June 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jun 1 01:11:35 CEST 2015
Ending: Tue Jun 30 23:54:29 CEST 2015
Messages: 1768
- [issue24415] SIGINT always reset to SIG_DFL by Py_Finalize()
- [issue24505] shutil.which wrong result on Windows
Bob Alexander
- [issue24505] shutil.which wrong result on Windows
Bob Alexander
- [issue24446] imap and map inconsistent behaviour
Ernesto Alfonso
- [issue24427] subclass of multiprocessing Connection segfault upon attribute acces
Rose Ames
- [issue24370] OrderedDict behavior is unclear with misbehaving keys.
Rose Ames
- [issue24468] Expose compiler flag constants as code object attributes
Rose Ames
- [issue22483] Copyright infringement on PyPI
- [issue24435] Grammar/Grammar points to outdated guide
Chris Angelico
- [issue24536] os.pipe() should return a structsequence (or namedtuple.)
Chris Angelico
- [issue24340] co_stacksize estimate can be highly off
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24348] incorrect decref in C OrderedDict
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24349] Null pointer dereferences in C OrderedDict
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24341] Test suite emits many DeprecationWarnings about sys.exc_clear() when -3 is enabled
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue23968] rename the platform directory from plat-$(MACHDEP) to plat-$(PLATFORM_TRIPLET)
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue23767] Library and include paths not added when cross-compiling on localized system
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24329] __qualname__ and __slots__
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24266] raw_input + readline: Ctrl+C during search breaks readline
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24320] Remove a now-unnecessary workaround from importlib._bootstrap.
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24264] imageop Unsafe Arithmetic
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue7352] pythonx.y-config --ldflags out of /usr and missing -L<install_lib_dir>
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24427] subclass of multiprocessing Connection segfault upon attribute acces
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24481] hotshot pack_string Heap Buffer Overflow
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24521] Integer overflow in _pickle.c
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue24522] Integer overflow in _json_encode_unicode leads to crash (heap-buffer-overflow)
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [issue13224] Change str(x) to return only the qualname for some types
Éric Araujo
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Matthew Barnett
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Matthew Barnett
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Matthew Barnett
- [issue24452] Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS/X
Ned Batchelder
- [issue24299] 2.7.10 test__locale.py change breaks on Solaris
John Beck
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24079] xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.text does not conform to the documentation
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue23996] _PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue() crashes on unnormalised exceptions
Stefan Behnel
- [issue23996] _PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue() crashes on unnormalised exceptions
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue23996] _PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue() crashes on unnormalised exceptions
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Stefan Behnel
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Cory Benfield
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Cory Benfield
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Cory Benfield
- [issue24127] Fatal error in launcher: Job information querying failed
Dan Bjorge
- [issue24278] Docs on Parsing arguments should say something about mem mgmt for formatters returning C strings
Martin Blais
- [issue4753] Faster opcode dispatch on gcc
David Bolen
- [issue4753] Faster opcode dispatch on gcc
David Bolen
- [issue4753] Faster opcode dispatch on gcc
David Bolen
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Malthe Borch
- [issue672115] Assignment to __bases__ of direct object subclasses
- [issue3905] subprocess failing in GUI applications on Windows
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Demian Brecht
- [issue23377] HTTPResponse may drop buffer holding next response
Demian Brecht
- [issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page
Mathieu Bridon
- [issue14102] argparse: add ability to create a man page
Mathieu Bridon
- [issue20362] longMessage attribute is ignored in unittest.TestCase.assertRegexpMatches etc
Torsten Bronger
- [issue24493] subprocess with env=os.environ fails with "fatal python error" when calling 32-bit python from 64-bit one on Windows
Florian Bruhin
- [issue24493] subprocess with env=os.environ fails with "fatal python error" when calling 32-bit python from 64-bit one on Windows
Florian Bruhin
- [issue24493] subprocess with env=os.environ doesn't preserve environment variables when calling a 32bit process on Windows 8.1
Florian Bruhin
- [issue24493] subprocess with env=os.environ doesn't preserve environment variables when calling a 32bit process on Windows 8.1
Florian Bruhin
- [issue24393] Test urllib2_localnet fails depending on host proxy configuration
Étienne Buira
- [issue24393] Test urllib2_localnet fails depending on host proxy configuration
Étienne Buira
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
Étienne Buira
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
Étienne Buira
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
Étienne Buira
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
Étienne Buira
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue22442] Deprecate PIPE with subprocess.check_call() and call()
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24294] DeprecationWarnings should be visible by default in the interactive REPL
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24294] DeprecationWarnings should be visible by default in the interactive REPL
Matthias Bussonnier
- [issue24390] Python 3.4.3 64 bits is not "high dpi aware"
Ivan Bykov
- [issue24390] Python 3.4.3 64 bits is not "high dpi aware"
Ivan Bykov
- [issue24390] Python 3.4.3 64 bits is not "high dpi aware"
Ivan Bykov
- [issue24390] Python 3.4.3 64 bits is not "high dpi aware"
Ivan Bykov
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Brett Cannon
- [issue24512] multiprocessing should log a warning when forking multithreaded process
Timothy Cardenas
- [issue24537] Py_Initialize unable to load the file system codec
Dana Christen
- [issue24398] Update test_capi to use test.support.script_helper
- [issue9517] Make test.script_helper more comprehensive, and use it in the test suite
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
- [issue24033] Update _test_multiprocessing.py to use script helpers
- [issue24398] Update test_capi to use test.support.script_helper
- [issue23981] Update test_unicodedata.py to use script_helpers
- [issue24279] Update test_base64 to use test.support.script_helper
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
- [issue23981] Update test_unicodedata.py to use script_helpers
- [issue24279] Update test_base64 to use test.support.script_helper
- [issue24033] Update _test_multiprocessing.py to use script helpers
- [issue24033] Update _test_multiprocessing.py to use script helpers
- [issue9517] Make test.script_helper more comprehensive, and use it in the test suite
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
- [issue24470] ctypes incorrect handling of long int on 64bits Linux
Marco Clemencic
- [issue24422] base64 not encode correctly
Hector Cloud
- [issue19543] Add -3 warnings for codec convenience method changes
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Nick Coghlan
- [issue11549] Build-out an AST optimizer, moving some functionality out of the peephole optimizer
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24267] test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip triggers version check over network
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24267] test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip triggers version check over network
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24365] Conditionalize 3.5 additions to the stable ABI
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24373] Use traverse & finalize in xxlimited and in PEP 489 tests
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24374] Plug refleak in set_coroutine_wrapper
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24373] Use traverse & finalize in xxlimited and in PEP 489 tests
Nick Coghlan
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24468] Expose compiler flag constants as code object attributes
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24468] Expose compiler flag constants as code object attributes
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24468] Expose compiler flag constants as code object attributes
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24468] Expose C level compiler flag constants to Python code
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24474] Accidental exception chaining in inspect.Signature.bind()
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24474] Accidental exception chaining in inspect.Signature.bind()
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue19979] Missing nested scope vars in class scope (bis)
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24468] Expose C level compiler flag constants to Python code
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24450] Add cr_await calculated property to coroutine object
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24458] Documentation for PEP 489
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24510] Make _PyCoro_GetAwaitableIter a public API
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24511] Add methods for async protocols
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Nick Coghlan
- [issue20357] Mention buildbots in the core dev section of the devguide
Nick Coghlan
- [issue23188] Provide a C helper function to chain raised (but not yet caught) exceptions
Nick Coghlan
- [issue22352] Ensure opcode names and args fit in disassembly output
Nick Coghlan
- [issue16961] No regression tests for -E and individual environment vars
Nick Coghlan
- [issue19518] Add new PyRun_xxx() functions to not encode the filename
Nick Coghlan
- [issue17311] use distutils terminology in "PyPI package display" section
Nick Coghlan
- [issue22166] test_codecs leaks references
Nick Coghlan
- [issue17960] Clarify the required behaviour of locals()
Nick Coghlan
- [issue16217] Tracebacks are unnecessarily verbose when using 'python -m'
Nick Coghlan
- [issue15403] Refactor package creation support code into a common location
Nick Coghlan
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
Nick Coghlan
- [issue15376] Refactor the test_runpy walk_package support code into a common location
Nick Coghlan
- [issue15358] Test pkgutil.walk_packages in test_pkgutil instead of test_runpy
Nick Coghlan
- [issue18578] Rename and document test.bytecode_helper as test.support.bytecode_helper
Nick Coghlan
- [issue17546] Document the circumstances where the locals() dict get updated
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Nick Coghlan
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Robert Collins
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
Robert Collins
- [issue24134] assertRaises can behave differently
Robert Collins
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Jason R. Coombs
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Ian Cordasco
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Ian Cordasco
- [issue24343] Installing 3.4.3 gives error codes 2503 and 2502 on windows 8
Laura Creighton
- [issue24343] Installing 3.4.3 gives error codes 2503 and 2502 on windows 8
Laura Creighton
- [issue24343] Installing 3.4.3 gives error codes 2503 and 2502 on windows 8
Laura Creighton
- [issue24401] Windows 8.1 install gives DLL required to complete could not run
Laura Creighton
- [issue24401] Windows 8.1 install gives DLL required to complete could not run
Laura Creighton
- [issue24301] gzip module failing to decompress valid compressed file
Nick Czeczulin
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue24392] pop functioning
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue19915] int.bit_at(n) - Accessing a single bit in O(1)
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue18814] Add utilities to "clean" surrogate code points from strings
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue24438] Strange behaviour when multiplying imaginary inf by 1
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue24442] Readline Bindings Don't Report Any Error On Completer Function Exception
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue24515] docstring of isinstance
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue24515] docstring of isinstance
Steven D'Aprano
- [issue24366] Simple indentation
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Ben Darnell
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Ben Darnell
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Ben Darnell
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Ben Darnell
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Ben Darnell
- [issue24350] dict({'a':'aa'}, a='bb') raises segmentation fault on Mac
Ned Deily
- [issue24357] Change socket.getaddrinfo example to show IPv6 connectivity
Ned Deily
- [issue24357] Change socket.getaddrinfo example to show IPv6 connectivity
Ned Deily
- [issue24267] test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip triggers version check over network
Ned Deily
- [issue24308] Test failure: test_with_pip (test.test_venv.EnsurePipTest in 3.x
Ned Deily
- [issue24352] Provide a way for assertLogs to optionally not hide the logging output
Ned Deily
- [issue24355] Provide a unittest api for controlling verbosity in tests
Ned Deily
- [issue24382] Fail to build time module on Mac
Ned Deily
- [issue10666] OS X installer variants have confusing readline differences
Ned Deily
- [issue24388] Python readline module crashes in history_get on FreeBSD with libedit
Ned Deily
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ned Deily
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ned Deily
- [issue24393] Test urllib2_localnet fails depending on host proxy configuration
Ned Deily
- [issue24402] input() uses sys.__stdout__ instead of sys.stdout for prompt
Ned Deily
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
Ned Deily
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Ned Deily
- [issue24404] Python 2.7.0's BZ2File does not support with-statements
Ned Deily
- [issue24414] MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set incorrectly by configure
Ned Deily
- [issue24413] Inconsistent behavior between set and dict_keys/dict_items: for non-iterable object x, set().__or__(x) raises NotImplementedError, but {}.keys().__or__(x) raises TypeError
Ned Deily
- [issue24418] "make install" will not install pip if already present in user site-packages
Ned Deily
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Ned Deily
- [issue24423] Fix wrong indentation in Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst
Ned Deily
- [issue24432] Upgrade windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2b
Ned Deily
- [issue24432] Upgrade windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2b
Ned Deily
- [issue24446] imap and map inconsistent behaviour
Ned Deily
- [issue24446] imap and map inconsistent behaviour
Ned Deily
- [issue24452] Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X
Ned Deily
- [issue24451] Add metrics to future objects (concurrent or asyncio?)
