[Python-Dev] Re: Introduction

Raymond Hettinger python@rcn.com
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 20:44:00 -0400

> FWIW, I stumbled across an implementation of contracts for Python that
> works more or less in the manner you describe:

With the new surge of interest in metaclasses, I expect many
competing DBC implementations to come into existence.  An early
commitment to one of them may preclude better ideas from
getting a chance.

Another thought is that all of the machinery is in place to enable
a library of cooperating metaclass tools as envisioned by
Forman and Danforth's metaclass book.  Any metaclass work
included in the distribution ought to make allowances for
being included side-by-side with threadsafety metaclasses,
logging metaclasses, auto property creators, auto delegators,
and such.

In summary, I prefer that DBC not be PEPed.  Instead, let things
grow on SF, the cookbook, the vaults, and private offerings.

'nuff said,

Raymond Hettinger