[Python-Dev] Expat -- it keeps going, and going, and going ...
Vladimir Marangozov
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 18:45:01 +0100 (CET)
Paul Prescod wrote:
> There was a clear concensus at the XML-SIG developer's day discussion
> that Expat should become part of the standard distribution.
> If we can get concensus on this issue,
Paul, after this excellent argumentation, I have no choice but
voting for the concensus :)
> I will approach James Clark for a more Pythonic license.
> Right now it has an MPL license but I suspect that James will be flexible.
I expat ^H^H^Hect that from him too.
> Therefore the concrete proposal is:
> * add expat, pyexpat and a thin SAX layer to the standard Python
> distribution
no objections from me
> * rename symbols in expat if necessary
> * deprecate xmllib
Why "deprecate"? xmllib is a solution which tends to be replaced by a new one,
so chances are that in the long run, having pyexpat, development will shift
to additional XML tools which have more added value than xmllib.
But leave this choice to the user. I'm not a proponent of deprecating
existing solutions. xmllib may perfectly fit some people's needs.
In short, let the time deprecate xmllib. Okay for pyexpat, but leave xmllib
as is. Oh yes, I know that for a purist, xmllib is already deprecated ;-).
> * continue development of the XML toolkit for non-core tools
This would be reasonable. If a better core techno exists, glue it, and
build additional services ot top of that.
Vladimir MARANGOZOV | Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252