Ned Deily
- [issue23255] SimpleHTTPRequestHandler refactor for more extensible usage.
Ned Deily
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
Ned Deily
- [issue24475] The docs never define what a pool "task" is
Ned Deily
- [issue24479] Support LMMS project files in mimetypes.guess_type
Ned Deily
- [issue24481] hotshot pack_string Heap Buffer Overflow
Ned Deily
- [issue24464] Got warning when compiling sqlite3 module on Mac OS X
Ned Deily
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Ned Deily
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Ned Deily
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Ned Deily
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Ned Deily
- [issue24490] DeprecationWarning hidden even after warnings.filterwarnings('always') called
Ned Deily
- [issue2406] Improvement suggestions for the gzip module documentation
Ned Deily
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Ned Deily
- [issue12920] Document that inspect.getsource only works for objects loaded from files, not interactive session
Ned Deily
- [issue24491] inspect.getsource can't get source code if provided function isn't from a file
Ned Deily
- [issue24502] OS X 2.7 package has zeros for version numbers in sub-packages
Ned Deily
- [issue24497] test_decimal.py contains a dead link
Ned Deily
- [issue24512] multiprocessing should log a warning when forking multithreaded process
Ned Deily
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Ned Deily
- [issue24535] SELinux reporting writes, executes, and dac_overwrites
Ned Deily
- [issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``
Catherine Devlin
- [issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``
Catherine Devlin
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Mark Dickinson
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Mark Dickinson
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
Mark Dickinson
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
Mark Dickinson
- [issue24438] Strange behaviour when multiplying imaginary inf by 1
Mark Dickinson
- [issue24438] Strange behaviour when multiplying imaginary inf by 1
Mark Dickinson
- [issue7518] Some functions in pymath.c should be moved elsewhere.
Mark Dickinson
- [issue24086] Configparser interpolation is unexpected
Jens Diemer
- [issue21417] Compression level for zipfile
Jens Diemer
- [issue19894] zipfile ignores deflate level settings in zipinfo object
Jens Diemer
- [issue21417] Compression level for zipfile
Jens Diemer
- [issue24475] The docs never define what a pool "task" is
Zahari Dim
- [issue24500] xontextlib.redirect_stdout should redirect C output
Zahari Dim
- [issue24500] contextlib.redirect_stdout should redirect C output
Zahari Dim
- [issue24500] provide context manager to redirect C output
Zahari Dim
- [issue24519] multiprocessing.Pool with maxtasksperchild starts too many processes
Zahari Dim
- [issue24519] multiprocessing.Pool with maxtasksperchild starts too many processes
Zahari Dim
- [issue24395] webbrowser.py update to use argparse.py
Hasan Diwan
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
- [issue24481] hotshot pack_string Heap Buffer Overflow
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Piotr Dobrogost
- [issue9427] logging.error('...', exc_info=True) should display upper frames, too
Piotr Dobrogost
- [issue18857] urlencode of a None value uses the string 'None'
Piotr Dobrogost
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ismail Donmez
- [issue24293] Windows installer unreadable with std/custom themes
Steve Dower
- [issue24317] Change installer Customize default to match quick settings
Steve Dower
- [issue24317] Change installer Customize default to match quick settings
Steve Dower
- [issue24344] Overlap display issue in windows installer
Steve Dower
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Steve Dower
- [issue5319] stdout error at interpreter shutdown fails to return OS error status
Steve Dower
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Steve Dower
- [issue24401] Windows 8.1 install gives DLL required to complete could not run
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue24385] libpython.a does not work for all MinGW forks
Steve Dower
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Steve Dower
- [issue24425] Installer Vender Issue
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Steve Dower
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Steve Dower
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Steve Dower
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Steve Dower
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Steve Dower
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Steve Dower
- [issue24306] Backport py.exe to 3.4
Steve Dower
- [issue24478] asyncio: segfault in test_env_var_debug() on non-debug Windows buildbot
Steve Dower
- [issue24306] Backport py.exe to 3.4
Steve Dower
- [issue23246] distutils fails to locate vcvarsall with Visual C++ Compiler for Python
Steve Dower
- [issue23246] distutils fails to locate vcvarsall with Visual C++ Compiler for Python
Steve Dower
- [issue24244] Python exception on strftime with %f on Python 3 and Python 2 on windows
Steve Dower
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Steve Dower
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Steve Dower
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Steve Dower
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Steve Dower
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Steve Dower
- [issue24258] BZ2File objects do not have name attribute
Cliff Dyer
- [issue24258] BZ2File objects do not have name attribute
Cliff Dyer
- [issue24474] Accidental exception chaining in inspect.Signature.bind()
Walter Dörwald
- [issue24270] PEP 485 (math.isclose) implementation
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue24384] difflib.SequenceMatcher faster quick_ratio with lower bound specification
Tal Einat
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue20346] Argument Clinic: missing entry in table mapping legacy convertors to real AC converters
Tal Einat
- [issue24384] difflib.SequenceMatcher faster quick_ratio with lower bound specification
Tal Einat
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Tal Einat
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
Tal Einat
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Tal Einat
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Tal Einat
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Tal Einat
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Tal Einat
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Tal Einat
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Tal Einat
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Tal Einat
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Tal Einat
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Tal Einat
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Tal Einat
- [issue24402] input() uses sys.__stdout__ instead of sys.stdout for prompt
Tal Einat
- [issue24402] input() uses sys.__stdout__ instead of sys.stdout for prompt
Tal Einat
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Tal Einat
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
Tal Einat
- [issue24421] Race condition compiling Modules/_math.c
Tal Einat
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Tal Einat
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Tal Einat
- [issue24421] Race condition compiling Modules/_math.c
Tal Einat
- [issue23020] New matmul operator crashes modules compiled with CPython3.4
Tal Einat
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Tal Einat
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Tal Einat
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
Tal Einat
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Michael Ensslin
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Michael Ensslin
- [issue23255] SimpleHTTPRequestHandler refactor for more extensible usage.
- [issue23255] SimpleHTTPRequestHandler refactor for more extensible usage.
- [issue24404] Python 2.7.0's BZ2File does not support with-statements
- [issue23078] unittest.mock patch autospec doesn't work on staticmethods
- [issue23830] Add AF_IUCV support to sockets
Neale Ferguson
- [issue24330] Idle doc: explain "Configure Idle" not in "Options" on OSX, etc.
André Freitas
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Mike Frysinger
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Mike Frysinger
- [issue24195] Add `Executor.filter` to concurrent.futures
Ethan Furman
- [issue24195] Add `Executor.filter` to concurrent.futures
Ethan Furman
- [issue24120] pathlib.(r)glob stops on PermissionDenied exception
Ethan Furman
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Ethan Furman
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Ethan Furman
- [issue24536] os.pipe() should return a structsequence (or namedtuple.)
Ethan Furman
- [issue24413] Inconsistent behavior between set and dict_keys/dict_items: for non-iterable object x, set().__or__(x) raises NotImplementedError, but {}.keys().__or__(x) raises TypeError
Richard Futrell
- [issue15753] No-argument super in method with variable arguments raises SystemError
Cristóbal Ganter
- [issue23319] Missing SWAP_INT in I_set_sw
Matthieu Gautier
- [issue24432] Upgrade windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2b
Alex Gaynor
- [issue19235] Add a dedicated subclass for recursion errors
Elazar Gershuni
- [issue19235] Add a dedicated subclass for recursion errors
Elazar Gershuni
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Benjamin Gilbert
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Benjamin Gilbert
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Benjamin Gilbert
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Benjamin Gilbert
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Ryan Gonzalez
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Ryan Gonzalez
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Ryan Gonzalez
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Ryan Gonzalez
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Ryan Gonzalez
- [issue6839] zipfile can't extract file
Sean Goodwin
- [issue24504] os.listdir() error if the last folder starts not with the capital letter
Denis Gordeev
- [issue24504] os.listdir() error if the last folder starts not with the capital letter
Denis Gordeev
- [issue24134] assertRaises can behave differently
Tim Graham
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Tim Graham
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Tim Graham
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Alex Grönholm
- [issue24259] tar.extractall() does not recognize unexpected EOF
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24259] tar.extractall() does not recognize unexpected EOF
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24259] tar.extractall() does not recognize unexpected EOF
Lars Gustäbel
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Jan Harkes
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Jan Harkes
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Jan Harkes
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Jan Harkes
- [issue24451] Add metrics to future objects (concurrent or asyncio?)
Joshua Harlow
- [issue24451] Add metrics to future objects (concurrent or asyncio?)
Joshua Harlow
- [issue24451] Add metrics to future objects (concurrent or asyncio?)
Joshua Harlow
- [issue24424] xml.dom.minidom: performance issue with Node.insertBefore()
Robert Haschke
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue23496] Steps for Android Native Build of Python 3.4.2
Cyd Haselton
- [issue24320] Remove a now-unnecessary workaround from importlib._bootstrap.
Larry Hastings
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Larry Hastings
- [issue24320] Remove a now-unnecessary workaround from importlib._bootstrap.
