[Python-Dev] Single- vs. Multi-pass iterability
Clark C . Evans
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 10:49:35 -0400
On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 10:09:13AM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote:
| > I don't think it is too late. 90% ++ of the python code base out
| > there doesn't use iterators yet... people are still wrapping their
| > minds around it to see how they can use it in their applications.
| > If it was publicly stated that this could be "fixed" in the next
| > version I don't think that it would hurt. These things happen,
| > and sometimes its best to "roll back". Programmers understand this.
| I find this really hard to believe, given that such a big deal has
| been made of iterators. i
None of my code uses explicit use of iterators, and I was very
aware of them. My new code that I'm building now does, but it
wouldn't take much effort to fix it. I myself personally would
rather keep Python "clean" of blemish. For the most part,
Python is really free of dragons and that's why I like it. I'm
willing to put up with short-term pain for long term gain. Unlike
Java or Visual Basic, I intend to be programming in Python 10+
years from now; so from my perspective, it is an investment.
Plus, most features don't get used by the public for at least
a year or so as it takes a while for the code-examples to
start using them and books to be updated.
| Care to conduct a survey on c.l.py?
Sure. I'll run the survey and report back. What would
be the options? It'll be a simple CGI form using a radio
or check boxes and a button. I'll aggregate the results.
To do this I need:
- A specific description of what would change
- An example of what would break, plus what it would
be replaced with.
- An explanation of what problems occur when the
blemish isn't fixed (what can't you do?)
| Given that it's really only a very minor problem, I'd rather not
| expend the effort to 'fix" this.
Well, if it is a minor problem, it shouldn't be that hard to fix.
*evil grins*
Clark C. Evans Axista, Inc.
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