum
- [issue595601] file (& socket) I/O are not thread safe
Guido van Rossum
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1492] BaseHTTPServer hard-codes Content-Type for error messages
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1491] BaseHTTPServer incorrectly implements response code 100
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1393] function comparing lacks NotImplemented error
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1668] -E command line parameter intent
Guido van Rossum
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue602345] option for not writing .py[co] files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1747] issubclass(NotSubclassOfObject, InstanceOfAbcMeta) fails instead of returning False
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1741] .pypirc not found on windows
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1622] zipfile hangs on certain zip files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1526] DeprecationWarning in zipfile.py while zipping 113000 files
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1752] logging.basicConfig misleading behaviour
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1756] -m broken in trunk
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1756] -m broken in trunk
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1762972] 'exec' does not accept what 'open' returns
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1657] [patch] epoll and kqueue wrappers for the select module
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1775] filehandle.write() does not return None (Python 3.0a2)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1608] test_str.py crashes
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1731] Random errors on interpreter shutdown
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1781] ConfigParser: add_section('DEFAULT') causes duplicate sections.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1782] PyModule_AddIntConstant and PyModule_AddStringConstant can leak
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1784] Error with OptionParser.parse_args()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1785] "inspect" gets broken by some descriptors
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1786] pdb should set stdin+stdout around exec call
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1786] pdb should set stdin+stdout around exec call
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1779] int("- 1") is valud, but float("- 1") isn't. Which is right?
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1780] Decimal constructor accepts newline terminated strings
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1787] segfault in obmalloc.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1337648] Elemental Security contribution - parsexml.py
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1616] compiler warnings (gcc 2.96)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1616] compiler warnings (gcc 2.96)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1814] Victor Stinner's GMP patch for longs
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1817] module-cgi: handling GET and POST together
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1814] Victor Stinner's GMP patch for longs
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1816] sys.cmd_flags patch
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1294] Management of KeyboardInterrupt in cmd.py
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1771] Remove cmp parameter to list.sort() and builtin.sorted()
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1786] pdb should set stdin+stdout around exec call
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1828] Renaming platform path modules
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1830] pygettext.py py3k errors
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1294] Management of KeyboardInterrupt in cmd.py
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1835] Update version number in __init__.py
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1786] pdb should set stdin+stdout around exec call
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1838] Ctypes C-level infinite recursion
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1840] Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py fixes for Python 3.0
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1861] sched scheduler.queue class member is unordered
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1859] textwrap doesn't linebreak on "\n"
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue215555] Parser crashes for deeply nested list displays
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1865] Bytes alias for 2.6
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1866] const arg for PyInt_FromString
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1657] [patch] epoll and kqueue wrappers for the select module
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1640] Enhancements for mathmodule
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Guido van Rossum
- [issue614557] LookupError etc. need API to get the key
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1473257] Add a gi_code attr to generators
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1124] Webchecker not parsing css "@import url"
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1888] strange 'global'
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1889] string literal documentation differs from implementation
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1904] Add key argument to heapq functions
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1651] Limit the max size of PyUnicodeObject->defenc?
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1651] Limit the max size of PyUnicodeObject->defenc?
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1911] webbrowser.open firefox 3 issues
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1911] webbrowser.open firefox 3 issues
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1819] Speed hack for function calls with named parameters
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1918] weak references are removed before __del__ is called.