Larry Hastings
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Larry Hastings
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Larry Hastings
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Larry Hastings
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Larry Hastings
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Larry Hastings
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Larry Hastings
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Larry Hastings
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Larry Hastings
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
Larry Hastings
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Larry Hastings
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Larry Hastings
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Larry Hastings
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Larry Hastings
- [issue24468] Expose compiler flag constants as code object attributes
Larry Hastings
- [issue24306] Backport py.exe to 3.4
Larry Hastings
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Larry Hastings
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Larry Hastings
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Larry Hastings
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Larry Hastings
- [issue24540] Documentation about skipkeys parameter for json.dumps is incorrect
Matthew Havard
- [issue24127] Fatal error in launcher: Job information querying failed
Henrik Heimbuerger
- [issue24127] Fatal error in launcher: Job information querying failed
Henrik Heimbuerger
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Christian Heimes
- [issue23239] SSL match_hostname does not accept IP Address
Christian Heimes
- [issue24372] Documentation for ssl.wrap_socket's ssl_version parameter is odd
Christian Heimes
- [issue24372] Documentation for ssl.wrap_socket's ssl_version parameter is odd
Christian Heimes
- [issue24372] Documentation for ssl.wrap_socket's ssl_version parameter is odd
Christian Heimes
- [issue24516] SSL create_default_socket purpose insufficiently documented
Christian Heimes
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Christian Heimes
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24339] iso6937 encoding missing
John Helour
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24484] multiprocessing cleanup occasionally throws exception
Jorge Herskovic
- [issue24323] Typo in Mutable Sequence Types documentation.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24378] dir(dictobject) returns empty list when __getattribute__ is overriden in the class
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24384] difflib.SequenceMatcher faster quick_ratio with lower bound specification
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24413] Inconsistent behavior between set and dict_keys/dict_items: for non-iterable object x, set().__or__(x) raises NotImplementedError, but {}.keys().__or__(x) raises TypeError
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24413] Inconsistent behavior between set and dict_keys/dict_items: for non-iterable object x, set().__or__(x) raises NotImplementedError, but {}.keys().__or__(x) raises TypeError
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24413] Inconsistent behavior between set and dict_keys/dict_items: for non-iterable object x, set().__or__(x) raises NotImplementedError, but {}.keys().__or__(x) raises TypeError
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24324] Remove -Wunreachable-code flag
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24324] Remove -Wunreachable-code flag
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24448] Syntax highlighting marks multiline comments as strings
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24370] OrderedDict behavior is unclear with misbehaving keys.
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24533] Increased Test Coverage for Lib/random.py
Raymond Hettinger
- [issue24488] ConfigParser.getboolean fails on boolean options
Andreas Hilboll
- [issue24538] os.setxattr PermissionError on panfs propagates up causing `copystat`, `copytree`, and `pip install .` to fail unhepfully
Gerrit Holl
- [issue24538] os.setxattr PermissionError on panfs propagates up causing `copystat`, `copytree`, and `pip install .` to fail unhepfully
Gerrit Holl
- [issue24538] os.setxattr PermissionError on panfs propagates up causing `copystat`, `copytree`, and `pip install .` to fail unhepfully
Gerrit Holl
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Michiel de Hoon
- [issue24506] make fails with gcc 4.9 due to fatal warning of unused variable and empty macro in Parser/pgen.c
Meador Inge
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Meador Inge
- [issue21217] inspect.getsourcelines finds wrong lines when lambda used argument to decorator
Meador Inge
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Meador Inge
- [issue21217] inspect.getsourcelines finds wrong lines when lambda used argument to decorator
Meador Inge
- [issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``
Bob Ippolito
- [issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``
Bob Ippolito
- [issue1182143] making builtin exceptions more informative
George Jenkins
- [issue1182143] making builtin exceptions more informative
George Jenkins
- [issue23246] distutils fails to locate vcvarsall with Visual C++ Compiler for Python
Nathan Jensen
- [issue23246] distutils fails to locate vcvarsall with Visual C++ Compiler for Python
Nathan Jensen
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] operator.subscript
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] operator.subscript
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24379] operator.subscript
Joe Jevnik
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
- [issue24457] audioop.lin2adpcm Buffer Over-read
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
- [issue24481] hotspot pack_string Heap Buffer Overflow
- [issue14046] argparse: assertion failure if optional argument has square/round brackets in metavar
John Jones
- [issue2406] Improvement suggestions for the gzip module documentation
Jakub Kadlčík
- [issue24496] Non-idiomatic examples in gzip docs
Jakub Kadlčík
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Evgeny Kapun
- [issue14003] __self__ on built-in functions is not as documented
Dmitry Kazakov
- [issue24309] string.Template should be using str.format and/or deprecated
Dmitry Kazakov
- [issue23670] Modifications to support iOS as a cross-compilation target
Russell Keith-Magee
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Akshit Khurana
- [issue24402] input() uses sys.__stdout__ instead of sys.stdout for prompt
Keita Kita
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Carl Kleffner
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Carl Kleffner
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
Carl Kleffner
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Thomas Kluyver
- [issue24350] dict({'a':'aa'}, a='bb') raises segmentation fault on Mac
Graham Klyne
- [issue24350] dict({'a':'aa'}, a='bb') raises segmentation fault on Mac
Graham Klyne
- [issue24350] dict({'a':'aa'}, a='bb') raises segmentation fault on Mac
Graham Klyne
- [issue24380] Got warning when compiling _scproxy.c on Mac
Vajrasky Kok
- [issue24381] Got warning when compiling ffi.c on Mac
Vajrasky Kok
- [issue24382] Fail to build time module on Mac
Vajrasky Kok
- [issue24382] Fail to build time module on Mac
Vajrasky Kok
- [issue24464] Got warning when compiling sqlite3 module on Mac OSX
Vajrasky Kok
- [issue24371] configparser hate dot in option like eth2.6
Yavuz Selim Komur
- [issue24371] configparser hate dot in option like eth2.6
Yavuz Selim Komur
- [issue24443] Link for clear and wait missing in EventObjects
Jaivish Kothari
- [issue24443] Link for clear and wait missing in EventObjects
Jaivish Kothari
- [issue24490] DeprecationWarning hidden even after warnings.filterwarnings('always') called
Jakub Mateusz Kowalski
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Jacek Kołodziej
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Stefan Krah
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Stefan Krah
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Stefan Krah
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Stefan Krah
- [issue24361] OrderedDict: crash with threads
Stefan Krah
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Stefan Krah
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Stefan Krah
- [issue24375] Performance regression relative to 2.7
Stefan Krah
- [issue24473] 南京小姐找上门全套服务
Stefan Krah
- [issue24472] 石家庄小姐找上门全套服务
Stefan Krah
- [issue12210] test_smtplib: intermittent failures on FreeBSD
Stefan Krah
- [issue12210] test_smtplib: intermittent failures on FreeBSD
Stefan Krah
- [issue24513] decimal test version mismatch
Stefan Krah
- [issue24513] decimal test version mismatch
Stefan Krah
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
A.M. Kuchling
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Senthil Kumaran
- [issue24501] configure does not find (n)curses in /usr/local/libs
Pete Lancashire
- [issue24501] configure does not find (n)curses in /usr/local/libs
Pete Lancashire
- [issue24501] configure does not find (n)curses in /usr/local/libs
Pete Lancashire
- [issue22385] Define a binary output formatting mini-language for *.hex()
Chris Lasher
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
Piers Lauder
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
Piers Lauder
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Mark Lawrence
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Mark Lawrence
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Mark Lawrence
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Mark Lawrence
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Mark Lawrence
- [issue24395] webbrowser.py update to use argparse.py
Mark Lawrence
- [issue10399] AST Optimization: inlining of function calls
Mark Lawrence
- [issue24459] Mention PYTHONFAULTHANDLER in the man page
Antony Lee
- [issue16379] SQLite error code not exposed to python
Cal Leeming
- [issue24525] [doc] missing word
Vincent Legoll
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Marc-Andre Lemburg
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Benno Leslie
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Benno Leslie
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Benno Leslie
- [issue20741] Documentation archives should be available also in tar.xz format
Paul Anton Letnes
- [issue10708] Misc/porting should be folded into the development FAQ or the devguide
Paul Anton Letnes
- [issue24535] SELinux reporting writes, executes, and dac_overwrites
Nick Levinson
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue19235] Add a dedicated subclass for recursion errors
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue16379] SQLite error code not exposed to python
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue24528] Misleading exeption for await in comprehensions.
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue19217] Calling assertEquals for moderately long list takes too long
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue21253] unittest assertSequenceEqual can lead to Difflib.compare() crashing on mostly different sequences
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue11352] Update cgi module doc
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue5945] PyMapping_Check returns 1 for lists
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue21827] textwrap.dedent() fails when largest common whitespace is a substring of smallest leading whitespace
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue24272] PEP 484 docs
Ivan Levkivskyi
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Caleb Levy
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Caleb Levy
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Caleb Levy
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Caleb Levy
- [issue22442] Deprecate PIPE with subprocess.check_call() and call()
Akira Li
- [issue24480] Python 2.7.10
Yunlong Liu
- [issue24480] Python 2.7.10
Yunlong Liu
- [issue16864] sqlite3.Cursor.lastrowid isn't populated when executing a SQL REPLACE statement
Alex Lord
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
F Malina
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
F Malina
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
F Malina
- [issue24357] www.python.org lost IPv6 connectivity
Paul Marks
- [issue24388] Python readline module crashes in history_get on FreeBSD with libedit
Ed Maste
- [issue24388] Python readline module crashes in history_get on FreeBSD with libedit
Ed Maste
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ed Maste
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ed Maste
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ed Maste
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ed Maste
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Ed Maste
- [issue24520] Stop using deprecated floating-point environment functions on FreeBSD
Ed Maste
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24445] rstrip strips what it doesn't have to
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24445] rstrip strips what it doesn't have to
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Patrick Maupin
- [issue24396] Provide convenience function for paths relative to the current module
Madison May
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue24452] Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Boštjan Mejak
- [issue2771] Test issue
Ezio Melotti
- [issue2771] Test issue
Ezio Melotti
- [issue24389] idle launches in cmd but not from any other method.
