[Python-cuba] Going forwards

Josephine Garcia aethraiam at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 00:41:12 CEST 2015

Hello "Roberto" with just two first lines you have managed to erase my
identity, sweep my report under the rug, attacked me and threaten me with
legal action. If that is not white male privilege, I don't know what is!

Things that start bad end bad, I'm merely trying to make sure this group is
successful but all you do is get defensive and aggressive, thus proving the
points in my initial report. You could have silently left the group but
choose to make an spectacle of things. For such an accomplished person you
sure act in a very immature manner.

You provided link that show how you shield youself using women and
"helping" them, you didn't really provided evidence to that proved you
don't harass women.

Regarding the IGDA, an email was leaked that proved you were the reason for
the chapter closure and that two game developers (one of them a women
Ashley Alicea https://twitter.com/avashly) were run off the industry. Are
you going to erase her identity too?

The rest of your "reply" is just you crying about your feelings when
someone hurts you with words.

It is disappointing how all the beta men did a 180 when the alpha male

I'm recruiting the help of others to help me fight this.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 8:08 PM, Roberto Rosario <
roberto.rosario.gonzalez at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I rarely engage messages when the supporting evidence is ambiguous or just
> plain false to avoid escalation. But after careful consideration of this
> defamation emails against me, and a meeting with my lawyers, I decided to
> answer this message sent by "Josephine Garcia" (and I use " " because this
> name may be an alias or not and I have no knowledge of who might be this
> person).
> It is unfortunate that in the initiative to make Python Cuba there are
> people who are trying to divide more than unite. I find it interesting that
> this person uses unfounded arguments to supposedly justify her accusations
> against me. This person also uses group coercion to have me avoid exposing
> my points of view on accusations about me: "silently left the group"
> "having this person on board will send the wrong message, that we and the
> PSF support his actions."
> 1) Allegation of harassment: I was being labeled a harasser by a tool
> which equated twitter subscription to harassment. I criticized the logic of
> the algorithm. Pretty much everybody agreed with my assertion, even The
> Mary Sue, a feminist blog (
> http://www.themarysue.com/twitter-users-mad-about-gamergate-block-bots/).
> Even after all this, I extended an olive branch and publicly apologized for
> my wording (https://twitter.com/siloraptor/status/536255070086893568),
> the reaction to my apology left much to be desired and shows the extension
> of the treatment to which I am subjected daily.
> 1a) In reaction to the shortcomings of IGDA’s tool, I started creating a
> FOSS case management tool which could be used too to help document
> harassment (http://blog.robertorosario.com/imperfect-tools/) (
> https://github.com/Cleisthenes/cleisthenes). It didn't matter that my
> original intent was helping social services, the attacks and harassment I
> received for being a man proposing such a tools which technologically
> undermined the previous one built by a woman forced to abandon the project.
> 2) "entire chapters of initiatives have been dissolved." Since it is not
> mentioned which initiatives, I'm going to assume this is about the IGDA
> Puerto Rico chapter. I was chairman of the chapter and neither myself nor
> any member of the board has even publicized the reasons of the closure in
> an official manner. It is very irresponsible to pass personal opinions as
> fact.
> 3) Harassment of women: This can’t be more false as I actively promote the
> inclusion of women in technology, giving money, making them t-shirts,
> giving them my time and promoting them and their events. (
> https://twitter.com/siloraptor/status/553604723144925184) (
> http://ccom.uprrp.edu/actividades/Crypto-flyer.png) (
> http://www.eventbrite.com/e/python-django-workshop-tickets-9132677083) (
> http://ccom.uprrp.edu/actividades/practical.jpg)
> (http://ccom.uprrp.edu/activity_info.php?aid=80) (
> http://aldia.microjuris.com/2013/10/07/ciclo-de-conferencias-sobre-criptografia/)
> (https://www.patreon.com/siloraptor?pat=1)
> I choose several members of the <include> Girls group for first government
> technology internship at the Office Of Management and Budget working on
