[Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

Bruce Eckel BruceEckel-Python3234 at mailblocks.com
Sat Oct 8 00:26:47 CEST 2005

> //Theoretically// I suspect that the system /could/ perform as well as
> traditional approaches to dealing with concurrent problems single threaded
> (and multi-thread/process).

I also think it's important to factor in the possibility of
multiprocessors. If Kamaelia (for example) has a very safe and
straightforward programming model so that more people are easily able
to use it, but it has some performance impact over more complex
systems, I think the ease of use issue opens up far greater
possibilities if you include multiprocessing -- because if you can
easily write concurrent programs in Python, then Python could gain a
significant advantage over less agile languages when multiprocessors
become common. That is, with multiprocessors, it could be way easier
to write a program in Python that also runs way faster than the
competition. Yes, of course given enough time they might theoretically
be able to write a program that is as fast or faster using their
threading mechanism, but it would be so hard by comparison that
they'll either never get it done or never be sure if it's reliable.

That's what I'm looking for.

Bruce Eckel    http://www.BruceEckel.com   mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at mailblocks.com
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