[Python-Dev] PEP 264
Tim Peters
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 17:24:20 -0400
[Michael Hudson]
> I *think* I'm done coding for implementing PEP 264; patch at:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=449043
> &group_id=5470
> I've also done a first draft of docs.
> The reason for mentioning this is I'm off on holiday tomorrow, so if
> you want changes before the proposed date for 2.2a2, you've got aobut
> 12 hours to tell me about it.
Thanks, Michael! I was out sick yesterday, but intend to get on this
tonight. You should enjoy your vacation! If it's a disaster, I'll probably
villify you on python-dev, but will fix it anyway <wink>.
> ...
> In related news, the material on nested scopes in the appendix of the
> refman should be moved out of the appendix. Someone who's not typing
> down a modem can do that.
I'm trusting that somebody else understood what that part meant.