[Python-Dev] HTML side by side diff patch 914575

Dan Gass dan.gass at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 22:58:10 EDT 2004


I appreciate your feedback, based on it I'm currently tinkering with
the HTML to figure out a better way.  Would you (and RH?) be
interested in reviewing it when I'm done to see if you can think of
any improvements?  After I'm done mocking up some HTML I'll implement
it and go ahead and resubmit the patch.

I think I figured out how to use tables to do what you want but still
have the look I want.  I'm also going to switch to utilize the viewCVS
color scheme.  Please note that some of your "next" alignment problems
may be caused by the text size setting.  I've seen certain text size
settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer that don't work as well.  I
typically select the smallest text size and never have problems.  I'm
hoping to make this a non-issue with what I'm going to propose.

Dan Gass

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