[Python-Dev] PEPS, version control, release intervals

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 16:53:00 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "AMK" == Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@cnri.reston.va.us> writes:

  AMK> On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 03:22:21PM -0600, Skip Montanaro wrote:
  >> heartburn.  To release 2.1 on 4/1/01 as PEP 226 suggests it will
  >> be with more language changes that could cause problems for
  >> existing code (weak refs and nested scopes get mentioned all the
  >> time) seems a bit fast, especially since the status of two
  >> relevant PEPs are "incomplete" and "draft", respectively.

  AMK> Note that making new releases come out more quickly was one of
  AMK> GvR's goals.  With frequent releases, much of the motivation
  AMK> for a Linux-style development/production split goes away; new
  AMK> Linux kernels take about 2 years to appear, and in that time
  AMK> people still need to get driver fixes, security updates, and so
  AMK> forth.  There seem far fewer things worth fixing in a Python
  AMK> 2.0.1; the wiki contains one critical patch and 5 misc. ones.

  AMK> A more critical issue might be why people haven't adopted 2.0
  AMK> yet; there seems little reason is there to continue using
  AMK> 1.5.2, yet I still see questions on the XML-SIG, for example,
  AMK> from people who haven't upgraded.  Is it that Zope doesn't
  AMK> support it?  Or that Red Hat and Debian don't include it?  This
  AMK> needs fixing, or else we'll wind up with a community scattered
  AMK> among lots of different versions.

  AMK> (I hope someone is going to include all these issues in the
  AMK> agenda for "Collaborative Devel. Issues" on Developers' Day!
  AMK> They're certainly worth discussing...)

What is the agenda for this session on Developers' Day?  Since we're
the developers, it would be cool to know in advance.  Same question
for the Py3K session.  It seems to be the right time for figuring out
what we need to discuss at DD.
