[Python-Dev] Let's get rid of unbound methods

Shane Holloway (IEEE) shane.holloway at ieee.org
Wed Jan 5 17:44:31 CET 2005

Alex Martelli wrote:
> def f(*a): pass class C(object): pass class D(object): pass C.f = D.f
> = f
> If now we want C.f.im_class to differ from D.f.im_class then we need
> f to get copied implicitly when it's assigned to C.f (or, of course,
> when C.f is accessed... but THAT might be substantial overhead). OK,
> I guess, as long as we don't expect any further attribute setting on
> f to affect C.f or D.f (and I don't know of any real use case where
> that would be needed).

You'd have to do a copy anyway, because f() is still a module-level
callable entity. I also agree with Glyph that im_class should only
really be set in the case of methods defined within the class block.

Also, interestingly, removing unbound methods makes another thing possible.

     class A(object):
         def foo(self): pass

     class B(object):
         foo = A.foo

     class C(object):
     C.foo = A.foo

I'd really like to avoid making copies of functions for the sake of
reload() and edit-and-continue functionality. Currently we can track
down everything that has a reference to foo, and replace it with newfoo.
With copies, this would more difficult.


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