Ezio Melotti
- [issue24422] base64 not encode correctly
Ezio Melotti
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Ezio Melotti
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Ezio Melotti
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Ezio Melotti
- [issue24516] SSL create_default_socket purpose insufficiently documented
Petr Messner
- [issue24418] "make install" will not install pip if already present in user site-packages
Aaron Meurer
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Brandon Milam
- [issue12020] Attribute error with flush on stdout,stderr
Brandon Milam
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Brandon Milam
- [issue24148] 'cum' not a valid sort key for pstats.Stats.sort_stats
Brandon Milam
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Brandon Milam
- [issue24452] Make webbrowser support Chrome on Mac OS X
Brandon Milam
- [issue21297] csv.skipinitialspace only skips spaces, not "whitespace" in general
Brandon Milam
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Baptiste Mispelon
- [issue3353] make built-in tokenizer available via Python C API
Dustin J. Mitchell
- [issue24530] `import..as` fails where `import` does not
Dustin J. Mitchell
- [issue24438] Strange behaviour when multiplying imaginary inf by 1
Alex Monk
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper recursion
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24371] configparser hate dot in option like eth2.6
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24324] Remove -Wunreachable-code flag
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24417] Type-specific documentation for __format__ methods
Skip Montanaro
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24463] Python 3.4 bugs
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24503] csv.writer fails when within csv.reader
Skip Montanaro
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Michael Del Monte
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Michael Del Monte
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Michael Del Monte
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Michael Del Monte
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Michael Del Monte
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Paul Moore
- [issue24087] Documentation doesn't explain the term "coroutine" (PEP 342)
Paul Moore
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Paul Moore
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Paul Moore
- [issue24343] Installing 3.4.3 gives error codes 2503 and 2502 on windows 8
R. David Murray
- [issue24343] Installing 3.4.3 gives error codes 2503 and 2502 on windows 8
R. David Murray
- [issue24346] TypeError at List in Tuple concatenation
R. David Murray
- [issue24352] Provide a way for assertLogs to optionally not hide the logging output
R. David Murray
- [issue24353] NameError: name 'path_separators' is not defined
R. David Murray
- [issue24354] Requests Library get issue
R. David Murray
- [issue24355] Provide a unittest api for controlling verbosity in tests
R. David Murray
- [issue24355] Provide a unittest api for controlling verbosity in tests
R. David Murray
- [issue4753] Faster opcode dispatch on gcc
R. David Murray
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
R. David Murray
- [issue24353] NameError: name 'path_separators' is not defined
R. David Murray
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
R. David Murray
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
R. David Murray
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
R. David Murray
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
R. David Murray
- [issue24364] Not all defects pass through email policy
R. David Murray
- [issue24266] raw_input + readline: Ctrl+C during search breaks readline
R. David Murray
- [issue20155] Regression test test_httpservers fails, hangs on Windows
R. David Murray
- [issue7559] TestLoader.loadTestsFromName swallows import errors
R. David Murray
- [issue22725] improve documentation for enumerate() (built-in function)
R. David Murray
- [issue23171] csv.writer.writerow() does not accept generator (must be coerced to list)
R. David Murray
- [issue23171] csv.writer.writerow() does not accept generator (must be coerced to list)
R. David Murray
- [issue23440] Extend http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler testing
R. David Murray
- [issue18458] interactive interpreter crashes and test_readline fails on OS X 10.9 Mavericks due to libedit update
R. David Murray
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
R. David Murray
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
R. David Murray
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
R. David Murray
- [issue24371] configparser hate dot in option like eth2.6
R. David Murray
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
R. David Murray
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
R. David Murray
- [issue24378] dir(dictobject) returns empty list when __getattribute__ is overriden in the class
R. David Murray
- [issue24386] Bug Tracker emails going to gmail spam
R. David Murray
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
R. David Murray
- [issue24387] json.loads should be idempotent when the argument is a dictionary
R. David Murray
- [issue24396] Provide convenience function for paths relative to the current module
R. David Murray
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
R. David Murray
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
R. David Murray
- [issue22865] Document how to make pty.spawn not copy data
R. David Murray
- [issue24397] Test asynchat makes wrong assumptions
R. David Murray
- [issue24410] set.__eq__ returns False when it should return NotImplemented
R. David Murray
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
R. David Murray
- [issue24415] SIGINT always reset to SIG_DFL by Py_Finalize()
R. David Murray
- [issue24425] Installer Vender Issue
R. David Murray
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
R. David Murray
- [issue24437] Add information about the buildbot console view and irc notices to devguide
R. David Murray
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
R. David Murray
- [issue24437] Add information about the buildbot console view and irc notices to devguide
R. David Murray
- [issue24438] Strange behaviour when multiplying imaginary inf by 1
R. David Murray
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
R. David Murray
- [issue11245] Implementation of IMAP IDLE in imaplib?
R. David Murray
- [issue24440] Move the buildslave setup information from the wiki to the devguide
R. David Murray
- [issue24440] Move the buildslave setup information from the wiki to the devguide
R. David Murray
- [issue24437] Add information about the buildbot console view and irc notices to devguide
R. David Murray
- [issue24441] In argparse add_argument() allows the empty choices argument
R. David Murray
- [issue24442] Readline Bindings Don't Report Any Error On Completer Function Exception
R. David Murray
- [issue795081] email.Message param parsing problem II
R. David Murray
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
R. David Murray
- [issue22086] Tab indent no longer works in interpreter
R. David Murray
- [issue5845] rlcompleter should be enabled automatically
R. David Murray
- [issue24460] urlencode() of dictionary not as expected
R. David Murray
- [issue24461] os.environ.get treats Environt variant with double quotation marks wrong
R. David Murray
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
R. David Murray
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
R. David Murray
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
R. David Murray
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
R. David Murray
- [issue1182143] making builtin exceptions more informative
R. David Murray
- [issue24488] ConfigParser.getboolean fails on boolean options
R. David Murray
- [issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods
R. David Murray
- [issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods
R. David Murray
- [issue12210] test_smtplib: intermittent failures on FreeBSD
R. David Murray
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
R. David Murray
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
R. David Murray
- [issue24494] Can't specify encoding with fileinput and inplace=True
R. David Murray
- [issue12210] test_smtplib: intermittent failures on FreeBSD
R. David Murray
- [issue24498] Shoudl ptags and eptags be removed from repo?
R. David Murray
- [issue24500] provide context manager to redirect C output
R. David Murray
- [issue24505] shutil.which wrong result on Windows
R. David Murray
- [issue18857] urlencode of a None value uses the string 'None'
R. David Murray
- [issue24517] %z does not work in time.strftime()
R. David Murray
- [issue20281] time.strftime %z format specifier is the same as %Z
R. David Murray
- [issue24517] %z does not work in time.strftime()
R. David Murray
- [issue24505] shutil.which wrong result on Windows
R. David Murray
- [issue23906] poplib maxline behaviour may be wrong
R. David Murray
- [issue23906] poplib maxline behaviour may be wrong
R. David Murray
- [issue24526] Exponent function bug
R. David Murray
- [issue24529] Same MemoryError object gets thrown from different places.
R. David Murray
- [issue24530] `import..as` fails where `import` does not
R. David Murray
- [issue24531] please document that no code preceding encoding declaration is allowed
R. David Murray
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
R. David Murray
- [issue24530] `import..as` fails where `import` does not
R. David Murray
- [issue24538] os.setxattr PermissionError on panfs propagates up causing `copystat`, `copytree`, and `pip install .` to fail unhepfully
R. David Murray
- [issue23749] asyncio missing wrap_socket
Elizabeth Myers
- [issue24344] Overlap display issue in windows installer
Ionel Cristian Mărieș
- [issue24353] NameError: name 'path_separators' is not defined
Ionel Cristian Mărieș
- [issue24353] NameError: name 'path_separators' is not defined
Ionel Cristian Mărieș
- [issue24427] subclass of multiprocessing Connection segfault upon attribute acces
Charles-François Natali
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Charles-François Natali
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Charles-François Natali
- [issue23992] multiprocessing: MapResult shouldn't fail fast upon exception
Charles-François Natali
- [issue24475] The docs never define what a pool "task" is
Daniel Neuberger
- [issue24479] Support LMMS project files in mimetypes.guess_type
Andreas Nilsson
- [issue24479] Support LMMS project files in mimetypes.guess_type
Andreas Nilsson
- [issue24527] The MimeTypes class cannot ignore global files per instance
Sebastian Noack
- [issue24533] Increased Test Coverage for Lib/random.py
Charles Nodell
- [issue24524] python crash using Tkinter
Tomas Nordin
- [issue22158] RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8) support in smtpd.PureProxy
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue22158] RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8) support in smtpd.PureProxy
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue21783] smtpd.py does not allow multiple helo/ehlo commands
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue22872] multiprocessing.Queue raises AssertionError
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue795081] email.Message param parsing problem II
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue19111] 2to3 should remove from future_builtins import *
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue19111] 2to3 should remove from future_builtins import *
Milan Oberkirch
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation does'nt
Dmitry Odzerikho
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Dmitry Odzerikho
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Dmitry Odzerikho
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Dmitry Odzerikho
- [issue17214] http.client.HTTPConnection.putrequest encode error
Uche Ogbuji
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
Graham Oliver
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
Graham Oliver
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
Graham Oliver
- [issue24386] Bug Tracker emails going to gmail spam
Graham Oliver
- [issue24389] idle launches in cmd but not from any other method.
Harvesting Ore
- [issue24389] idle launches in cmd but not from any other method.
Harvesting Ore
- [issue24389] idle launches in cmd but not from any other method.
Harvesting Ore
- [issue14243] tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile not particularly useful on Windows
Carl Osterwisch
- [issue24380] Got warning when compiling _scproxy.c on Mac
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue24464] Got warning when compiling sqlite3 module on Mac OSX
Ronald Oussoren
- [issue24527] The MimeTypes class cannot ignore global files per instance
Wladimir Palant
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Julien Palard
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Julien Palard
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Julien Palard
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Julien Palard
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Martin Panter
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Martin Panter
- [issue24355] Provide a unittest api for controlling verbosity in tests
Martin Panter
- [issue22442] Deprecate PIPE with subprocess.check_call() and call()
Martin Panter
- [issue5319] stdout error at interpreter shutdown fails to return OS error status
Martin Panter
- [issue12020] Attribute error with flush on stdout,stderr
Martin Panter
- [issue24358] Should compression file-like objects provide .fileno(), misleading subprocess?
