2.3b2 this weekend (was Re: [Python-Dev] Yet more SRE)

Barry Warsaw barry@python.org
28 Jun 2003 16:59:56 -0400

On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 16:25, Jack Jansen wrote:

> I will start with bug 762147, and (if Barry or someone else from Python 
> Labs can give me the okay for a location somewhere on www.python.org) 
> 762150.

Jack, did you see my pvt reply on this from last night?

Once again, I have a gig tonight (Cravin' Dogs CD release party
<shameless plug> :), but I'll be available most of the day tomorrow.
I can't do the python.org twiddling until then.

I suggest that folks coordinating on the Python release meet up on
irc.freenode.net #python-dev.  I haven't talked to Tim yet, but expect a
cvs freeze tomorrow -- let's say by 12:00 noon EDT.