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1577] shutil.move() does not use os.rename() if dst is a directory
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1917] init_types() in Parser/asdl_c.py conflicts with init_types() in Modules/_typesmodule.c
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1919] Backport of io.py
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1925] TypeError in deepcopy
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1303614] Bypassing __dict__ readonlyness
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1377858] segfaults when using __del__ and weakrefs
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1928] test_urllib fails
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1930] sys.maxint not found in Python 3.0a2
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1931] NameError: global name 'basestring' is not defined
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1607759] segfault in python24.dll
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1942] test_plistlib started failing
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1942] test_plistlib started failing
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1955] fix using unittest as a superclass
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1954] SocketServer.ForkingMixIn creates a zombie
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1956] Lib/bsddb/test/test_thread.py uses old 'except' syntax
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1954] SocketServer.ForkingMixIn creates a zombie
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1969] split and rsplit in bytearray are inconsistent
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1515] deepcopy doesn't copy instance methods
Guido van Rossum
- [issue846388] Check for signals during regular expression matches
Guido van Rossum
- [issue1709] logging: log actual function name
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1709] logging: log actual function name
Vinay Sajip
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Vinay Sajip
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Vinay Sajip
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1752] logging.basicConfig misleading behaviour
Vinay Sajip
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Vinay Sajip
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Vinay Sajip
- [issue932563] logging: need a way to discard Logger objects
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1295] logging records cache the result of formatException()
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1836] 'weekly' rotating logging file rotation incorrect
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1765140] logging: delay_fh option and configuration kwargs
Vinay Sajip
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Eric Sammons
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Eric Sammons
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Eric Sammons
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Eric Sammons
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Eric Sammons
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Stephen P. Schaefer
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Stephen P. Schaefer
- [issue1301] Bad assertion in _tkinter.c
Stephen P. Schaefer
- [issue1195] Problems on Linux with Ctrl-D and Ctrl-C during raw_input
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue846388] Check for signals during regular expression matches
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1089358] need siginterrupt() on Linux - impossible to do timeouts
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1448325] re search infinite loop
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1662581] the re module can perform poorly: O(2**n) versus O(n**2)
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1566086] RE (regular expression) matching stuck in loop
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1720992] automatic imports
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1488934] file.write + closed pipe = no error
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1488934] file.write + closed pipe = no error
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1574217] isinstance swallows exceptions
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue919238] Recursive variable definition causes sysconfig infinite loop
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue919238] Recursive variable definition causes sysconfig infinite loop
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue919238] Recursive variable definition causes sysconfig infinite loop
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1676] Fork/exec issues with Tk 8.5/Python 2.5.1 on OS X
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1215] Python hang when catching a segfault
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1725737] Distutils default exclude doesn't match top level .svn
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1725737] Distutils default exclude doesn't match top level .svn
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue215555] Parser crashes for deeply nested list displays
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue215555] Parser crashes for deeply nested list displays
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue215555] Parser crashes for deeply nested list displays
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue215555] Parser crashes for deeply nested list displays
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1881] increase parser stack limit
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1087741] subclassable mmap
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1954] SocketServer.ForkingMixIn creates a zombie
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1954] SocketServer.ForkingMixIn creates a zombie
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1014230] optparse: parser.remove_option("-h") inconsistency
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue870807] optparse int, long types support binary, octal and hex forma
Ralf Schmitt
- [issue1698] urlparse and usernames containing @
- [issue1698] urlparse and usernames containing @
- [issue1698] urlparse and usernames containing @
- [issue1722] Undocumented urllib functions
- [issue1124861] subprocess fails on GetStdHandle in interactive GUI
Daniel Serodio
- [issue1822] email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart.is_multipart() returns false before items have been added.
Jonathan Share
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Jonathan Share
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Jonathan Share
- [issue1822] email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart.is_multipart() returns false before items have been added.
Jonathan Share
- [issue1822] email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart.is_multipart() returns false before items have been added.
Jonathan Share
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Jonathan Share
- [issue1874] email parser does not register a defect for invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on multipart messages
Jonathan Share
- [issue1874] email parser does not register a defect for invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on multipart messages
Jonathan Share
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Jonathan Share
- [issue1981] operator "is"
Alexander Shigin
- [issue1981] operator "is"
Alexander Shigin
- [issue1917] init_types() in Parser/asdl_c.py conflicts with init_types() in Modules/_typesmodule.c
Graeme Smecher
- [issue1917] init_types() in Parser/asdl_c.py conflicts with init_types() in Modules/_typesmodule.c
Graeme Smecher
- [issue1917] init_types() in Parser/asdl_c.py conflicts with init_types() in Modules/_typesmodule.c
Graeme Smecher
- [issue1799] Per user site-packages and setup.py install --user patch
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1731717] race condition in subprocess module
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1736792] dict reentrant/threading bug
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1596321] KeyError at exit after 'import threading' in other thread
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1404925] subprocess.Popen inside thread locks the thread in some case
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue595601] file (& socket) I/O are not thread safe
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue829951] Fixes smtplib starttls HELO errors
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue829951] Fixes smtplib starttls HELO errors
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue829951] Fixes smtplib starttls HELO errors
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue829951] Fixes smtplib starttls HELO errors
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1339] smtplib starttls() should ehlo() if it needs to
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1596321] KeyError at exit after 'import threading' in other thread
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1035] bytes buffer API needs to support read locking and/or PyBUF_LOCKDATA
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1300] subprocess.list2cmdline doesn't do pipe symbols
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1300] subprocess.list2cmdline doesn't do pipe symbols
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1189216] zipfile module and 2G boundary
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1060] zipfile cannot handle files larger than 2GB (inside archive)
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1003] zipfile password fails validation
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1003] zipfile password fails validation
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1275] bsddb closing a DB object before all DBCursors using it are closed crashes
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1221598] ftplib storbinary/storlines callback function
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1221598] ftplib storbinary/storlines callback function
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1336] subprocess.Popen hangs when child writes to stderr
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1221598] ftplib storbinary/storlines callback function
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1571754] Building using Sleepycat db 4.5.20 is broken
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1541671] bsddb can't use unicode filenames
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1516078] dbhash __len__ not reliable
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1191] bsddb does not build with bsddb lib v3.1.
