[Python-Dev] why doesn't print pass unicode strings on to the file object?
Fredrik Lundh
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 18:11:48 +0200
is there any reason why "print" cannot pass unicode
strings on to the underlying write method?
it would be really nice if this piece of code worked as
import sys
class Wrapper:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file =3D file
def write(self, data):
self.file.write(data.encode("iso-8859-1", "replace"))
sys.stdout =3D Wrapper(sys.stdout)
print u"=E5=E4=F6"
under 2.2a2 (and earlier versions), this gives me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\test.py", line 8, in ?
print u"=E5=E4=F6"
UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
(I'm willing to implement this, if the BDFL says so)