[PYTHON-CRYPTO] win32 no OPENSSL_Applink fatal error

Larry Bugbee bugbee at MAC.COM
Sun Jun 25 08:17:48 CEST 2006

>>> Is anyone else having fatal "no OPENSSL_Applink" run-time
>>> errors?  ...running any program that uses file I/O to load/save PEM
>>> files.  All the unit tests that don't do file I/O run successfully.
>>> And everything runs fine under MacOSX regardless of file I/O.
>> Yes. The only solution I found so far is to recompile python with
>> the applink.c included. See my earlier mails:
>> https://listserv.surfnet.nl/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0604&L=python- 
>> crypto&P=1049
> I have yet to test this....  no configure under MinGW
> I have not yet heard of anyone having success or failure compiling  
> M2Crypto using VS7.1, assuming a vanilla compile of Python 2.4.  It  
> certainly doesn't work using gcc under MinGW.
> Assuming a VS 7.1 compile and test of M2Crypto would give this  
> error....  It may be necessary, but it is silly to be telling users  
> they need to recompile Python 2.4 from scratch including applink.c  
> just so they can run OpenSSL/M2Crypto.

Please ignore the previous post...  it was an unfinished draft.

I am curious about two things.

First, has *anybody* tested M2Crypto0.16beta3 against  
Windows?  ...using VS 7.1?  ...without compiling Python 2.4 from  
scratch with the applink.c include.

Second, if Python 2.4 needs applink.c for OpenSSL/M2Crypto to work,  
is this not a mistake?  (This is not a requirement to work under  
Linux or MacOSX.)  I submit OpenSSL is causing a problem for Python  
wrapping for Windows and the requirement should be rethought.  ...or  
we need to figure out how to include it as part of the SWIG step  
(_m2crypto.i).  ...or ???

 From my knothole, asking users to recompile Python just so they can  
use OpenSSL/M2Crypto is not right.  Or am I out in left field?



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