[Python-Dev] Re: pre-PEP: Complete, Structured Regular Expression Group Matching

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Sat Aug 7 16:16:09 CEST 2004

Mike Coleman <mkc at mathdogs.com> writes:

> Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net> writes:
>> Generally, it strikes me as mildly useful.  An implementation would
>> surely help :-)
> If yours is the most positive review, there probably won't be one.  :-)

Well, I thought *someone* should say *something*, just to stop the
proto-pep being lost.  Have you sent it to the PEP editor yet?  I
think it's ready enough.

The reason that I only said "mildly useful" was because I didn't think
"OMG!  I would so have liked to use this yesterday" or anything like

> Seriously, though, I'd readily concede that there are different
> approaches to solving this problem, and I was hoping for some
> feedback and suggestions before I start whacking at the code.  I
> also have considered the possibility that although this has been
> driving me nuts that few others will care--if this is true, it
> probably *shouldn't* go in the core libraries.

It depends a bit on whether it can be implemented as an addition in a
non-painful way, or whether editing the sre code makes it very much
easier.  I don't know the answer, mind.

>>> [mismatch index return]
>> I don't really like this idea; it seems to be that it would be more
>> helpful to raise an exception and attach this data to the exception.
>> But that's a bit inconsisent with how match and search work.
> Hmm.  Yeah, if it weren't for the value of matching re.match semantics, it
> would make a lot more sense for this to be an exception.  As it is, I could
> see it going either way. 

I think you could make a case for raising an exception; the point of
structmatch is to extract information, whereas at least sometimes you
call re.match just to see if the data matches the pattern.

> Or I suppose you could add a flag to determine which (but ugh).

Err, let's not go there.


  Lisp nearing the age of 50 is the most modern language out
  there. GC, dynamic, reflective, the best OO model extant including
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