[Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins]python/dist/src/Objects unicodeobject.c, 2.197, 2.198

M.-A. Lemburg mal at lemburg.com
Mon Sep 22 05:21:48 EDT 2003

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Tim]
>>>I don't know why Martin favors wchar_t when possible.  The answer to
>>>that isn't clear.
> [Martin v. Löwis]
>>If the wchar_t is "usable", some routines (notably PU_AsWideChar) are
>>slightly more efficient, so I'd like to make wchar_t "usable" as much
>>as possible.
> OK.  So is there an end to this thread <0.9 wink>?  At the moment, it
> appears there's no identified reason to care about signedness of a
> greater-than 16-bit type, 

Sure there is: first of all, having a single type that can
be signed on some platforms and unsigned on others is a bad
thing per se and second the 32-bit signed wchar_t value was
what triggered this thread in the first place.

> good reason to insist that a 16-bit type is
> unsigned, and that it's desirable for HAVE_USABLE_WCHAR_T to get defined
> when possible.  What more does it take to bury this?  If it's Unixish config
> chagnes, they won't be coming from me (the Windows build uses an unsigned
> 16-bit wchar_t).

That's what it takes, right. I'll work on it.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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