[Python-Dev] Python Tools/

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:24:41 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "M" == M  <mal@lemburg.com> writes:

    M> To my surprise these executable files did not have a .py
    M> extension even though were Python source files. Is this 
    M> intended ? I find that scripts like "world" provide useful
    M> information which would be nice to have in the standard
    M> lib -- with .py extension...

I hadn't thought about making world a module, but if others agree, I
can play a little CVS magic to move the file to world.py.

    M> I noted that at least in my CVS tree the Tools/ht2html dir does
    M> not include any executable: have I missed something ?

If you do a `cvs up -P' (-P for prune) you'll find that that directory
goes away.  At one point I started to add the ht2html scripts to the
Python tools, but then we decided not to.  Unfortunately, once a
directory's been added to CVS it can never be removed (hence -P).

If you're really interested in the ht2html scripts, which are used to
build the Python.Org and JPython.Org sites (as well as my personal
pages), please see

