[python-committers] Deprecation Policy PEP

Ezio Melotti ezio.melotti at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 08:26:16 EST 2016

On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 4:08 AM, Martin Panter <vadmium+py at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What and when to deprecate
>> ==========================
>> * The number of releases before an API is removed is decided
>>   on a case-by-case basis depending on widely used the API is
> depending on [how] widely used
>> * In general it's better to be conservative, and if the API is
>>   deprecated in ``3.X``, it shouldn't be removed before ``3.X+2``.
>>   This should also take into account which Python versions are
>>   currently .
> which Python versions are [current].
> More explicitly, I would say as a guideline, if the proposed
> alternative is unavailable in 3.Y, consider waiting until 3.Y becomes
> unsupported or unused before removing (or even fully deprecating) an
> API.
>> Porting from 2.x to 3.x
>> -----------------------
>> In order to make porting code to 3.X easier:
>> * nothing that is available and not deprecated in 2.7 should be
>>   removed from Python 3 as long as 2.7 is officially supported;
> What about an API not documented in Python 3, like
> http.client.HTTPMessage.getallmatchingheaders()
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue5053>? In this case I think the method
> was rendered useless in 3.0 and it is not worth fixing.

The goal is to avoid unnecessary breakage.  In this case the code will
need to be fixed regardless, so the best we can do is to add a -3
warning to 2.7 .

> Also I presume you mean not originally deprecated in 2.7.0. In other
> words adding a “python2 -3” warning in the next 2.7 bug fix doesn’t
> give me a license to remove an API from 3.6.

Yes, even if you could argue that even removing things that were
already deprecated will make porting more difficult.  Perhaps I should
rephrase the section focusing the working on making the porting

>> Deprecation Progression
>> =======================
>> 1. in release ``3.X`` a ``DeprecationWarning`` is added
>> 2. in release ``3.X+N`` the API is removed
>> ``N`` can be ``>=1``, should be decided beforehand, and should be
>> documented explicitly.
> How do we decide on the value of N for something that has to wait
> until 2.7 is dead? Just estimate based on anticipated future release
> dates? E.g. inspect.getargspec(). In some cases I think indefinite
> deprecation is better.

An estimation is fine.
I would use 4.0 for indefinite deprecations.  If we use the rst
directives to collect all the deprecated APIs in a single page, we can
go through them once 2.7 is dead.

>> Deprecation Process
>> ===================
>> 2. attach to the issue a patch to deprecate the API that:
>>   * adds a ``DeprecationWarning`` to the code
>>   * adds the deprecation to the documentation
>>   * adds a test to verify that the warning is raised
> Often people propose a test that will detect when the version changes
> to >= X+N and complains if the API has not been removed. Should this
> be encouraged or discouraged?

I did it once and it ended up breaking tests in the middle of the next release.
For the sake of the release managers, I don't think it should be done,
especially if we come up with a better way to track deprecations.

>>   * possibly updates code/examples that uses the deprecated API
> Also adjust any tests to suppress the new warning. Code to do this
> typically looks like
> with warnings.catch_warnings():
>     warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
>     deprecated.api()

For tests there should be a convenience function in test.support.

>> 3. after review, apply the patch to the current in-development
>>    branch and close the issue.
> Also apply similar changes to 2.7 if applicable?
>> Documenting the deprecations
>> ============================
>> * All deprecations should be documented in the docs, using the
>>   ``deprecated-removed`` directive.
> If an undocumented API is being deprecated, you may not have to touch
> the main documentation (but still consider a notice in What’s New).

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