[Python-Dev] ACCEPTED: PEP 285
David Ascher
Wed, 03 Apr 2002 16:14:46 -0800
Neal Norwitz wrote:
> David Ascher wrote:
> > Come to think of it, getting PyChecker integrated w/ the interactive
> > shell would be great! Hard, I suspect, but great!
> Not too hard:
> >>> from pychecker import checker
> >>> import test_bool
> test_bool.py:6: Comparisions with True are not necessary
> test_bool.py:7: Comparisions with False are not necessary
> If you always wanted this, you could add a PYTHONSTARTUP script
> to do the import or you could add/modify sitecustomize.py.
That's nice, but it doesn't deal with the real novice's usage, which is
to learn at the >>> prompt, not in modules.
E:\tmp>cat > foo.py
cat: Reading input from keyboard:
def foo():
a = 3
return 3
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>>> from pychecker import checker
>>> import foo
foo.py:2: Local variable (a) not used
that's nice, but:
>>> def foo():
... a = 3
... return 3
The fact that it doesn't pick up on the unused variable is too bad. The
integration I'm thinking of would be deeper.