[python-committers] List of all core developers
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Fri Aug 3 03:43:38 EDT 2018
Please note that the motivation for having a list similar to the
one we have for PSF Fellows is not to determine voting eligibility.
This is about having a record of the core developer status available
to show to 3rd parties, e.g. to (potential) employers, organizations,
government agencies, etc.
Having a place to also record the email addresses for internal
use such a voting or sending messages to the whole group
is a good idea nonetheless. This mailing list will likely already
serve that purpose.
On 02.08.2018 23:25, Brett Cannon wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2018 at 04:54 Stefan Richthofer <stefan.richthofer at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Again, this was in the (poorly conveyed) context of getting email
>>> addresses for them, or at least being able to contact them.
>> I always thought there were already at least three places containing the
>> necessary email addresses.
>> * python-committers should be exactly this mailing list.
> The list also has email archiving services as well as duplicate emails for
> people (e.g. I'm in it twice so that if I accidentally send an email from a
> personal email address it doesn't get held up in moderation).
>> * according to https://devguide.python.org/coredev/#issue-tracker it is
>> mandatory for core developers to subscribe to the issue tracker which AFAIK
>> requires a confirmed email address.
> * Every committer clearly must have signed the contributor agreement
>> https://www.python.org/psf/contrib/contrib-form/ which also contains a
>> mandatory email field
>> So why is it still necessary to get email addresses at all?
> Because none of those necessarily have accurate email addresses at this
> point. E.g. even python-committers has had people dropped off due to too
> many email rejections. And if we hold a vote for a governance model we will
> need a place to send ballots.
> Now if the vote is open to any core developer (using MAL's definition of it
> being a lifetime title), then the subscription list for this mailing list
> is probably good enough with some manual grooming as long we are okay with
> long-dormant folk who predate this list not voting (which I'm personally
> fine with). But if we wanted a way to reach just people with commit
> privileges then that's a separate challenge.
> -Brett
>> 2018-08-02 10:59 GMT+02:00 Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com>:
>>> On 8/2/2018 3:32 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>>> On 02.08.2018 03:24, Eric V. Smith wrote:
>>>>> On 8/1/2018 8:32 PM, Mariatta Wijaya wrote:
>>>>>> I think it would also be a good idea to include core developers
>>>>>> of other Python implementations in such a document, in
>>>>>> separate sections, e.g. for Jython, IronPython, PyPy,
>>>>>> Stackless, etc
>>>>>> Hmm, I don't think it is should be our (CPython) responsibility to
>>>>>> keep track and maintain the list of the core devs of alternate Python
>>>>>> implementations. Don't they have their own community / website? They
>>>>>> have their own repo, bug tracker, governance model, and everything,
>>>>>> right?
>>>>> Agreed. We have a hard enough time keeping track of our own core
>>>>> developers.
>>>> I don't really think we have a hard time doing this. The only
>>>> problem is that we never sat down and actually properly recorded
>>>> this in one place.
>>> I was specifically thinking of a way to stay in touch with core devs, or
>>> more specifically a way to send them email. In the past, before we moved to
>>> github, I took it upon myself to find email addresses (current or not) for
>>> all core devs, and I gave up without much success.
>>> I agree that we could probably come up with a list of names for people
>>> who have been given the "core dev" status.
>>> For our core devs, can't we just say that the CPython core devs are
>>>>> those with commit bits on the CPython repo? I realize that will
>>>>> eliminate some people who have been core developers and never moved to
>>>>> github, but if they bring it to our attention, we can add them easily
>>>>> enough.
>>>> As discussed before, being a core developer is a status you
>>>> gain and never lose. There is a clear difference between have
>>>> commit rights to the (current) repo and this status.
>>> Agreed. Again, this was in the (poorly conveyed) context of getting email
>>> addresses for them, or at least being able to contact them.
>>> Eric
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>> Code of Conduct: https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
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> python-committers mailing list
> python-committers at python.org
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> Code of Conduct: https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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