Martin Panter
- [issue24363] httplib fails to handle semivalid HTTP headers
Martin Panter
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Martin Panter
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Martin Panter
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Martin Panter
- [issue24079] xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.text does not conform to the documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Martin Panter
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Martin Panter
- [issue5319] stdout error at interpreter shutdown fails to return OS error status
Martin Panter
- [issue23237] Interrupts are lost during readline PyOS_InputHook processing (reopening)
Martin Panter
- [issue24388] Python readline module crashes in history_get on FreeBSD with libedit
Martin Panter
- [issue5319] stdout error at interpreter shutdown fails to return OS error status
Martin Panter
- [issue18885] handle EINTR in the stdlib
Martin Panter
- [issue14287] sys.stdin.readline and KeyboardInterrupt on windows
Martin Panter
- [issue24396] Provide convenience function for paths relative to the current module
Martin Panter
- [issue24396] Provide convenience function for paths relative to the current module
Martin Panter
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
Martin Panter
- [issue14586] TypeError: truncate() takes no keyword arguments
Martin Panter
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Martin Panter
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Martin Panter
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Martin Panter
- [issue22836] Broken "Exception ignored in:" message on exceptions in __repr__
Martin Panter
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Martin Panter
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue24421] Race condition compiling Modules/_math.c
Martin Panter
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
Martin Panter
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Martin Panter
- [issue23391] Documentation of EnvironmentError (OSError) arguments disappeared
Martin Panter
- [issue23391] Documentation of EnvironmentError (OSError) arguments disappeared
Martin Panter
- [issue1260171] subprocess: more general (non-buffering) communication
Martin Panter
- [issue12833] raw_input misbehaves when readline is imported
Martin Panter
- [issue12833] raw_input misbehaves when readline is imported
Martin Panter
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Martin Panter
- [issue23391] Documentation of EnvironmentError (OSError) arguments disappeared
Martin Panter
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Martin Panter
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Martin Panter
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Martin Panter
- [issue23760] Tkinter in Python 3.4 on Windows don't post internal clipboard data to the Windows clipboard on exit
Martin Panter
- [issue24087] Documentation doesn't explain the term "coroutine" (PEP 342)
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue24442] Readline Bindings Don't Report Any Error On Completer Function Exception
Martin Panter
- [issue24445] rstrip strips what it doesn't have to
Martin Panter
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Martin Panter
- [issue24087] Documentation doesn't explain the term "coroutine" (PEP 342)
Martin Panter
- [issue5209] nntplib needs updating to RFC 3977
Martin Panter
- [issue9939] Add a pipe type (FIFO) to the io module
Martin Panter
- [issue14780] urllib.request could use the default CA store
Martin Panter
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Martin Panter
- [issue24301] gzip module failing to decompress valid compressed file
Martin Panter
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
Martin Panter
- [issue24087] Documentation doesn't explain the term "coroutine" (PEP 342)
Martin Panter
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Martin Panter
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue24421] Race condition compiling Modules/_math.c
Martin Panter
- [issue7518] Some functions in pymath.c should be moved elsewhere.
Martin Panter
- [issue24421] Race condition compiling Modules/_math.c
Martin Panter
- [issue18383] test_warnings modifies warnings.filters when running with "-W default"
Martin Panter
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
Martin Panter
- [issue24460] urlencode() of dictionary not as expected
Martin Panter
- [issue19613] test_nntplib: sporadic failures, test_article_head_body()
Martin Panter
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Martin Panter
- [issue20344] subprocess.check_output() docs misrepresent what shell=True does
Martin Panter
- [issue21279] str.translate documentation incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue14911] generator.throw() documentation inaccurate
Martin Panter
- [issue13213] generator.throw() behavior
Martin Panter
- [issue10482] subprocess and deadlock avoidance
Martin Panter
- [issue15753] No-argument super in method with variable arguments raises SystemError
Martin Panter
- [issue16095] urllib2 failing with squid proxy and digest authentication
Martin Panter
- [issue16095] urllib2 failing with squid proxy and digest authentication
Martin Panter
- [issue24259] tar.extractall() does not recognize unexpected EOF
Martin Panter
- [issue19756] test_nntplib: sporadic failures, network isses? server down?
Martin Panter
- [issue1186900] nntplib shouldn't raise generic EOFError
Martin Panter
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue23750] Clarify difference between os.system/subprocess.call in section "Replacing os.system()"
Martin Panter
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue23377] HTTPResponse may drop buffer holding next response
Martin Panter
- [issue24487] Change asyncio.async() → ensure_future()
Martin Panter
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Martin Panter
- [issue24487] Change asyncio.async() → ensure_future()
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Martin Panter
- [issue23639] Not documented special names
Martin Panter
- [issue24495] asyncio.ensure_future() AttributeError with “async def” coroutines
Martin Panter
- [issue24496] Non-idiomatic examples in gzip docs
Martin Panter
- [issue24450] Add cr_await calculated property to coroutine object
Martin Panter
- [issue24486] http/client.py block indefinitely on line 308 in _read_status
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue24503] csv.writer fails when within csv.reader
Martin Panter
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Martin Panter
- [issue16830] Add skip_host and skip_accept_encoding to HTTPConnection.request()
Martin Panter
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Martin Panter
- [issue24516] SSL create_default_socket purpose insufficiently documented
Martin Panter
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Martin Panter
- [issue17546] Document the circumstances where the locals() dict get updated
Martin Panter
- [issue18576] Document test.support.script_helper
Martin Panter
- [issue24279] Update test_base64 to use test.support.script_helper
Martin Panter
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Martin Panter
- [issue17546] Document the circumstances where the locals() dict get updated
Martin Panter
- [issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument
Martin Panter
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Martin Panter
- [issue24530] `import..as` fails where `import` does not
Martin Panter
- [issue6766] Cannot modify dictionaries inside dictionaries using Managers from multiprocessing
Waldemar Parzonka
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
Berker Peksag
- [issue24270] PEP 485 (math.isclose) implementation
Berker Peksag
- [issue24148] 'cum' not a valid sort key for pstats.Stats.sort_stats
Berker Peksag
- [issue23659] csv.register_dialect doc string
Berker Peksag
- [issue21297] csv.skipinitialspace only skips spaces, not "whitespace" in general
Berker Peksag
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Berker Peksag
- [issue14586] TypeError: truncate() takes no keyword arguments
Berker Peksag
- [issue24395] webbrowser.py update to use argparse.py
Berker Peksag
- [issue24255] Replace debuglevel-related logic with logging
Berker Peksag
- [issue24399] Backports Arch Linux support for platform.linux_distribution()
Berker Peksag
- [issue20454] platform.linux_distribution() returns empty value on Archlinux and python 2.7
Berker Peksag
- [issue23981] Update test_unicodedata.py to use script_helpers
Berker Peksag
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Berker Peksag
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Berker Peksag
- [issue24405] Missing code markup in "Expressions" documentation
Berker Peksag
- [issue24443] Link for clear and wait missing in EventObjects
Berker Peksag
- [issue24435] Grammar/Grammar points to outdated guide
Berker Peksag
- [issue22872] multiprocessing.Queue raises AssertionError
Berker Peksag
- [issue23275] Can assign [] = (), but not () = []
Berker Peksag
- [issue23255] SimpleHTTPRequestHandler refactor for more extensible usage.
Berker Peksag
- [issue24472] 石家庄小姐找上门全套服务
Berker Peksag
- [issue24472] 石家庄小姐找上门全套服务
Berker Peksag
- [issue24472] Spam
Berker Peksag
- [issue24473] Spam
Berker Peksag
- [issue24473] Spam
Berker Peksag
- [issue24473] Spam
Berker Peksag
- [issue4322] function with modified __name__ uses original name when there's an arg error
Berker Peksag
- [issue22442] Deprecate PIPE with subprocess.check_call() and call()
Berker Peksag
- [issue23684] urlparse() documentation does not account for default scheme
Berker Peksag
- [issue23684] urlparse() documentation does not account for default scheme
Berker Peksag
- [issue24496] Non-idiomatic examples in gzip docs
Berker Peksag
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Berker Peksag
- [issue18578] Rename and document test.bytecode_helper as test.support.bytecode_helper
Berker Peksag
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue24521] Integer overflow in _pickle.c
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue24521] Integer overflow in _pickle.c
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue24522] Integer overflow in _json_encode_unicode leads to crash (heap-buffer-overflow)
Benjamin Peterson
- [issue24120] pathlib.(r)glob stops on PermissionDenied exception
Ulrich Petri
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
- [issue24514] tarfile fails to extract archive (handled fine by gnu tar and bsdtar)
- [issue22931] cookies with square brackets in value
Tim Pierce
- [issue22983] Cookie parsing should be more permissive
Tim Pierce
- [issue19065] sqlite3 timestamp adapter chokes on timezones
Jacques-D. Piguet
- [issue24340] co_stacksize estimate can be highly off
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue5319] stdout error at interpreter shutdown fails to return OS error status
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24375] Performance regression relative to 2.7
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24375] Performance regression relative to 2.7
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue5319] stdout error at interpreter shutdown fails to return OS error status
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24402] input() uses sys.__stdout__ instead of sys.stdout for prompt
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue13566] Increase pickle compatibility
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue13566] Increase pickle compatibility
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue13566] Increase pickle compatibility
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24418] "make install" will not install pip if already present in user site-packages
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24418] "make install" will not install pip if already present in user site-packages
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue672115] Assignment to __bases__ of direct object subclasses
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue23996] _PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue() crashes on unnormalised exceptions
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue19542] WeakValueDictionary bug in setdefault()&pop()
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24120] pathlib.(r)glob stops on PermissionDenied exception
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24120] pathlib.(r)glob stops on PermissionDenied exception
Antoine Pitrou
- [issue24425] Installer Vender Issue
John Laurence Poole
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Davin Potts
- [issue24195] Add `Executor.filter` to concurrent.futures
Brian Quinlan
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Min RK
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Min RK
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Min RK
- [issue24394] TypeError: popitem() takes no keyword arguments
Ram Rachum
- [issue24394] TypeError: popitem() takes no keyword arguments
Ram Rachum
- [issue24195] Add `Executor.filter` to concurrent.futures
Ram Rachum
- [issue24195] Add `Executor.filter` to concurrent.futures
Ram Rachum
- [issue24195] Add `Executor.filter` to concurrent.futures
Ram Rachum
- [issue24387] json.loads should be idempotent when the argument is a dictionary
CT Radu
- [issue24251] Different behavior for argparse between 2.7.8 and 2.7.9 when adding the same arguments to the root and the sub commands
Rémi Rampin
- [issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults
Rémi Rampin
- [issue24442] Readline Bindings Don't Report Any Error On Completer Function Exception
Perry Randall
- [issue24442] Readline Bindings Don't Report Any Error On Completer Function Exception
Perry Randall
- [issue24442] Readline Bindings Don't Report Any Error On Completer Function Exception
Perry Randall
- [issue24266] raw_input + readline: Ctrl+C during search breaks readline
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24367] Idle hangs when you close the debugger while debugging
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24330] Idle doc: explain "Configure Idle" not in "Options" on OSX, etc.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24330] Idle doc: explain "Configure Idle" not in "Options" on OSX, etc.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24405] Missing code markup in "Expressions" documentation
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24405] Missing code markup in "Expressions" documentation
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24406] "Built-in Types" doc doesn't explain dict comparison.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24406] "Built-in Types" doc doesn't explain dict comparison.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24447] tab indentation breaks in tokenize.untokenize
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24448] Syntax highlighting marks multiline comments as strings
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue15348] IDLE - shell becomes unresponsive if debugger windows is closed while active.
