[Python-Dev] Re: Empty keyword

Sylvain Hellegouarch sh at defuze.org
Thu Jun 10 08:43:49 EDT 2004


I didn't see the difference. Of course, I will be more careful in the 

I must say though that if was not clear to me, it might not be clear for 
some other people. It might sound obvious of course... but hey errare 
humanum est :)

- Sylvain

Terry Reedy wrote:
>>It miht sound stupid or useless, or maybe someone has already mentioned
>>it but sometimes I wish Python could provdie an "Empty" keyword like The
>>"None" one.
> None is not a keyword.  When it is, it will be more like a 'keyname'
> (unrebindable name).
>>if len(mylist) == 0:
> as someone else said, 'if not mylist:'
>>Anyhow, I must say that I didn't see any clear statement about what
>>should go here or there, I naively thought it would be the best place.
> My opinion: until you understand Python as it is and are contributing to
> its future development and have watched the development list for at least a
> couple of months (as I did), I think it better to stick to
> comp.lang.python.  After seven years with Python, I still restrain my
> posting here ;-)  In any case, some of the main developers also read c.l.p
> and will mention here things that need to be.
> Terry J. Reedy
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