[Python-Dev] To post or not to post, that is the question...

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 14:07:26 -0600

    Martin> I don't like it when people post questions of the "how do I=

    Martin> ... in Python" kind that you typically see on python-list -=
    Martin> is not a list to get better help :-)

Somewhat au contraire from this neck of the woods...  In my Unicode fil=
thread I decided it would be best to post here for a couple reasons:

    * I figured most good answers would come from Martin and Marc-Andr=E8=

    * It's not clear that the "right way" to do this stuff appears to b=
      settled, which I think has been proven out somewhat by the extend=
      thread and the long thread Jack started about Unicode and getargs=
