[Python-Dev] Re: cvs hosting

Terry Reedy tjreedy@udel.edu
Sat Aug 2 07:07:59 EDT 2003

"Michal Wallace" <michal@sabren.com> wrote in message
> Oh, and... I saw in the archives that there
> was talk of moving off sourceforge. I do
> commercial CVS pserver hosting:
>   http://www.versionhost.com/
> Other than CVS itself, it's entirely powered
> by python, and I'd be honored to host the
> official python repository. (For free, of
> course!)

FWIW, Michal's other post gave a link to his pirate project

I checked it out and noted that he is running a newer version of
ViewCVS than SourceForge (0.9.2 vs 0.8 -- main visible diff is an
explicit 'text' download link) and appears to be running against the
actual repository rather than a 'backup up to 24 hours old'.   (I
could get 2 hour old revision).  In a short and inadequate test, it
seems to be as least as snappy as SF.

Terry J. Reedy

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