[Python-Dev] Ouch -- CVS troubles with 2.1.2c1

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:26:32 -0500

Trying to add a new file to the release21-maint branch caused CVS commit to
die with an assertion error:

C:\Code\python\dist\src\PCbuild>cvs commit uninstal.wse
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/PCbuild/Attic/uninstal.wse,v
cvs: commit.c:2104: checkaddfile: Assertion `*rcsnode == ((void *)0)'
Terminated with fatal signal 6
CVS.EXE commit: saving log message in c:\windows\TEMP\3

Trying again finds a stale lock:

C:\Code\python\dist\src\PCbuild>cvs commit uninstal.wse
cvs server: [12:22:36] waiting for tim_one's lock in
cvs server: [12:23:06] waiting for tim_one's lock in

Anyone got a clue?