[Python-Dev] Compiling the Python sources with a C++ compiler (aCC)

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Jun 27 12:20:30 EDT 2004

On 27-jun-04, at 13:56, Paul Sheer wrote:

>> Neil Hodgson:
>>    I think it is unlikely that such a large patch and resulting C++
>> compatibility policy will be accepted.
>> Paul Svensson:
>> The Pythin sorces are written in C; that they fail to compile
>> when usung a compiler for a different language is a feature, not a 
>> bug.
> of course :-)
> however, most of the changes are good coding practice in any case.
> the rest are outright inconsistencies in the python source
> and ought to be fixed -
> for instance, the macros 'PyMODINIT_FUNC' and 'staticforward'
> are *not* used with consistency

This part of your patch should be fairly uncontroversial (but: I've not 
read your patch and I'm not a Python developer).

I'd seperate your patch into two patches, one containing only this part 
of your patch and another containing the changes that are necessary to 
compile with a C++ compiler.

> in all, the patch is merely one-liner style changes, and
> nothing more. The patch is not large.
> on a philosophical note, one could have said that the Python
> sources were POSIX, and: "the fact that they fail to compile
> when using a different OS is a feature not a bug."

That might be because Python started out on a non-POSIX platform (IIRC) 

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