[Python-Dev] Mesenne Twister copyright notice
Jack Jansen
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 00:58:49 +0100
On zondag, dec 29, 2002, at 00:13 Europe/Amsterdam, Martin v. L=F6wis=20
> a) we could refuse to incorporate the code in question, or postpone=20
> that until an alternative implementation comes along that does not=20
> have such requirements, or
This sounds like overkill.
> b) we could try to contact the authors of the code in question, to=20
> find out whether they would accept other means of acknowledgement=20
> (e.g. mentioning their names in the ACKS file, and putting some text=20=
> into the copied source - as Raymond already did)
This is probably a good idea. Alternatively, there's another option:
c) Add a special directory (Misc/Licenses comes to mind, copy it to=20
lib/python2.3/config/Licenses on install) that has the text files for=20
the various packages that require their license to be in a file of its=20=
own. We could even get all fancy, and install only those licenses for=20
which the corresponding code is actually used.
> It is certainly the case that we haven't been very careful with such=20=
> things in the past (in particular in binary distributions), but that=20=
> is IMO no excuse to be more careful now.
MacPython has always been fairly careful about this, and I wouldn't be=20=
surprised if the same holds for PythonWin.
- Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com> =20
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack -
- If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma=20
Goldman -