[Python-Dev] PEP 309 (Was: Patch review: [ 1094542 ] add Bunch type to collections module)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 10:49:48 CET 2005

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 01:07:06 -0700, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> I really would like to see such a class in the stdlib, as it's something that
> pretty much everyone ends up rewriting.  I certainly don't claim my
> implementation to be a good reference (it isn't).  But perhaps it can be
> useful to the discussion as an example of a 'battle-tested' such class, flaws
> and all.

On the subject of  "things everyone ends up rewriting", what needs to
be done to restart discussion on PEP 309 (Partial Function
Application)? The PEP is marked "Accepted" and various patches exist:

941881 - C implementation
1006948 - Windows build changes
931010 - Unit Tests
931007 - Documentation
931005 - Reference implementation (in Python)

I get the impression that there are some outstanding tweaks required
to the Windows build, but I don't have VS.NET to check and/or update
the patch.

Does this just need a core developer to pick it up? I guess I'll go
off and do some patch/bug reviews...


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