[Python-Dev] Re: Introduction
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 15:59:58 -0700
On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 05:17:10PM +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
> But I disagree fairly strongly with the idea of having pre/post
> conditions in docstrings. That is *not* what docstrings are for.
> Docstrings are documentation, not arbitrary metadata.
> How about this as a proposal? Attach pre and post conditions to a
> functions as function attributes. A silly example:
FWIW, I stumbled across an implementation of contracts for Python that
works more or less in the manner you describe:
I agree that contracts shouldn't be in docstrings. I confess though,
that is because I know editor indenting and syntax highlighting won't
handle it smoothly ;)
-- Agthorr