[Python-Dev] IDLEfork Re-integration into Python

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Sun, 8 Jun 2003 10:47:13 +0200

Jack Jansen wrote:

> > No, but... What advantage would be gained by a deeper nesting?
> Uhm... Nothing really:-) except that everything that depends on
> Tkinter is in there, I thought this was by design (so you can remove
> it if you aren't interested in Tkinter).

Well, _much_ of Idle depends in Tk, but not everything. There is quite
some good stuff in there that is either directly useful for other IDE
writers, or at least have the potential to be refactored to that effect. 

(That said, if Idle ends up in Lib/, it should really be a package since
it contains quite a few modules with rather generic names; but I assume
that's indeed the plan, given the comment in IdleFork's __init__.py