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue730938] Python bsddb docs need update
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1202] zlib.crc32() and adler32() return value
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1223] httplib does not handle ssl end of file properly
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1789] incorrect assumption about unsigned long byte size
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1789] incorrect assumption about unsigned long byte size
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1789] incorrect assumption about unsigned long byte size
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1789] assumption about unsigned long byte size in struct module usage
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1789] assumption about unsigned long byte size in struct module usage
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1789] assumption about unsigned long byte size in struct module usage
Gregory P. Smith
- [issue1873] threading.Thread.join() description could be more explicit
Roy Smith
- [issue1857] subprocess.Popen.poll/__del__ API breakage
René Stadler
- [issue1857] subprocess.Popen.poll/__del__ API breakage
René Stadler
- [issue1598083] Top-level exception handler writes to stdout unsafely
Lorenzo Stoakes
- [issue1598083] Top-level exception handler writes to stdout unsafely
Lorenzo Stoakes
- [issue1730] Documentation corrections for os module
Robin Stocker
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Robin Stocker
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Robin Stocker
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Robin Stocker
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Robin Stocker
- [issue1745] Backport of PEP 3102 "keyword-only arguments" to 2.6
Robin Stocker
- [issue1983] Return from fork() is pid_t, not int
Ryan Stutsman
- [issue1983] Return from fork() is pid_t, not int
Ryan Stutsman
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Dariusz Suchojad
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Dariusz Suchojad
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Dariusz Suchojad
- [issue1737] Windows installer issue (ObjectBrowser.py)
Dariusz Suchojad
- [issue1920] while else loop seems to behave incorrectly
Mark Summerfield
- [issue1887] distutils doesn't support out-of-source builds
Monty Taylor
- [issue1220212] os.kill on windows
Miki Tebeka
- [issue1787] segfault in obmalloc.c
Christian Theune
- [issue1711] socket functions that should return unsigned int return signed int
Maarten Thibaut
- [issue1870] bug tracker exception, when searching for "creator"
- [issue1871] help fix memory usage or leak - edgewall trac 0.11 blocked ...
- [issue1755] Misspelling in future.c in 2.5.1 source (handl should be handle)
Brad Tilley
- [issue1401] urllib2 302 POST
Johann Tonsing
- [issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0
Neil Toronto
- [issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0
Neil Toronto
- [issue1742] os.path.relpath fails when path == start
Jesse Towner
- [issue1742] os.path.relpath fails when path == start
Jesse Towner
- [issue1753] TextIOWrapper.write writes utf BOM for every string
Erick Tryzelaar
- [issue1946] re.search hangs on this
Israel Tsadok
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1753] TextIOWrapper.write writes utf BOM for every string
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1753] TextIOWrapper.write writes utf BOM for every string
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1753] TextIOWrapper.write writes utf BOM for every string
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1751] Fast BytesIO implementation + misc changes
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1621] Do not assume signed integer overflow behavior
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1286] fileinput, StringIO, and cStringIO do not support the with protocol
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1944] Documentation for PyUnicode_AsString (et al.) missing.
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1950] Potential Overflow due to incorrect usage of PyUnicode_AsString.
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1950] Potential overflows due to incorrect usage of PyUnicode_AsString.
