[Python-Dev] Re: Using emacs' unexec to speed Python startup (was Re: [Python-Dev] Startup time)

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 19 May 2003 09:40:21 -0500

    >> First off, I sure doubt that this feature could be truly made
    >> "non-experimental" before 2.3 is released.  There was one "strange
    >> bug" so far (the signal thing), though that was quickly solved (with
    >> another change to the core Python source code).

    Barry> Yeah, I was just tired and rambling after a long weekend. :)

On the other hand, I think it would be nice to check it into the sandbox if
it's not already there.  If licensing is an issue, just include a README
file which says, "Get thus-and-such from a recent Emacs (or XEmacs?)
