[Python-Dev] Re: native code compiler? (or, OCaml vs. Python)

Christopher A. Craig list-python-dev@ccraig.org
31 Jan 2003 10:10:48 -0500

Graham Guttocks <graham_guttocks@yahoo.co.nz> writes:

> Well, I apologize for bringing up a subject you don't enjoy
> talking about. Has anyone ever told you guys that you don't
> handle constructive criticism well? I've seen it as a lurker
> on this list as well as c.l.p, and now firsthand. 

This list has no problem with constructive criticism.  The list has a
problem with anything being posted to the list that doesn't have to do
with the current development of Python.

These posts fall in two major catagories:

1) Features or bugs that somebody wants written, but isn't willing to
write.  This is the Python Developers list not the Python Feature
Request List.  It is intended for you to discuss the changes you are
making or proposing to make to the language, not to request that your
pet project be written by the other readers.  A bug reporting
mechanism exists, and this isn't it.

2) Questions that have been asked a million times and are already on
the web page or in the FAQ.

You've managed to fall in both catagories.  Merriam-Webster defines
"constructive" as "promoting improvement or development" and
"promoting" as "to contribute to the growth or prosperity of."  It's
hard to see how bringing up a question that was answered in the FAQ
over a year ago is contributing to the growth of anything.  Yet you
got not one, but two replies from Guido who both told you exactly why
native code generation hasn't been done and that the rest of the
answer was in the FAQ.  If it's so easy to do, and so worthwhile, do
it.  I have more tractable things to spend my time on.

> Have you forgotten that without users and potential users 
> Guido, Python would cease to exist?

Why? It certainly came into being with only developers.  I think if
only they ever used it, they would still consider it a worthwhile

Christopher A. Craig <list-python-dev@ccraig.org>
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