[Python-Dev] zipfile.py
Jeremy Hylton
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 17:39:58 -0500 (EST)
>>>>> "JCA" == James C Ahlstrom <jim@interet.com> writes:
>> Aside: I found that you are using undocumented arguments to
>> zlib.compressobj() ... are these extra arguments left out of the
>> documentation on purpose or by simple oversight ? I couldn't find
>> them in the HTML docs and neither in the docstrings.
JCA> I am following the CNRI code blindly here. I don't have docs
JCA> either.
The docs for the zlib module are quite out of date, although I think
the docstrings may be better (not necessarily completely up-to-date
thought :-). The specific parameters to pass to zlib don't seem to be
documented anywhere either; IIRC I dug them out of some example C code
somewhere that used zlib to read Zip files.