[Python-Dev] Py2.3 Todo List

Martin v. Löwis martin@v.loewis.de
21 Jun 2003 21:11:33 +0200

"M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@lemburg.com> writes:

> > I am not aware of such a plan, and it is
> > not part of the approved PEP 263. I would strongly object to such a
> > change.
> Why is that ? The proposed APIs will work just like their
> counterparts for the internal Unicode/string conversion which
> have proven to quiet down discussions about choosing ASCII
> as default encoding.

But do they have done good? I don't consider quieting down of
discussions a good thing per se.

> "Practicality beats purity."

That is, unfortunately, convincing. I'll certainly bow to BDFL
pronouncement, but I don't have to like this feature.

So I withdraw my observation that this would be out of scope for the
next beta. I'll hope that nobody volunteers to implement it, anyway
:-) Any potential implementer, please find a way to integrate this
with IDLE: In absence of a declared source encoding, IDLE should then
probably assume that source files are in the system source encoding.