Alexandre Vassalotti
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Leif Walsh
- [issue1820] Enhance Object/structseq.c to match namedtuple and tuple api
Leif Walsh
- [issue1596321] KeyError at exit after 'import threading' in other thread
Christian Walther
- [issue1596321] KeyError at exit after 'import threading' in other thread
Christian Walther
- [issue1905] PythonLauncher not working correctly on OS X 10.5/Leopad
Kevin Walzer
- [issue1722] Undocumented urllib functions
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1722] Undocumented urllib functions
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1826] operator.attrgetter() should accept dotted attribute paths
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1823] Possible to set invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Aaron Watters
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Aaron Watters
- [issue1792] o(n*n) marshal.dumps performance for largish objects with patch
Aaron Watters
- [issue1821] configure.ac change for FreeBSD
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- [issue602245] os.popen() negative error code IOError
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- [issue602245] os.popen() negative error code IOError
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- [issue1882] py_compile does not follow PEP 0263
Jakub Wilk
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
- [issue1824] UUIDCreate()->UuidCreate() in msilib docs.
Jim Wilson
- [issue1825] msilib.add_data() takes exactly three parameters
Jim Wilson
- [issue1854] Broken link in msilib docs
Jim Wilson
- [issue1855] Codepage unset in msilib.init_database()
Jim Wilson
- [issue1884] msilib.SetProperty(msilib.PID_CODEPAGE, '1252') raises 0x65d = type mismatch
Jim Wilson
- [issue1911] webbrowser.open firefox 3 issues
Jon Wilson
- [issue1911] webbrowser.open firefox 3 issues
Jon Wilson
- [issue1974] email.MIMEText.MIMEText.as_string incorrectly folding long subject header
Chris Withers
- [issue1967] Backport dictviews to 2.6
Thomas Wouters
- [issue1967] Backport dictviews to 2.6
Thomas Wouters
- [issue1967] Backport dictviews to 2.6
Thomas Wouters
- [issue1719] Cosmetic patch for doc/code mismatch (msilib.UuidCreate)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1720] VC6 build patch for release-maint25
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1720] VC6 build patch for release-maint25
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1726] Remove Python/atof.c from PCBuild/pythoncore.vcproj
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1727] VC6 build patch for python3000
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1720] VC6 build patch for release-maint25
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1727] VC6 build patch for python3000
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1733] Maybe PC/VS7.1/pythoncore.vcproj is missing Modules/md5module.c
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1736] Three bugs of FCICreate (PC/_msi.c)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1727] VC6 build patch for python3000
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1700463] VC6 build patch for trunk
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1736] Three bugs of FCICreate (PC/_msi.c)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1736] Two bugs of FCICreate (PC/_msi.c)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1736] Three bugs of FCICreate (PC/_msi.c)
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1932] Cosmetic patch to supress compiler warning
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1932] Cosmetic patch to supress compiler warning
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1720] VC6 build patch for release-maint25
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [issue1689] Backport PEP 3141 to 2.6
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1656] Make math.{floor,ceil}(float) return ints per PEP 3141
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1747] isinstance(NotSubclassOfObject, InstanceOfAbcMeta) fails instead of returning False
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1747] issubclass(NotSubclassOfObject, InstanceOfAbcMeta) fails instead of returning False
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1747] issubclass(NotSubclassOfObject, InstanceOfAbcMeta) fails instead of returning False
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1762] Inheriting from ABC slows Decimal down.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1623] Implement PEP-3141 for Decimal
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1779871] Make python build with gcc-4.2 on OS X 10.4.9
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1682] Move Demo/classes/Rat.py to Lib/rational.py and fix it up.
