[Python-Dev] Re: staticforward
Jeremy Hylton
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 19:05:27 -0400
- Previous message: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Objects dictobject.c,2.127,2.128
floatobject.c,2.113,2.114 intobject.c,2.84,2.85 listobject.c,2.120,2.121
longobject.c,1.119,1.120 rangeobject.c,2.42,2.43 stringobject.c,2.169,2.170
tupleobject.c,2.69,2.70 typeobject.c,2.160,2.161 unicodeobject.c,2.155,2.156
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>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com> writes:
SM> Why not just add the necessary goo to configure so it does work
SM> for the various reported cases?
Because there are not first-hand reported cases. The only case
that MAL has mentioned is an unnecessary use of staticforward with an
array declaration and later initialization in a third-party extension
module. There's nothing in the core that needs help from configure.
- Previous message: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Objects dictobject.c,2.127,2.128
floatobject.c,2.113,2.114 intobject.c,2.84,2.85 listobject.c,2.120,2.121
longobject.c,1.119,1.120 rangeobject.c,2.42,2.43 stringobject.c,2.169,2.170
tupleobject.c,2.69,2.70 typeobject.c,2.160,2.161 unicodeobject.c,2.155,2.156
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