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24455] IDLE debugger causes crash if not quitted properly before next run
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24470] ctypes incorrect handling of long int on 64bits Linux
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue21217] inspect.getsourcelines finds wrong lines when lambda used argument to decorator
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24498] Should ptags and eptags be removed from repo?
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24515] docstring of isinstance
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24515] docstring of isinstance
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue3530] ast.NodeTransformer doc bug
Terry J. Reedy
- [issue24405] Missing code markup in "Expressions" documentation
Gareth Rees
- [issue24406] "Bulit-in Types" documentation doesn't explain how dictionaries are compared for equality
Gareth Rees
- [issue24406] "Built-in Types" documentation doesn't explain how dictionaries are compared for equality
Gareth Rees
- [issue24460] urlencode() of dictionary not as expected
Gareth Rees
- [issue24506] make fails with gcc 4.9 due to fatal warning of unused variable and empty macro in Parser/pgen.c
Karl Richter
- [issue24506] make fails with gcc 4.9 due to fatal warning of unused variable and empty macro in Parser/pgen.c
Karl Richter
- [issue24340] co_stacksize estimate can be highly off
Armin Rigo
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Armin Rigo
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Armin Rigo
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Armin Rigo
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Armin Rigo
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Armin Rigo
- [issue24492] using custom objects as modules: AttributeErrors new in 3.5
Armin Rigo
- [issue24450] Add cr_await calculated property to coroutine object
Armin Rigo
- [issue24511] Add methods for async protocols
Arc Riley
- [issue24399] Backports Arch Linux support for platform.linux_distribution()
Nathan Ringo
- [issue20454] platform.linux_distribution() returns empty value on Archlinux and python 2.7
Nathan Ringo
- [issue24293] Windows installer unreadable with std/custom themes
Roundup Robot
- [issue24317] Change installer Customize default to match quick settings
Roundup Robot
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Roundup Robot
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Roundup Robot
- [issue24270] PEP 485 (math.isclose) implementation
Roundup Robot
- [issue24345] Py_tp_finalize is missing
Roundup Robot
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Roundup Robot
- [issue24357] Change socket.getaddrinfo example to show IPv6 connectivity
Roundup Robot
- [issue24357] Change socket.getaddrinfo example to show IPv6 connectivity
Roundup Robot
- [issue24357] Change socket.getaddrinfo example to show IPv6 connectivity
Roundup Robot
- [issue24357] Change socket.getaddrinfo example to show IPv6 connectivity
Roundup Robot
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Roundup Robot
- [issue24348] incorrect decref in C OrderedDict
Roundup Robot
- [issue24359] C OrderedDict needs to check for changes during iteration
Roundup Robot
- [issue24267] test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip triggers version check over network
Roundup Robot
- [issue24267] test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip triggers version check over network
Roundup Robot
- [issue24267] test_venv.EnsurePipTest.test_with_pip triggers version check over network
Roundup Robot
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Roundup Robot
- [issue24366] Simple indentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue24365] Conditionalize 3.5 additions to the stable ABI
Roundup Robot
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Roundup Robot
- [issue24368] Some C OrderedDict methods need to support keyword arguments.
Roundup Robot
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Roundup Robot
- [issue24377] Refleak in OrderedDict.__repr__ when an item is not found.
Roundup Robot
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Roundup Robot
- [issue16690] Reference leak with custom tp_dealloc in PyType_FromSpec
Roundup Robot
- [issue24373] Use traverse & finalize in xxlimited and in PEP 489 tests
Roundup Robot
- [issue24374] Plug refleak in set_coroutine_wrapper
Roundup Robot
- [issue24148] 'cum' not a valid sort key for pstats.Stats.sort_stats
Roundup Robot
- [issue23659] csv.register_dialect doc string
Roundup Robot
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Roundup Robot
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Roundup Robot
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Roundup Robot
- [issue24299] 2.7.10 test__locale.py change breaks on Solaris
Roundup Robot
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Roundup Robot
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Roundup Robot
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Roundup Robot
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Roundup Robot
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Roundup Robot
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Roundup Robot
- [issue23891] Tutorial doesn't mention either pip or virtualenv
Roundup Robot
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Roundup Robot
- [issue21907] Update Windows build batch scripts
Roundup Robot
- [issue24423] Fix wrong indentation in Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst
Roundup Robot
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
Roundup Robot
- [issue24405] Missing code markup in "Expressions" documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
Roundup Robot
- [issue24406] "Built-in Types" doc doesn't explain dict comparison.
Roundup Robot
- [issue24443] Link for clear and wait missing in EventObjects
Roundup Robot
- [issue24435] Grammar/Grammar points to outdated guide
Roundup Robot
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Roundup Robot
- [issue21528] Fix a number of typos in the documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue24453] A typo of doubled "the" words in the doc (easy fix)
Roundup Robot
- [issue8232] webbrowser.open incomplete on Windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Roundup Robot
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Roundup Robot
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Roundup Robot
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Roundup Robot
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Roundup Robot
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Roundup Robot
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
Roundup Robot
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
Roundup Robot
- [issue24244] Python exception on strftime with %f on Python 3 and Python 2 on windows
Roundup Robot
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Roundup Robot
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Roundup Robot
- [issue24495] asyncio.ensure_future() AttributeError with “async def” coroutines
Roundup Robot
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Roundup Robot
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Roundup Robot
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Roundup Robot
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Roundup Robot
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Roundup Robot
- [issue24497] test_decimal.py contains a dead link
Roundup Robot
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Roundup Robot
- [issue24509] Undocumented features of asyncio: call_at, call_later
Roundup Robot
- [issue23684] urlparse() documentation does not account for default scheme
Roundup Robot
- [issue23684] urlparse() documentation does not account for default scheme
Roundup Robot
- [issue24496] Non-idiomatic examples in gzip docs
Roundup Robot
- [issue24481] hotshot pack_string Heap Buffer Overflow
Roundup Robot
- [issue24522] Integer overflow in _json_encode_unicode leads to crash (heap-buffer-overflow)
Roundup Robot
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Roundup Robot
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
Roundup Robot
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Roundup Robot
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Roundup Robot
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
Roundup Robot
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Roundup Robot
- [issue24528] Misleading exeption for await in comprehensions.
Roundup Robot
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Mauro S. M. Rodrigues
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Mauro S. M. Rodrigues
- [issue24358] Should compression file-like objects provide .fileno(), misleading subprocess?
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue24358] Should compression file-like objects provide .fileno(), misleading subprocess?
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue24358] Should compression file-like objects provide .fileno(), misleading subprocess?
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue24379] operator.subscript
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue24503] csv.writer fails when within csv.reader
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue19111] 2to3 should remove from future_builtins import *
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue19111] 2to3 should remove from future_builtins import *
Josh Rosenberg
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24431] StreamWriter.drain is not callable concurrently
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24431] StreamWriter.drain is not callable concurrently
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24451] Add metrics to future objects (concurrent or asyncio?)
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24469] Py2.x int free list can grow without bounds
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24523] coroutine asyncio.wait() does not preserve order of elements
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24539] StreamReaderProtocol.eof_received() should return True to keep the transport open
Guido van Rossum
- [issue24460] urlencode() of dictionary not as expected
David Rueter
- [issue24460] urlencode() of dictionary not as expected
David Rueter
- [issue23906] poplib maxline behaviour may be wrong
Ingo Ruhnke
- [issue16041] poplib: unlimited readline() from connection
Ingo Ruhnke
- [issue24507] CRLF issues
- [issue24507] CRLF issues
- [issue24513] decimal test version mismatch
- [issue24513] decimal test version mismatch
- [issue24515] docstring of isinstance
Luc Saffre
- [issue17310] Ctypes callbacks shows problem on Windows Python (64bit)
Vinay Sajip
- [issue17310] Ctypes callbacks shows problem on Windows Python (64bit)
Vinay Sajip
- [issue17310] Ctypes callbacks shows problem on Windows Python (64bit)
Vinay Sajip
- [issue24503] csv.writer fails when within csv.reader
Wolfgang E. Sanyer
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper recursion
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24303] OSError 17 due to _multiprocessing/semaphore.c assuming a one-to-one Pid -> process mapping.
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24348] incorrect decref in C OrderedDict
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24349] Null pointer dereferences in C OrderedDict
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24365] Conditionalize 3.5 additions to the stable ABI
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24366] Simple indentation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24365] Conditionalize 3.5 additions to the stable ABI
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24270] PEP 485 (math.isclose) implementation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24374] Plug refleak in set_coroutine_wrapper
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24374] Plug refleak in set_coroutine_wrapper
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24375] Performance regression relative to 2.7
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24375] Performance regression relative to 2.7
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24375] Performance regression relative to 2.7
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24374] Plug refleak in set_coroutine_wrapper
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24374] Plug refleak in set_coroutine_wrapper
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24383] consider implementing __await__ on concurrent.futures.Future
Yury Selivanov
- [issue23653] Make inspect._empty test to False
Yury Selivanov
- [issue13248] deprecated in 3.2/3.3, should be removed in 3.5 or ???
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue23996] _PyGen_FetchStopIterationValue() crashes on unnormalised exceptions
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue19235] Add a dedicated subclass for recursion errors
Yury Selivanov
- [issue19235] Add a dedicated subclass for recursion errors
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24474] Accidental exception chaining in inspect.Signature.bind()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24468] Expose compiler flag constants as code object attributes
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24474] Accidental exception chaining in inspect.Signature.bind()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24474] Accidental exception chaining in inspect.Signature.bind()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24017] Implemenation of the PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24468] Expose C level compiler flag constants to Python code
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24487] Change asyncio.async() → ensure_future()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24478] asyncio: segfault in test_env_var_debug() on non-debug Windows buildbot
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add gi_yieldfrom calculated property to generator object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add cr_await calculated property to coroutine object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24495] asyncio.ensure_future() AttributeError with “async def” coroutines
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24325] Speedup types.coroutine()
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24450] Add cr_await calculated property to coroutine object
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24510] Make _PyCoro_GetAwaitableIter a public API
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24511] Add methods for async protocols
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24511] Add methods for async protocols
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24439] Feedback for awaitable coroutine documentation
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24510] Make _PyCoro_GetAwaitableIter a public API
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24509] Undocumented features of asyncio: call_at, call_later
Yury Selivanov
- [issue21217] inspect.getsourcelines finds wrong lines when lambda used argument to decorator
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
Yury Selivanov
- [issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24528] Misleading exeption for await in comprehensions.
