[Python-Dev] distutils change breaks code, Pyfort

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@digicool.com
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:06:20 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "PFD" == Paul F Dubois <paul@pfdubois.com> writes:

  PFD> The requirement of a version argument to the distutils command
  PFD> breaks Pyfort and many of my existing packages. These packages
  PFD> are not intended for use with the distribution commands and a
  PFD> package version number would be meaningless.

  PFD> I will make a new Pyfort that supplies a version number to the
  PFD> call it makes to setup. However, I think this change to
  PFD> distutils is a poor idea. If the version number would be
  PFD> required for the distribution commands, let *them* complain,
  PFD> perhaps by setting a default value of
  PFD> time.asctime(time.gmtime()) or something that the distribution
  PFD> commands could object to.

  PFD> I apologize if I missed an earlier discussion of this change
  PFD> that seems to be in 2.1b2 but not 2.1b1, as I am new to this
  PFD> list.

I haven't read any discussion of distutils changes that was discussed
on this list.  It's a good question, though.  Should distutils be
allowed to change between beta releases in a way that breaks user

There are two possibilities:

1. Guido has decided that distutils release cycles need not be related
   to Python release cycles.  He has said as much for pydoc.  If so,
   the timing of the change is just an unhappy coincidence.

2. Distutils is considered to be part of the standard library and
   should follow the same rules as the rest of the library.  No new
   features after the first beta release, just bug fixes.  And no
   incompatible changes without ample warning.

I think that distutils is mature enough to follow the second set of
rules -- and that the change should be reverted before the final