> projects for the Governor of Puerto Rico and they have gone on to do great
> things.
> 5) I canceled my participation in DjangoCon EU due to economic and health
> issues. Daniele Procida can attest to this. My wife and myself are personal
> friends of Daniele (
> https://twitter.com/siloraptor/status/508491655297515521) (
> https://twitter.com/siloraptor/status/506913013144625152) (
> https://twitter.com/siloraptor/status/508092355673485312/photo/1) lying
> about his supposed actions as organizer of DjangoCOn EU is an offense to
> all.
> 6) Gamergate: The links you provide don't prove any of your assertions.
> 6a) RationalWiki: The archived talk page about the article shows my
> representation on the article to be the work of an user by the name Ryulong
> (http://archive.is/ACBf5#selection-795.49-803.27) whose edits have been
> reverse time and again: "I have also removed a similarly misleading and
> unsourced portion, "Rosario blamed feminism". I don't know where you're
> getting your info, but this is the third misrepresentation I have removed
> from this article.--Naqoyqatsi (talk) 16:13, 14 May 2015 (UTC)" This is the
> same Ryulong, a wikipedian banned from Wikipedia, exactly for this (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Ryulong)
> 6b) Chris von Csefalvay’s graph only show I was one of the persons being
> retweeted by people related to the gamergate movement.
> 6c) The Newsweek article doesn't say anything or prove anything about me
> being a leader or even a member of gamergate.
> 7) In regards to Jefferson, I'm in shock, I do not understand how this
> person dares to say he was the victim of harassment on my part. Jefferson
> and I worked in various communities together until he moved from Puerto
> Rico to pursue graduate studies. Since he left Puerto Rico I have not seen
> him, but from what I've heard, he is doing well. I agree Jefferson would be
> a good candidate to have onboard, I personally know him. My wife and myself
> have helped him in the past to gain exposition to his projects at our
> events: (http://www.slideshare.net/siloraptor/final-metapiano) (
> http://www.piloto151.com/betabeers-san-juan-launches-in-piloto-151/) and
> I'm too featured in his projects (https://vimeo.com/68919925)
> 8) Interestingly, Josephine García did not mention on her email that my
> family was harassed, that someone published a photo that was private of me
> with my son, a minor, and my wife, that someone published private
> information about my family with said picture, that I have been called “cunt”,
> “harasser”, “scum”, and so on without proof on a daily basis. The stress
> from the witch hunts to which I am subjected and seeing my work tarnished
> without proof have cause health problems not the least my last visit to the
> emergency room with a cardiac event.
> It is unfortunate that when one wants to do things to encourage and foster
> the community we allow individuals who manipulate information just to
> create division and drama. In the initiative to make Python Cuba we can’t
> take seriously, unfounded accusations from people who are trying to divide
> more than unite. I hope this email leaves everything clear and we can
> continue working in the same direction to make PyCon Cuba a reality. That
> being said, I am willing to leave the group if I am not wanted here, but I
> will not leave the group because of lies about me. I am willing to leave
> the group so that the possibilities of a PyCon in Cuba are not affected. I
> await your responses, be public or made in private via my email. If
> contacted privately via email, I will not disclose your position on the
> matter be it in favor or against my continued presence in this group.
> Best regards,
> --Roberto
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:18 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com>
>> wrote:
>> << SNIP >>
>>> I wrote this reply, however, simply to assure you that at least some
>>> people do regard this as a potentially serious issue. Sorry of you feel
>>> your claims were being taken too lightly. (and I have no idea what David
>>> Mertz's message had to do with the discussion, but I imagine he will be
>>> able to explain).
>>> regards
>>>  Steve
>> Thanks Steve.  I could be wrong but I don't think any members of this WG
>> are board members, I stand to be corrected.
>> If I were super concerned about a specific member of a Python.org
>> listserv, e.g. Diversity, I would probably find someone on the Board to
>> complain to but I'm not sure which one.  I did some reading but it didn't
>> seem Cuba-related and then the phone rang etc.
>> Kirby
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