[Python-Dev] Re: New bugtracker project
Mats Wichmann
Wed, 22 May 2002 11:04:50 -0600
MySQL licensing:
> 4) Recent versions only come with GPLed client libs, ie. the
> application using them gets infected by the GPL. The whole
> license issue is a general mess: see
> http://www.mysql.com/downloads/mysql-max-4.0.html
This isn't quite true, mysql-max includes some extra stuff
so it itself got "infected", if you want to use that term.
That's why it's packaged as a separate "product".
The general statement is this:
A license is not required if:
=B7 You include the MySQL client code in a commercial program. The=20
client part of MySQL is licensed under the LGPL GNU Library General Public=
License. The mysql command-line client does include code from the readline=
library that is under the GPL, however.
(see http://www.mysql.com/support/arrangements.html)