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24528] Misleading exeption for await in comprehensions.
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24532] asyncio.sock_recv() blocks normal ioloop actions.
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24528] Misleading exeption for await in comprehensions.
Yury Selivanov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Yury Selivanov
- [issue22865] Document how to make pty.spawn not copy data
Geoff Shannon
- [issue7406] int arithmetic relies on C signed overflow behaviour
Kevin Shweh
- [issue24536] os.pipe() should return a structsequence (or namedtuple.)
Jonathan Slenders
- [issue24536] os.pipe() should return a structsequence (or namedtuple.)
Jonathan Slenders
- [issue24372] Documentation for ssl.wrap_socket's ssl_version parameter is odd
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24372] Documentation for ssl.wrap_socket's ssl_version parameter is odd
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24372] Documentation for ssl.wrap_socket's ssl_version parameter is odd
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24387] json.loads should be idempotent when the argument is a dictionary
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24409] PythonPROD abrt
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24417] Type-specific documentation for __format__ methods
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24428] Import sys,getopt is having issue while taking inputs
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24507] CRLF issues
Eric V. Smith
- [issue24294] DeprecationWarnings should be visible by default in the interactive REPL
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue24294] DeprecationWarnings should be visible by default in the interactive REPL
Nathaniel Smith
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
Tim Smith
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Eric Snow
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Eric Snow
- [issue24342] coroutine wrapper reentrancy
Eric Snow
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24348] incorrect decref in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24349] Null pointer dereferences in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Eric Snow
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24349] Null pointer dereferences in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24347] unchecked return value in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24348] incorrect decref in C OrderedDict
Eric Snow
- [issue24359] C OrderedDict needs to check for changes during iteration
Eric Snow
- [issue24359] C OrderedDict needs to check for changes during iteration
Eric Snow
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Eric Snow
- [issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C
Eric Snow
- [issue24320] Remove a now-unnecessary workaround from importlib._bootstrap.
Eric Snow
- [issue24320] Remove a now-unnecessary workaround from importlib._bootstrap.
Eric Snow
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Eric Snow
- [issue24320] Remove a now-unnecessary workaround from importlib._bootstrap.
Eric Snow
- [issue24361] OrderedDict: crash with threads
Eric Snow
- [issue24368] Some C OrderedDict methods need to support keyword arguments.
Eric Snow
- [issue24368] Some C OrderedDict methods need to support keyword arguments.
Eric Snow
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Eric Snow
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Eric Snow
- [issue24368] Some C OrderedDict methods need to support keyword arguments.
Eric Snow
- [issue24370] OrderedDict behavior is unclear with misbehaving keys.
Eric Snow
- [issue24362] Simplify the fast nodes resize logic in C OrderedDict.
Eric Snow
- [issue24361] OrderedDict: crash with threads
Eric Snow
- [issue24377] Refleak in OrderedDict.__repr__ when an item is not found.
Eric Snow
- [issue24377] Refleak in OrderedDict.__repr__ when an item is not found.
Eric Snow
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Eric Snow
- [issue24369] Using OrderedDict.move_to_end during iteration is problematic.
Eric Snow
- [issue24394] TypeError: popitem() takes no keyword arguments
Eric Snow
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Eric Snow
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
Eric Snow
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Eric Snow
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Paul Sokolovsky
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Paul Sokolovsky
- [issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
Paul Sokolovsky
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24355] Provide a unittest api for controlling verbosity in tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24358] Should compression file-like objects provide .fileno(), misleading subprocess?
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24379] slice.literal notation
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24120] pathlib.(r)glob stops on PermissionDenied exception
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24394] TypeError: popitem() takes no keyword arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24391] Better repr for threading objects
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue20186] Derby #18: Convert 31 sites to Argument Clinic across 23 files
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24299] 2.7.10 test__locale.py change breaks on Solaris
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24407] Use after free in PyDict_merge
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24410] set.__eq__ returns False when it should return NotImplemented
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24299] 2.7.10 test__locale.py change breaks on Solaris
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue13224] Change str(x) to return only the qualname for some types
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24120] pathlib.(r)glob stops on PermissionDenied exception
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24410] set.__eq__ returns False when it should return NotImplemented
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue13566] Increase pickle compatibility
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue13566] Increase pickle compatibility
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue13566] Increase pickle compatibility
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24416] Return a namedtuple from date.isocalendar()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue18003] lzma module very slow with line-oriented reading.
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24420] Documentation regressions from adding subprocess.run()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23391] Documentation of EnvironmentError (OSError) arguments disappeared
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23391] Documentation of EnvironmentError (OSError) arguments disappeared
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24430] ZipFile.read() cannot decrypt multiple members from Windows 7zFM
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24434] ItemsView.__contains__ does not mimic dict_items
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23760] Tkinter in Python 3.4 on Windows don't post internal clipboard data to the Windows clipboard on exit
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue9939] Add a pipe type (FIFO) to the io module
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24457] audioop.lin2adpcm Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24426] re.split performance degraded significantly by capturing group
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24408] tkinter.font.Font.measure() broken in 3.5
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24436] _PyTraceback_Add has no const qualifier for its char * arguments
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24482] itertools.tee causes segfault in a multithreading environment, while the equivalent implementation doesn't
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue14373] C implementation of functools.lru_cache
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24379] operator.subscript
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24483] Avoid repeated hash calculation in C implementation of functools.lru_cache()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23319] Missing SWAP_INT in I_set_sw
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23883] __all__ lists are incomplete
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24457] audioop.lin2adpcm Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24457] audioop.lin2adpcm Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue22609] Constructors of some mapping classes don't accept `self` keyword argument
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24336] Allow arbitrary keywords to @contextmanager functions
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24456] audioop.adpcm2lin Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24467] bytearray pop and remove Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24462] bytearray.find Buffer Over-read
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue19176] DeprecationWarning for doctype() method when subclassing _elementtree.XMLParser
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue24533] Increased Test Coverage for Lib/random.py
Serhiy Storchaka
- [issue23895] python socket module fails to build on Solaris when -zignore is in LDFLAGS
Andrew Stormont
- [issue24418] "make install" will not install pip if already present in user site-packages
Donald Stufft
- [issue18458] interactive interpreter crashes and test_readline fails on OS X 10.9 Mavericks due to libedit update
Etienne Le Sueur
- [issue18458] interactive interpreter crashes and test_readline fails on OS X 10.9 Mavericks due to libedit update
Etienne Le Sueur
- [issue24307] pip error on windows whose current user name contains non-ascii characters
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue24411] Drop redundant lock in queue.Queue methods qsize(), empty() and full()
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue24400] Awaitable ABC incompatible with functools.singledispatch
Andrew Svetlov
- [issue24529] Same MemoryError object gets thrown from different places.
- [issue24423] Fix wrong indentation in Doc/whatsnew/3.5.rst
Stefan Tatschner
- [issue24431] StreamWriter.drain is not callable concurrently
Martin Teichmann
- [issue24465] Make tar files created by shutil.make_archive() have deterministic sorting
Sam Thursfield
- [issue24465] Make tar files created by shutil.make_archive() have deterministic sorting
Sam Thursfield
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Sam Thursfield
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Sam Thursfield
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Sam Thursfield
- [issue24465] Make tarfile have deterministic sorting
Sam Thursfield
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
July Tikhonov
- [issue24392] pop functioning
Padmanabhan Tr
- [issue24392] pop functioning
Padmanabhan Tr
- [issue24520] Stop using deprecated floating-point environment functions on FreeBSD
Andrew Turner
- [issue19542] WeakValueDictionary bug in setdefault()&pop()
Tin Tvrtković
- [issue5845] rlcompleter should be enabled automatically
Victor Varvariuc
- [issue18885] handle EINTR in the stdlib
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue24451] Add metrics to future objects (concurrent or asyncio?)
- [issue24459] Mention PYTHONFAULTHANDLER in the man page
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue23187] Segmentation fault, possibly asyncio related
- [issue24471] 北京小姐找上门全套服务
- [issue24478] asyncio: segfault in test_env_var_debug() on non-debug Windows buildbot
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
- [issue24489] cmath.polar() can raise due to pre-existing errno
- [issue23749] asyncio missing wrap_socket (starttls)
- [issue24495] asyncio.ensure_future() AttributeError with “async def” coroutines
- [issue24504] os.listdir() error if the last folder starts not with the capital letter
- [issue24509] Undocumented features of asyncio: call_at, call_later
- [issue24510] Make _PyCoro_GetAwaitableIter a public API
- [issue24529] Same MemoryError object gets thrown from different places.
- [issue24532] asyncio.sock_recv() blocks normal ioloop actions.
- [issue24534] disable executing code in .pth files
- [issue24532] asyncio.sock_recv() blocks normal ioloop actions.
- [issue24345] Py_tp_finalize is missing
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24365] Conditionalize 3.5 additions to the stable API
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24365] Conditionalize 3.5 additions to the stable ABI
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24373] Use traverse & finalize in xxlimited and in PEP 489 tests
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24268] PEP 489 -- Multi-phase extension module initialization
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24373] Use traverse & finalize in xxlimited and in PEP 489 tests
Petr Viktorin
- [issue23642] Interaction of ModuleSpec and C Extension Modules
Petr Viktorin
- [issue23642] Interaction of ModuleSpec and C Extension Modules
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24458] Documentation for PEP 489
Petr Viktorin
- [issue24499] Python Installer text piles up during installation process
Zach “The Quantum Mechanic” W
- [issue24447] tab indentation breaks in tokenize.untokenize
Dingyuan Wang
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Dingyuan Wang
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Dingyuan Wang
- [issue20387] tokenize/untokenize roundtrip fails with tabs
Dingyuan Wang
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Zachary Ware
- [issue24382] Fail to build time module on Mac
Zachary Ware
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Zachary Ware
- [issue24376] xxlimited.c errors when building 32 and 64 bit on Windows
Zachary Ware
- [issue24371] configparser hate dot in option like eth2.6
Zachary Ware
- [issue24352] Provide a way for assertLogs to optionally not hide the logging output
Zachary Ware
- [issue24371] configparser hate dot in option like eth2.6
Zachary Ware
- [issue24389] idle launches in cmd but not from any other method.
