[Python-Dev] Traceback problem

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:34:48 +0100

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Sure, as long as it is part of Stackless and not of Python proper.
> Actually, I've wanted a reset_exc() call from time to time.  What is the
> barrer to having in the core?
> I believe that Stackless supports Python 2.1 or older, and we're not
> adding features.  Even if Stackless supported Python 2.2, adding a new
> feature would be iffy.
> This has nothing to do with Stackless,
> Well, Christian explained that it was a problem because they have
> 1000s of threads.

Yeah. But standard CPython can exploit the same thing, with a
handful of real threads, which happen to catch exceptions
from, say, a very deep, very memory consming chain of frames.
These are all kept alive, and from the documentation,
people don't expect this!


> I don't have time to write the code, but I'll entertain a patch before
> 2.3b1.

I was about to supply a patch, that's why I asked for
the right syntax. Do you want an extra function of which name,
or do you like a default arg to exc_info?
Both patches should not take me more than 1/2 hour, or I
should better give up on programming and become a farmer.

no-offense-to-farmers,-they-are-probably-the-happier-people -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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