[Python-Dev] Re: Capabilities
Guido van Rossum
Sun, 09 Mar 2003 20:08:20 -0500
> > 2. Mandatory private data (accessible only by the object itself).
> > Normal Python doesn't have mandatory private data. If I
> > understand correctly, both rexec and proxies (attempt to) provide
> > this. They also attempt to provide another safety feature: a
> > wrapper around the standard library and builtins that turns off
> > access to dangerous features according to an overridable security
> > policy.
[Zooko, responding to himself]
> Perhaps it is that "restricted execution" is designed to provide
> private data, by disabling certain introspection features, and
> "rexec" and "proxies" are designed to provide the wrapper feature?
Not really. Restricted execution doesn't provide private data in
general: all instance variables of all user-defined classes are
accessible to restricted code. However, restricted execution prevents
introspection paths that can lead from a function or bound method to
its globals or object, respectively, thereby effectively turning
functions and bound methods into capabilities.
Security proxies can be used to enforce private data, however.
The "rexec" module is used to wrap the standard library. Its approach
is the following, implemented by overriding __import__:
- For modules written in Python, it gives the untrusted code a
separate copy of the module, so that the untrusted code can't mess
with module globals that might have a meaning to the trusted kernel.
- For extension modules (i.e. modules written in C), it has a list of
trusted modules, it provides wrappers for some others that only
allow a safe subset, and all others are completely off limits.
It also wraps open() and a few other built-ins.
--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)