Zachary Ware
- [issue24385] libpython27.a in python-2.7.10 i386 (windows msi release) contains 64-bit objects
Zachary Ware
- [issue24175] Consistent test_utime() failures on FreeBSD
Zachary Ware
- [issue24433] There is no asyncio.ensure_future in Python 3.4.3
Zachary Ware
- [issue23760] Tkinter in Python 3.4 on Windows don't post internal clipboard data to the Windows clipboard on exit
Zachary Ware
- [issue24437] Add information about the buildbot console view and irc notices to devguide
Zachary Ware
- [issue24437] Add information about the buildbot console view and irc notices to devguide
Zachary Ware
- [issue24175] Consistent test_utime() failures on FreeBSD
Zachary Ware
- [issue24445] rstrip strips what it doesn't have to
Zachary Ware
- [issue24471] 北京小姐找上门全套服务
Zachary Ware
- [issue24471] 北京小姐找上门全套服务
Zachary Ware
- [issue24471] Spam
Zachary Ware
- [issue24472] Spam
Zachary Ware
- [issue24472] Spam
Zachary Ware
- [issue24473] Spam
Zachary Ware
- [issue24476] Statically link vcruntime140.dll
Zachary Ware
- [issue24478] asyncio: segfault in test_env_var_debug() on non-debug Windows buildbot
Zachary Ware
- [issue24487] Change asyncio.async() → ensure_future()
Zachary Ware
- [issue24478] asyncio: segfault in test_env_var_debug() on non-debug Windows buildbot
Zachary Ware
- [issue24478] asyncio: segfault in test_env_var_debug() on non-debug Windows buildbot
Zachary Ware
- [issue24504] os.listdir() error if the last folder starts not with the capital letter
Zachary Ware
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Zachary Ware
- [issue24508] Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
Zachary Ware
- [issue19699] Update zipimport for PEP 451
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue24168] Unittest discover fails with namespace package if the path contains the string same as the module name
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue24168] Unittest discover fails with namespace package if the path contains the string same as the module name
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue24412] setUpClass equivalent for addCleanup
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue24351] string.Template documentation incorrectly references "identifiers"
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue24454] Improve the usability of the match object named group API
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue19995] %c, %o, %x, %X accept non-integer values instead of raising an exception
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue19995] %c, %o, %x, %X accept non-integer values instead of raising an exception
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue15014] smtplib: add support for arbitrary auth methods
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue21935] Implement AUTH command in smtpd.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue22032] Use __qualname__ together with __module__
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue22508] Remove __version__ string from email
Barry A. Warsaw
- [issue9377] socket, PEP 383: Mishandling of non-ASCII bytes in host/domain names
David Watson
- [issue24255] Replace debuglevel-related logic with logging
Eryn Wells
- [issue24255] Replace debuglevel-related logic with logging
Eryn Wells
- [issue23653] Make inspect._empty test to False
Nathan West
- [issue24450] Add cr_await calculated property to coroutine object
Frank Wierzbicki
- [issue24305] The new import system makes it impossible to correctly issue a deprecation warning for a module
Jakub Wilk
- [issue7267] format method: c presentation type broken in 2.7
Jakub Wilk
- [issue24531] please document that no code preceding encoding declaration is allowed
Jakub Wilk
- [issue24531] please document that no code preceding encoding declaration is allowed
Jakub Wilk
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
Carol Willing
- [issue24356] venv documentation incorrect / misleading
Carol Willing
- [issue24437] Add information about the buildbot console view and irc notices to devguide
Carol Willing
- [issue24440] Move the buildslave setup information from the wiki to the devguide
Carol Willing
- [issue24378] dir(dictobject) returns empty list when __getattribute__ is overriden in the class
Alka Yadav
- [issue24425] Installer Vender Issue
Hayden Young
- [issue24502] OS X 2.7 package has zeros for version numbers in sub-packages
Jim Zajkowski
- [issue24502] OS X 2.7 package has zeros for version numbers in sub-packages
Jim Zajkowski
- [issue24410] set.__eq__ returns False when it should return NotImplemented
Steve Zelaznik
- [issue24410] set.__eq__ returns False when it should return NotImplemented
Steve Zelaznik
- [issue24491] inspect.getsource can't get source code if provided function isn't from a file
- [issue12920] inspect.getsource only works for objects loaded from files, not interactive session
- [issue12920] inspect.getsource only works for objects loaded from files, not interactive session
- [issue12920] inspect.getsource only works for objects loaded from files, not interactive session
- [issue12920] inspect.getsource only works for objects loaded from files, not interactive session
- [issue24466] extend_path explanation in documentation is ambiguous
- [issue24526] Exponent function bug
- [issue24526] Exponent function bug
- [issue24390] Python 3.4.3 64 bits is not "high dpi aware"
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [issue24414] MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set incorrectly by configure
- [issue24517] %z does not work in time.strftime()
- [issue24517] %z does not work in time.strftime()
- [issue20281] time.strftime %z format specifier is the same as %Z
- [issue24228] Interpreter triggers segmentation fault at the starting
- [issue24430] ZipFile.read() cannot decrypt multiple members from Windows 7zfm
- [issue24430] ZipFile.read() cannot decrypt multiple members from Windows 7zFM
- [issue24430] ZipFile.read() cannot decrypt multiple members from Windows 7zFM
- [issue24402] input() uses sys.__stdout__ instead of sys.stdout for prompt
- [issue14003] __self__ on built-in functions is not as documented
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
- [issue24470] ctypes incorrect handling of long int on 64bits Linux
- [issue24493] subprocess with env=os.environ fails with "fatal python error" when calling 32-bit python from 64-bit one on Windows
- [issue24493] subprocess with env=os.environ doesn't preserve environment variables when calling a 32bit process on Windows 8.1
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded
erik flister
- [issue24384] difflib.SequenceMatcher faster quick_ratio with lower bound specification
- [issue24384] difflib.SequenceMatcher faster quick_ratio with lower bound specification
- [issue24384] difflib.SequenceMatcher faster quick_ratio with lower bound specification
- [issue24428] Import sys,getopt is having issue while taking inputs
venkata suresh gummadillli
- [issue219960] Problems with Tcl/Tk and non-ASCII text entry
- [issue24448] Syntax highlighting marks multiline comments as strings
- [issue24455] IDLE debugger causes crash if not quitted properly before next run
- [issue24455] IDLE debugger causes crash if not quitted properly before next run
- [issue15348] IDLE - shell becomes unresponsive if debugger windows is closed while active.
- [issue24251] Different behavior for argparse between 2.7.8 and 2.7.9 when adding the same arguments to the root and the sub commands
paul j3
- [issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults
paul j3
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
paul j3
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
paul j3
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
paul j3
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
paul j3
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
paul j3
- [issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.
paul j3
- [issue24444] In argparse empty choices cannot be printed in the help
paul j3
- [issue24441] In argparse add_argument() allows the empty choices argument
paul j3
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
paul j3
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
paul j3
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
paul j3
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
paul j3
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
paul j3
- [issue23531] SSL operations cause entire process to hang
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue24175] Consistent test_utime() failures on FreeBSD
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue15745] Numerous utime ns tests fail on FreeBSD w/ ZFS (update: and NetBSD w/ FFS, Solaris w/ UFS)
- [issue7352] pythonx.y-config --ldflags out of /usr and missing -L<install_lib_dir>
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue22359] Remove incorrect uses of recursive make
- [issue22625] When cross-compiling, don’t try to execute binaries
- [issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD
- [issue12210] test_smtplib: intermittent failures on FreeBSD
- [issue24520] Stop using deprecated floating-point environment functions on FreeBSD
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
- [issue24129] Incorrect (misleading) statement in the execution model documentation
- [issue24494] Can't specify encoding with fileinput and inplace=True
- [issue24354] Requests Library get issue
- [issue24497] test_decimal.py contains a dead link
- [issue24497] test_decimal.py contains a dead link
- [issue24409] PythonPROD abrt
- [issue24445] rstrip strips what it doesn't have to
- [issue24445] rstrip strips what it doesn't have to
- [issue24407] Use after free in PyDict_merge
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
- [issue24367] Idle hangs when you close the debugger while debugging
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
- [issue24252] IDLE removes elements from tracebacks.
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
- [issue24403] Missing fixer for changed round() behavior
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
- [issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
- [issue24441] In argparse add_argument() allows the empty choices argument
- [issue24444] In argparse empty choices cannot be printed in the help
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
- [issue24477] In argparse subparser's option goes to parent parser
- [issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments
- [issue24485] Function source inspection fails on closures
bkcsfi sfi
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
- [issue24263] unittest cannot load module whose name starts with Unicode
- [issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults
- [issue24266] raw_input + readline: Ctrl+C during search breaks readline
- [issue24346] Key Error at List in Tuple concatenation
- [issue24346] Key Error at List in Tuple concatenation
- [issue24346] Key Error at List in Tuple concatenation
- [issue24346] Key Error at List in Tuple concatenation
- [issue24346] TypeError at List in Tuple concatenation
- [issue2771] Test issue
- [issue2771] Test issue
- [issue24463] Python 3.4 bugs
vasya yugov
- [issue13224] Change str(x) to return only the (qual)name for some types
Vedran Čačić
- [issue24433] There is no asyncio.ensure_future in Python 3.4.3
Олег Иванов
- [issue24509] Undocumented features of asyncio: call_at, call_later
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24509] Undocumented features of asyncio: call_at, call_later
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24509] Undocumented features of asyncio: call_at, call_later
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24523] coroutine asyncio.wait() does not preserve order of elements
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24532] asyncio.sock_recv() blocks normal ioloop actions.
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24532] asyncio.sock_recv() blocks normal ioloop actions.
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24532] asyncio.sock_recv() blocks normal ioloop actions.
Марк Коренберг
- [issue24461] os.environ.get treats Environt variant with double quotation marks wrong
- [issue24461] os.environ.get treats Environt variant with double quotation marks wrong
- [issue24471] 北京小姐找上门全套服务
- [issue24472] 石家庄小姐找上门全套服务
- [issue24473] 南京小姐找上门全套服务
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 23:54:29 CEST 2015
Archived on: Tue Jun 30 23:54:31 CEST 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).