[python-committers] clinic churn after beta2

Eric V. Smith eric at trueblade.com
Wed Jan 8 01:39:19 CET 2014

On 1/7/2014 7:33 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> A PyPI module is not so great because you'll have to change every
> formatting operation to use a function from a module rather than the %
> operator or the format method.

I think this is the crux of the issue. Are we trying to say "porting
your existing code will be easier", or "change your existing code to
this new library, and we'll provide the library on 2.x and 3.y" (for
some values of x and y).

I think the former is the right way to go, but I also think if we do
that we should shoot for 3.4, and this would necessitate a delay in 3.4.
Providing this feature for 3.5 might be too late for the target audience
of code porters.


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