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1965] Move trunc() to math module
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1968] Unused number magic methods leaked into Py2.6
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1968] Unused number magic methods leaked into Py2.6
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1968] Unused number magic methods leaked into Py2.6
Jeffrey Yasskin
- [issue1550] help('modules') broken by several 3rd party libraries (svn patch attached)
Ka-Ping Yee
- [issue1788] Outdated link in the tutorial
Christopher Yeleighton
- [issue1789] incorrect assumption about unsigned long byte size
Christopher Yeleighton
- [issue1789] incorrect assumption about unsigned long byte size
Christopher Yeleighton
- [issue460474] codecs.StreamWriter: reset() on close()
Mikhail Zabaluev
- [issue1858] Make .pypirc handle multiple servers
Tarek Ziadé
- [issue1741] .pypirc not found on windows
Gerdus van Zyl
- [issue1741] .pypirc not found on windows
Gerdus van Zyl
- [issue1948] Cant open python gui using VISTA
safe alattar
- [issue1948] Cant open python gui using VISTA
safe alattar
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
- [issue1728] distutils.cmd breaks inspect
- [issue1734] no effect if metaclass modifies dict
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1754] WindowsError messages are not properly encoded
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1761] Bug in re.sub()
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1472] Small bat files to build docs on Windows
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1688] Incorrectly displayed non ascii characters in prompt using "input()" - Python 3.0a2
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1798] Add ctypes calling convention that allows safe access of errno
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1793] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1831] ctypes.Structure constructor arguments
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1793] ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() function
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1860] traceback.print_last fails
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1596321] KeyError at exit after 'import threading' in other thread
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1857] subprocess.Popen.poll/__del__ API breakage
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1856] shutdown (exit) can hang or segfault with daemon threads running
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1863] NameError with genexp in class scope
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1868] threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1868] threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1878] class attribute cache failure (regression)
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1703448] "t.join(); assert t not in threading.enumerate()" fails
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1327] Python 2.4+ spends too much time in PyEval_EvalFrame w/ xmlrpmclib
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1910] Document that with is slower than try/finally
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1920] while else loop seems to behave incorrectly
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1920] while else loop seems to behave incorrectly
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1935] test_descr.py converted to unittest
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1750076] Python 2.5+ skips while statements in debuggers
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1545463] New-style classes fail to cleanup attributes
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue870807] optparse int, long types support binary, octal and hex forma
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1014230] optparse: parser.remove_option("-h") inconsistency
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1981] operator "is"
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1410739] Add notes to the manual about `is` and methods
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue1978] Python(2.5.1) will be crashed when i use _ssl module in multi-threads environment in linux.
dugang at 188.com
- [issue1773] Reference to Python issue tracker incorrect
albert hofkamp
- [issue1774] Reference to New style classes documentation is incorrect
albert hofkamp
- [issue1744] readline module - set/get quote delimiters
loic jeannin
- [issue1687] plistlib.py restricts <integer> to Python int when writing
- [issue1962] ctypes feature request: Automatic type conversion of input arguments to C functions
- [issue1545837] array.array borks on deepcopy
- [issue1866] const arg for PyInt_FromString
- [issue1866] const arg for PyInt_FromString
- [issue1866] const arg for PyInt_FromString
- [issue1775] filehandle.write() does not return None (Python 3.0a2)
- [issue1683] Thread local storage and PyGILState_* mucked up by os.fork()
- [issue1947] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading'
- [issue1947] Exception exceptions.AttributeError '_shutdown' in <module 'threading'
- [issue1713877] Expose callback API in readline module
- [issue779460] plistlib should be moved out of plat-mac
- [issue1694155] Python 2.5 installer ended prematurely
anatoly techtonik
- [issue1694155] Python 2.5 installer ended prematurely
anatoly techtonik
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
- [issue1696] Distutils ignore dry-run flag at clean-up of distutils.command.build_scripts.copy_scripts
- [issue1709] logging: log actual function name
- [issue1489] test_socket_ssl hanhs on Windows (deadlock)
- [issue1223] httplib does not handle ssl end of file properly
- [issue1589] New SSL module doesn't seem to verify hostname against commonName in certificate
- [issue1637] urlparse.urlparse misparses URLs with query but no path
- [issue1482] IMAP4 SSL isn't working
- [issue1462525] URI parsing library
- [issue1424152] urllib/urllib2: HTTPS over (Squid) Proxy fails
- [issue1755841] Patch for [ 735515 ] urllib2 should cache 301 redir
- [issue735515] urllib / urllib2 should cache 301 redirections
- [issue1441530] socket read() can cause MemoryError in Windows
- [issue920573] http libraries throw errors internally
- [issue900744] catch invalid chunk length in httplib read routine
- [issue1486335] httplib: read/_read_chunked failes with ValueError sometime
- [issue1411097] httplib patch to make _read_chunked() more robust
- [issue1019808] wrong socket error returned
- [issue1229646] httplib error checking.
- [issue1448934] urllib2+https+proxy not working
- [issue1178141] urllib.py overwrite HTTPError code with 200
- [issue970288] Fix for #876637 - Random stack corruption from socketmodule
- [issue976613] socket timeout problems on Solaris
- [issue706392] faster _socket.connect variant desired
- [issue1491] BaseHTTPServer incorrectly implements response code 100
- [issue1492] BaseHTTPServer hard-codes Content-Type for error messages
- [issue1062] nice to have a way to tell if a socket is bound
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 23:54:07 CET 2008
Archived on: Thu Jan 31 23:54:09 CET 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).