[Python-Dev] FW: regarding the Python Developer posting...
Tim Peters
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 19:31:41 -0400
Dan, anyone can mail to python-dev@python.org.
Everyone else, this appears to be a followup on the Mac OSX compiler error.
Dan, I replied to that on comp.lang.python; if you have bugs to report
(platform-specific or otherwise) against the current CVS tree, SourceForge
is the best place to do it. Since the 1.6 release is history, it's too late
to change anything there.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wolfe [mailto:dkwolfe@pacbell.net]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 5:35 PM
To: tim_one@email.msn.com
Subject: regarding the Python Developer posting...
Howdy Tim,
I can't send to the development list so your gonna have to suffer... ;-)
With regards to:
>cc -g -O2 -I./../Include -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c -o unicodectype.o
>cc: Internal compiler error: program cpp-precomp got fatal signal
>*** [unicodectype.o] Error 1
>make: *** [Objects] Error 2
>dhcppc4:~/Python-1.6] root#
I believe it's a bug in the cpp pre-comp as it also appears under 2.0.
I've been able to work around it by passing -traditional-cpp to the
compiler and it doesn't complain... ;-) I'll take it up with Stan Steb
(the compiler guy) when I go into work on Monday.
Now if I can just figure out the test_sre.py, I'll be happy. (eg it
compiles and runs but is still not passing all the regression tests).
- Dan