[Python-Dev] [Very Long 23kb] List of Patches to Go in 2.0.1

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 12:51:27 -0500

Whew!  What a thankless job, Moshe -- thank you!  Comments on a few:

> Objects/complexobject.c, 2.34->2.35
> SF bug [ #409448 ] Complex division is braindead
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=409448&group_id=547
> 0&atid=105470

As we've seen, that caused a std test to fail on Mac Classic, due to an
accident of fused f.p. code generation and what sure looks like a PowerPC HW
bug.  It can also change numeric results slightly due to different order of
f.p. operations on any platform.  So this would not be a "pure bugfix" in
Aahz's view, despite that it's there purely to fix bugs <wink>.

> Modules/selectmodule.c, 1.83->1.84
> SF bug 110843:  Low FD_SETSIZE limit on Win32 (PR#41).  Boosted to 512.

I'm afraid that boosting implementation limits has to be considered "a

> Objects/rangeobject.c, 2.20->2.22
> Fixed support for containment test when a negative step is used; this
> *really* closes bug #121965.
> Added three attributes to the xrange object: start, stop, and step.
> These are the same as for the slice objects.
> In the containment test, get the boundary condition right.  ">" was used
> where ">=" should have been.
> This closes bug #121965.

This one Aahz singled out previously as a canonical example of a patch he
would *not* include, because adding new attributes seemed potentially
disruptive to him (but why?  maybe someone was depending on the precise value
of len(dir(xrange(42)))?).