[Python-Dev] problems importing _tkinter on Linux build
Barry A. Warsaw
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 09:35:32 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>> "TM" == Trent Mick <trentm@ActiveState.com> writes:
TM> Duh, learning about LD_LIBRARY_PATH (set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
TM> /usr/local/lib) and everything is hunky dory. I presumed that
TM> /usr/local/lib would be on the default search path for shared
TM> libraries. Bad assumption I guess.
Also, look at the -R flag to ld. In my experience (primarily on
Solaris), any time you compiled with a -L flag you absolutely /had/ to
include a similar -R flag, otherwise you'd force all your users to set